Works (6)
2021 journal article
Aerodynamic Tethered Sails for Scientific Balloon Trajectory Control: Small-Scale Experimental Demonstration
JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, 58(5), 1010–1021.
2020 journal article
Mathematical modeling and parametric study of a planar Tumbleweed rover demonstrator

2019 journal article
Aerodynamic Sails for Passive Guidance of High-Altitude Balloons: Static-Stability and Equilibrium Performance
JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, 56(5), 1849–1857.

2019 journal article
Modelling and performance analysis of a tether and sail-based trajectory control system for extra-terrestrial scientific balloon missions
ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 160, 527–537.

2017 journal article
Spotted Gar and the Evolution of Innate Immune Receptors
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 328(7), 666–684.

2017 article
Tether enabled spacecraft systems for ultra long wavelength radio astronomy
Gemmer, T., Yoder, C. D., Reedy, J., & Mazzoleni, A. P. (2017, September). ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, Vol. 138, pp. 530–535.