@article{yoder_agrawal_motes_mazzoleni_2021, title={Aerodynamic Tethered Sails for Scientific Balloon Trajectory Control: Small-Scale Experimental Demonstration}, volume={58}, ISSN={["1533-3868"]}, DOI={10.2514/1.C036057}, abstractNote={High-altitude scientific balloons are often prohibited from flying due to the risk associated with flying over populated areas. One solution to this problem is the use of a trajectory control syste...}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT}, author={Yoder, Christopher D. and Agrawal, Saurabh and Motes, A. Gerrit and Mazzoleni, Andre P.}, year={2021}, month={Sep}, pages={1010–1021} } @article{sardeshmukh_yoder_talaski_mazzoleni_2020, title={Mathematical modeling and parametric study of a planar Tumbleweed rover demonstrator}, volume={177}, ISSN={["1879-2030"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.06.035}, abstractNote={Spherical wind-blown Tumbleweed rovers have the potential to significantly expand the type of interplanetary terrain that can be explored on planets such as Mars. Multiple tumbleweed designs have been studied by NASA’s Langley Research Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and one promising design, the box-kite model, relies on internal sails to maneuver over rough terrains with the help of mass actuation within the rover chassis for directional control. This paper sets out to parametrically study the effect of actuating masses on Tumbleweed rover performance. As a first step towards evaluating the performance of a spherical Tumbleweed rover, we study a planar model in this paper. To accomplish our parametric study, a dynamic model and control scheme for a planar tumbleweed rover has been developed with four moving masses within the structure, and a prototype was built based on the model and proposed control scheme. The prototype was used to establish the validity of the dynamic model, and the dynamic model was then used to study the effect of rover diameter, mass actuation speed, and chassis-mass-to-actuating-mass ratios on the performance of the tumbleweed rover. From these studies it was found that the final angular speed of the rover decreases with increasing rover diameter, while the rover linear speed increases with diameter. The time taken to reach a desired angular speed was found to increase with increasing rover diameter for all cases. Additionally, final rover angular speed and linear speed were shown to increase with actuating-mass-to-chassis-mass ratio, and the time taken for reaching a desired angular speed and linear speed, i.e. settling time, was found to decrease with increasing actuating-mass-to-chassis-mass ratio.}, journal={ACTA ASTRONAUTICA}, author={Sardeshmukh, Paurav A. and Yoder, Christopher D. and Talaski, Daria J. and Mazzoleni, Andre P.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={48–57} } @article{waghela_yoder_gopalarathnam_mazzoleni_2019, title={Aerodynamic Sails for Passive Guidance of High-Altitude Balloons: Static-Stability and Equilibrium Performance}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1533-3868"]}, DOI={10.2514/1.C035353}, abstractNote={Balloon trajectory control remains a sought-after goal for the current scientific ballooning community. In this work, a trajectory control system capable of passively guiding a high-altitude balloo...}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT}, author={Waghela, R. and Yoder, C. D. and Gopalarathnam, A. and Mazzoleni, A. P.}, year={2019}, pages={1849–1857} } @article{yoder_gemmer_mazzoleni_2019, title={Modelling and performance analysis of a tether and sail-based trajectory control system for extra-terrestrial scientific balloon missions}, volume={160}, ISSN={["1879-2030"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.12.030}, abstractNote={Balloon systems show great promise for exploring the atmospheres of extra-terrestrial bodies in the solar system. The balloon system concept was demonstrated by the aerostats aboard the Vega 1 and 2 missions sent to Venus. Such systems glean propulsion from atmospheric winds, and at present are unable to travel in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind, limiting their exploration potential. A control system capable of modifying the system trajectory by traveling in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind is desired to increase exploration potential as well as to perform tasks such as maintaining latitude. A balloon and sail system which can use wind velocity and density gradients to produce a guiding force perpendicular to the velocity of the wind is discussed here. Such a guidance system is passive in nature and requires little power for actuation and control. It was previously demonstrated that such a control system is capable of generating guiding velocities of several meters per second within the Venusian atmosphere. Furthermore, this control system was shown to be capable of achieving sufficient control for the majority of the latitudes on Venus. This work builds on previous results and demonstrates the benefits of being able to generate guiding velocities via a sail system by viewing the trajectories taken by planetary balloon systems employing such a system. First, a description of the system model is given. Next, for the atmospheres of Venus and Titan, trajectory control is demonstrated for various sail parameters, such as sail size and mass. The benefit of such control is shown by the ability to achieve various latitudes of interest for a given flight duration. These latitudes are chosen based on geographic features, such as lakes on Titan. Finally, a PI controller is added to the model to demonstrate rudimentary control of the balloon system for maintaining and changing latitudes. A brief discussion regarding the control law of the system is also provided.}, journal={ACTA ASTRONAUTICA}, author={Yoder, Christopher D. and Gemmer, Thomas R. and Mazzoleni, Andre P.}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={527–537} } @article{wcisel_ota_litman_yoder_2017, title={Spotted Gar and the Evolution of Innate Immune Receptors}, volume={328}, ISSN={1552-5007}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jez.b.22738}, DOI={10.1002/jez.b.22738}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTThe resolution of the gar genome affords an opportunity to examine the diversification and functional specialization of immune effector molecules at a distant and potentially informative point in phylogenetic development. Although innate immunity is effected by a particularly large number of different families of molecules, the focus here is to provide detailed characterization of several families of innate receptors that are encoded in large multigene families, for which orthologous forms can be identified in other species of bony fish but not in other vertebrate groups as well as those for which orthologs are present in other vertebrate species. The results indicate that although teleost fish and the gar, as a holostean reference species, share gene families thought previously to be restricted to the teleost fish, the manner in which the members of the multigene families of innate immune receptors have undergone diversification is different in these two major phylogenetic radiations. It appears that both the total genome duplication and different patterns of genetic selection have influenced the derivation and stabilization of innate immune genes in a substantial manner during the course of vertebrate evolution.}, number={7}, journal={Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Wcisel, Dustin J. and Ota, Tatsuya and Litman, Gary W. and Yoder, Jeffrey A.}, year={2017}, month={May}, pages={666–684} } @article{gemmer_yoder_reedy_mazzoleni_2017, title={Tether enabled spacecraft systems for ultra long wavelength radio astronomy}, volume={138}, ISSN={["1879-2030"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.11.009}, abstractNote={This paper describes a proposed CubeSat mission to perform unique experiments involving interferometry and tether dynamics. A 3U CubeSat is to be placed in orbit where it will separate into three 1U CubeSats connected by a total of 100 m of tether. The separation between the three units will allow for the demonstration of high resolution radio interferometry. The increased resolution will provide access to the Ultra-Long Wavelength (ULW) scale of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is largely unexplored. During and after completion of the primary experiment, the CubeSat will be able to gather data on tethered dynamics of a space vehicle. Maneuvers to be performed and studied include direct testing of tether deployment and tethered formation flying. Tether deployment is a vital area where more data is needed as this is the phase where many tethered missions have experienced complications and failures. There are a large number of complex dynamical responses predicted by the theory associated with the deployment of an orbiting tethered system. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct an experiment that provides data on what dynamic responses actually occur.}, journal={ACTA ASTRONAUTICA}, author={Gemmer, Thomas and Yoder, Christopher D. and Reedy, Jacob and Mazzoleni, Andre P.}, year={2017}, month={Sep}, pages={530–535} }