Corey Garland Dunn
Fish, Crayfish, Conservation, Freshwater, River, Community ecology, Population ecology, Endangered Species
Dr. Dunn is an Assistant Professor and a Research Fisheries Biologist for the United States Geological Survey. He leads the USGS North Carolina Fish & Wildlife Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, which supports the conservation and management of natural resources through applied research, graduate education, and by technical support to conservation agencies. His overarching research interest is conservation of rivers and river-dependent species. General themes of his research program include 1) linkages between landscapes, and freshwater fish and invertebrate communities, 2) monitoring and assessment of freshwater ecosystems, 3) imperiled species management, and 4) natural resources decision-making. Much of his work has focused geographically within southeastern (USA) streams and rivers — a biodiversity hotspot.
Works (13)
2024 journal article
Connectivity patterns between floodplain lakes and neighboring streams in the historical floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River
2024 journal article
Using resiliency, redundancy, and representation in a Bayesian belief network to assess imperilment of riverine fishes
2024 journal article
Vertebrates in trade that pose high invasion risk to the United States
2023 journal article
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11.
2023 journal article
Fish functional gradients along a reservoir cascade
Freshwater Biology, 68(6), 1079–1091.
2023 journal article
Patterns of zero and nonzero counts indicate spatiotemporal distributions, aggregation, and dispersion of invasive carp
Management of Biological Invasions, 14(2), 363–377.
2021 journal article
Accounting for dispersal and local habitat when evaluating tributary use by riverine fishes
Ecosphere, 12(8).
2021 journal article
Co-occurring lotic crayfishes exhibit variable long-term responses to extreme-flow events and temperature
Freshwater Science, 11, 000–000.
2020 journal article
A flexible survey design for monitoring spatiotemporal fish richness in nonwadeable rivers: optimizing efficiency by integrating gears
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(6), 978–990.
2018 journal article
Intensive Sampling Reveals Underreported Use of Great-River Tributaries by Large-River Fishes in Missouri
Southeastern Naturalist, 17(3), 512–520.
2018 journal article
Remaining populations of an upland stream fish persist in refugia defined by habitat features at multiple scales
Diversity and Distributions, 25(3), 385–399.
2016 journal article
Development of Habitat Suitability Indices for the Candy Darter, with Cross-Scale Validation across Representative Populations
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 145(6), 1266–1281.
2016 journal article
Documentation of Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis (Eastern Hellbender) Predation on Nest-Associate Stream Fishes
Northeastern Naturalist, 23(3).
Updated: September 22nd, 2023 16:04
2023 - present
2020 - 2023
2020 - 2020
2014 - 2019
2010 - 2013
Updated: January 1st, 2021 23:18
2014 - 2019
2005 - 2009