Works (6)
2017 journal article
Power-Required Flight Testing of Unmanned Aerial Systems Using Non-Steady-State Flight
JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, 54(3), 1162–1171.

2015 journal article
Development and Testing of a Passive Variable-Pitch Propeller
Journal of Aircraft, 52(3), 748–763.

2013 journal article
Correlation of population density to designated urban areas
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 10(1), 40–46.
2011 article
System-Level Airworthiness Tool
JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, Vol. 48, pp. 777–785.
2010 journal article
Flight Test of Stable Automated Cruise Flap for an Adaptive Wing Aircraft
Journal of Aircraft, 47(4), 1178–1188.

2009 journal article
Development of Stable Automated Cruise Flap for an Aircraft with Adaptive Wing
Journal of Aircraft, 46(1), 301–311.