Works (84)
2025 journal article
Long-term climate establishes functional legacies by altering microbial traits
2025 journal article
Tree Species Controls Over Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in a Wet Tropical Forest
The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.
2024 article
Effective Seed Sterilization Methods Require Optimization Across Maize Genotypes
Parnell, J. J., Pal, G., Awan, A., Vintila, S., Houdinet, G., Hawkes, C. V., … Kleiner, M. (2024, July 17). PHYTOBIOMES JOURNAL, Vol. 7.

2024 article
Invasive Buffelgrass, <i>Cenchrus ciliaris</i>, Balances Opportunistic Acquisition of Foliar fungi With Host and Environmental Filtering in Its Introduced Range
Bowman, E. A., Hawkes, C. V., Jones, N., Plowes, R. M., Martin, D. J., & Gilbert, L. E. (2024, December 12). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, Vol. 12.
2024 article
Priorities, opportunities, and challenges for integrating microorganisms into Earth system models for climate change prediction
Lennon, J. T., Abramoff, R. Z., Allison, S. D., Burckhardt, R. M., DeAngelis, K. M., Dunne, J. P., … Zakem, E. J. (2024, March 25). MBIO, Vol. 3.

2024 journal article
The quantification of southern corn leaf blight disease using deep UV fluorescence spectroscopy and autoencoder anomaly detection techniques
PLOS ONE, 19(5).
Ed(s): M. Arif
2024 article
Tree species controls over nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in a wet tropical forest
Russell, A. E., Hall, S. J., Bedoya, R., Kivlin, S. N., & Hawkes, C. V. (2024, December 3). ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, Vol. 12.
2023 journal article
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Nigrospora sp. isolated from switchgrass leaves and antagonistic toward plant pathogens

2023 article
Fungal Symbionts Generate Water-Saver and Water-Spender Plant Drought Strategies via Diverse Effects on Host Gene Expression
Aimone, C. D., Giauque, H., & Hawkes, C. V. (2023, March 21). PHYTOBIOMES JOURNAL, Vol. 3.

2023 journal article
Manipulating the plant mycobiome to enhance resilience: Ecological and evolutionary opportunities and challenges
Ed(s): M. Jabra-Rizk

2023 journal article
Plant-soil feedback under drought: does history shape the future?

2022 article
Legacies of precipitation influence primary production in Panicum virgatum
Heckman, R. W., Rueda, A., Bonnette, J. E., Aspinwall, M. J., Khasanova, A., Hawkes, C. V., … Fay, P. A. (2022, November 14). OECOLOGIA, Vol. 11.

2022 article
Microbes, memory and moisture: Predicting microbial moisture responses and their impact on carbon cycling
Evans, S., Allison, S., & Hawkes, C. (2022, March 20). FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 3.

2022 article
Plant Host Traits Mediated by Foliar Fungal Symbionts and Secondary Metabolites
Sandy, M., Bui, T. I., Aba, K. S., Ruiz, N., Paszalek, J., Connor, E. W., & Hawkes, C. V. (2022, June 17). MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2021 journal article
Drought legacy affects microbial community trait distributions related to moisture along a savannah grassland precipitation gradient
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 109(9), 3195–3210.

2021 article
Extension of Plant Phenotypes by the Foliar Microbiome
ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY, VOL 72, 2021, Vol. 72, pp. 823–846.

2021 article
Local Plants, Not Soils, Are the Primary Source of Foliar Fungal Community Assembly in a C4 Grass
Whitaker, B. K., Giauque, H., Timmerman, C., Birk, N., & Hawkes, C. V. (2021, August 18). MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 8.

2021 article
Managing Plant Microbiomes for Sustainable Biofuel Production
PHYTOBIOMES JOURNAL, Vol. 5, pp. 3–13.

2021 journal article
Plant and Soil Drivers of Whole-Plant Microbiomes: Variation in Switchgrass Fungi from Coastal to Mountain Sites

2021 journal article
The future of microbial ecological niche theory and modeling
New Phytologist, 231(2), 508–511.

2021 journal article
Widespread co-occurrence of Sebacinales and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in switchgrass roots and soils has limited dependence on soil carbon or nutrients
PLANTS PEOPLE PLANET, 3(5), 614–626.

2020 journal article
Effects of Plant-Soil Feedback on Switchgrass Productivity Related to Microbial Origin

2020 journal article
Historical climate legacies on soil respiration persist despite extreme changes in rainfall

2020 journal article
Plant biomass, not plant economics traits, determines responses of soil CO2 efflux to precipitation in the C-4 grass Panicum virgatum
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 108(5), 2095–2106.

2020 journal article
Soil Water Content and Soil Respiration Rates Are Reduced for Years Following Wildfire in a Hot and Dry Climate

2020 journal article
Soil precipitation legacies influence intraspecific plant–soil feedback

2020 journal article
Spatial and temporal turnover of soil microbial communities is not linked to function in a primary tropical forest

2020 journal article
Symbiosis and stress: how plant microbiomes affect host evolution
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1808), 20190590.

2019 journal article
Endophyte traits relevant to stress tolerance, resource use and habitat of origin predict effects on host plants
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 221(4), 2239–2249.

2018 journal article
Ecological mechanisms underlying soil bacterial responses to rainfall along a steep natural precipitation gradient
FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
2018 journal article
Effects of extreme changes in precipitation on the physiology of C4 grasses
Oecologia, 188(2), 355–365.

2018 journal article
Heterogeneity in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities may contribute to inconsistent plant-soil feedback in a Neotropical forest
Plant and Soil.

2018 journal article
Legacies in Switchgrass Resistance to and Recovery from Drought Suggest That Good Years Can Sustain Plants Through Bad Years
BioEnergy Research.
2018 journal article
Soil carbon cycling proxies: Understanding their critical role in predicting climate change feedbacks
Global Change Biology.

2018 journal article
Tropical Tree Species Effects on Soil pH and Biotic Factors and the Consequences for Macroaggregate Dynamics

2017 journal article
Brave new world
2017 journal article
Historical climate controls soil respiration responses to current soil moisture
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2017 journal article
Microbial Tools in Agriculture Require an Ecological Context: Stress-Dependent Non-Additive Symbiont Interactions
Agronomy Journal.

2017 journal article
Regardless of N-substrate, multiple fungal root endophytes isolated from pastures outgrow and outcompete those isolated from undisturbed sites
2017 chapter
The Predictive Power of Ecological Niche Modeling for Global Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Biogeography
In Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis.
2017 journal article
Translating Phytobiomes from Theory to Practice: Ecological and Evolutionary Considerations
Phytobiomes Journal, 1(2), 57–69.
2016 chapter
Climate Change, Microbes, and Soil Carbon Cycling
In Climate Change and Microbial Ecology: Current Research and Future Trends.

2016 journal article
Ectomycorrhizal fungi slow soil carbon cycling
Ecology Letters.
2016 journal article
Historical and current climate drive spatial and temporal patterns in fungal endophyte diversity
Fungal Ecology.

2016 journal article
Historical precipitation predictably alters the shape and magnitude of microbial functional response to soil moisture
Global Change Biology.

2016 journal article
Intraspecific variation in precipitation responses of a widespread C4grass depends on site water limitation
Journal of Plant Ecology.
2016 journal article
Plant and root endophyte assembly history: interactive effects on native and exotic plants

2016 journal article
Promises and challenges of eco-physiological genomics in the field: tests of drought responses in switchgrass
Plant Physiology.
2016 journal article
Simulating diverse native C4 perennial grasses with varying rainfall
Journal of Arid Environments.
2016 journal article
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Bacteria Richness, Composition, and Function in a Neotropical Rainforest
2016 journal article
Tree species, spatial heterogeneity, and seasonality drive soil fungal abundance, richness, and composition in Neotropical rainforests
Environmental Microbiology.
2015 journal article
Microbial-mediated redistribution of ecosystem nitrogen cycling can delay progressive nitrogen limitation
2015 journal article
Resilience vs. historical contingency in microbial responses to environmental change
Ecology Letters.
2015 journal article
Short-Term Precipitation Exclusion Alters Microbial Responses to Soil Moisture in a Wet Tropical Forest
Microbial Ecology, 69(4), 843–854.
2014 journal article
Environmental Controls on Fungal Community Composition and Abundance Over 3 Years in Native and Degraded Shrublands
Microb Ecol, 68(4), 807–817.

2014 journal article
Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is?
Biological Conservation, 177, 43–51.

2013 journal article
Biotic plant-soil feedbacks across temporal scales
J Ecol, 101(2), 309–315.
Ed(s): W. Putten
2013 journal article
Climate affects symbiotic fungal endophyte diversity and performance
American Journal of Botany.
2013 journal article
Differences in fungal and bacterial physiology alter soil carbon and nitrogen cycling: insights from meta-analysis and theoretical models
Ecol Lett, 16(7), 887–894.
Ed(s): M. Holyoak
2013 journal article
Genotypic variation in traits linked to climate and aboveground productivity in a widespread C 4 grass: evidence for a functional trait syndrome
New Phytol, 199(4), 966–980.

2013 journal article
Perennial Biomass Grasses and the Mason–Dixon Line: Comparative Productivity across Latitudes in the Southern Great Plains
BioEnergy Research.
2013 journal article
Tradeoffs in microbial carbon allocation may mediate soil carbon storage in future climates
Front. Microbiol., 4.

2012 journal article
Biogeochemical and Microbial Legacies of Non-Native Grasses Can Affect Restoration Success
Restoration Ecology, 21(1), 58–66.

2012 journal article
The temporal development and additivity of plant-soil feedback in perennial grasses
Plant Soil, 369(1-2), 141–150.
2011 journal article
Evolutionary trade-offs among decomposers determine responses to nitrogen enrichment
Ecology Letters, 14(9), 933–938.

2011 journal article
Global diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43(11), 2294–2303.
2010 journal article
Differentiating between effects of invasion and diversity: impacts of aboveground plant communities on belowground fungal communities
New Phytologist, 189(2), 526–535.

2010 journal article
Ecosystem Impacts of Exotic Plants Can Feed Back to Increase Invasion in Western US Rangelands
Rangelands, 32(1), 21–31.
2010 journal article
Fungal community responses to precipitation
Global Change Biology, 17(4), 1637–1645.
2010 journal article
Order of plant host establishment alters the composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities
Ecology, 91(8), 2333–2343.

2009 journal article
Origin, local experience, and the impact of biotic interactions on native and introduced Senecio species
Biol Invasions, 12(1), 113–124.
2009 journal article
Plant neighborhood control of arbuscular mycorrhizal community composition
New Phytologist, 183(4), 1188–1200.
2009 journal article
Why do we fly? Ecologists' sins of emission
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7(6), 294–296.
2008 journal article
Embracing Variability in the Application of Plant-Soil Interactions to the Restoration of Communities and Ecosystems
Restoration Ecology, 16(4), 713–729.

2008 journal article
Preserving Accuracy in GenBank
2008 journal article
Soil temperature affects carbon allocation within arbuscular mycorrhizal networks and carbon transport from plant to fungus
Global Change Biol, 14(5), 1181–1190.
2007 journal article
Are Invaders Moving Targets? The Generality and Persistence of Advantages in Size, Reproduction, and Enemy Release in Invasive Plant Species with Time since Introduction
Am Nat, 170(6), 832–843.

2007 article
Root Interactions with Soil Microbial Communities and Processes
The Rhizosphere, pp. 1–29.

2006 journal article
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Assemblages in Native Plant Roots Change in the Presence of Invasive Exotic Grasses
Plant Soil, 281(1-2), 369–380.

2005 journal article
Plant invasion alters nitrogen cycling by modifying the soil nitrifying community
Ecol Letters, 8(9), 976–985.

2004 journal article
Effects of biological soil crusts on seed germination of four endangered herbs in a xeric Florida shrubland during drought
Plant Ecology, 170(1), 121–134.
2001 journal article
The Impact of Herbivory on Plants in Different Resource Conditions: A Meta-Analysis
Ecology, 82(7), 2045.
1996 journal article
The Relationship between Open Space and Fire for Species in a Xeric Florida Shrubland
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 123(2), 81.

1995 journal article
Density and Seed Production of a Florida Endemic, Polygonella basiramia, in Relation to Time since Fire and Open Sand
American Midland Naturalist, 133(1), 138.