@article{chen_wang_zhang_chen_hu_li_wang_wen_zhang_lu_et al._2019, title={In situ sprayed bioresponsive immunotherapeutic gel for post-surgical cancer treatment}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1748-3395"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41565-018-0319-4}, abstractNote={Cancer recurrence after surgical resection remains a significant cause of treatment failure. Here, we have developed an in situ formed immunotherapeutic bioresponsive gel that controls both local tumour recurrence after surgery and development of distant tumours. Briefly, calcium carbonate nanoparticles pre-loaded with the anti-CD47 antibody are encapsulated in the fibrin gel and scavenge H + in the surgical wound, allowing polarization of tumour-associated macrophages to the M1-like phenotype. The released anti-CD47 antibody blocks the 'don't eat me' signal in cancer cells, thereby increasing phagocytosis of cancer cells by macrophages. Macrophages can promote effective antigen presentation and initiate T cell mediated immune responses that control tumour growth. Our findings indicate that the immunotherapeutic fibrin gel 'awakens' the host innate and adaptive immune systems to inhibit both local tumour recurrence post surgery and potential metastatic spread.}, number={1}, journal={NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY}, author={Chen, Qian and Wang, Chao and Zhang, Xudong and Chen, Guojun and Hu, Quanyin and Li, Hongjun and Wang, Jinqiang and Wen, Di and Zhang, Yuqi and Lu, Yifei and et al.}, year={2019}, month={Jan}, pages={89-+} } @article{jiang_perkins-veazie_ma_gunter_2017, title={Muskmelon Fruit Quality in Response to Postharvest Essential Oil and Whey Protein Sprays}, volume={52}, ISSN={["2327-9834"]}, DOI={10.21273/hortsci11328-16}, abstractNote={The consumption of fresh muskmelons (Cucumis melo reticulatus L.) has been linked to severe illness outbreaks due to contamination with bacterial pathogens. Antimicrobial essential oils (EOs) were incorporated into wash water sprays and evaluated as potential agents for postharvest disinfection of ‘Athena’ muskmelons. Freshly harvested fruits were sprayed with 0.5% EOs from cinnamon leaf, thyme, or clove bud emulsified in a whey protein emulsion (WP) as potential washing disinfectants, together with deionized water, water with 200 µL·L−1 free chlorine (pH 7, free turbidity), or oil-free WP as controls. Melons were treated, stored at 4 °C and then evaluated weekly for weight loss, rind color, mesocarp firmness and the compositional quality traits soluble solids content (SSC), pH, β-carotene content, and total ascorbic acid (AsA) for up to 21 days. Essential oil–treated melons were not different from controls in fruit quality and composition with the exception of fruits treated with thyme oil, which were statistically lower in SSC (0.8 °Brix) than those treated with water or cinnamon oil treatment. Internal carbon dioxide was statistically higher (≈0.1% higher in value, equal to a 25% increase) in muskmelons receiving whey protein–based treatments after storage for at least 7 days. Overall, our results suggest that EOs as disinfectants have little effect on quality or composition of muskmelon fruit.}, number={6}, journal={HORTSCIENCE}, author={Jiang, Chen and Perkins-Veazie, Penelope and Ma, Guoying and Gunter, Christopher}, year={2017}, month={Jun}, pages={887–891} } @article{jiang_perkins-veazie_blankenship_boyette_pesic-vanesbroeck_jennings_schultheis_2015, title={Occurrence, severity and initiation of internal necrosis in 'Covington' sweetpotato}, volume={25}, number={3}, journal={HortTechnology}, author={Jiang, C. and Perkins-Veazie, P. and Blankenship, S. M. and Boyette, M. D. and Pesic-VanEsbroeck, Z. and Jennings, K. M. and Schultheis, J. R.}, year={2015}, pages={340–348} }