Works (14)
2024 article
African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas
Shaw, P., Ogada, D., Dunn, L., Buij, R., Amar, A., Garbett, R., … Thomsett, S. (2024, January 4). NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION.

2024 journal article
Management Effects on Gastrointestinal Disease in Red Wolves (<i>Canis rufus</i>) Under Human Care: A Retrospective Study
ANIMALS, 14(21).

2023 article
Exploring the behaviors and social preferences of a large, multigenerational herd of zoo-housed southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
Williams, B., Campbell, J., Kendall, C., Tuttle, J., & Lynch, E. C. (2023, February 21). ZOO BIOLOGY, Vol. 2.

2023 journal article
Identifying priority locations to protect a wide-ranging endangered species

2023 article
Value of combining transect counts and telemetry data to determine short-term population trends in a globally threatened species
Kendall, C. J., Bracebridge, C., Lynch, E. C., Mgumba, M., Monadjem, A., Nicholas, A., & Kane, A. (2023, September 15). CONSERVATION BIOLOGY.

2022 article
Can teacher-centered community-based conservation programs influence student household sustainable behaviors near a biodiversity hotspot?
Kendall, C. J., Carrier, S. J., Folta, E., Tinka, J., Fraulo, A., Leeds, A., & Lukas, K. E. (2022, February 11). CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, Vol. 4.

2022 article
Combining models for animal tracking: Defining behavioural states to understand space use for conservation
Peters, N. M., Beale, C. M., Bracebridge, C., Mgumba, M. P., & Kendall, C. J. (2022, September 27). JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, Vol. 9.

2022 journal article
Evidence of widespread declines in Kenya's raptor populations over a 40-year period

2022 journal article
Understanding continent-wide variation in vulture ranging behavior to assess feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and possibilities

2021 journal article
Increasing browse and social complexity can improve zoo elephant welfare
ZOO BIOLOGY, 40(1), 9–19.

2021 journal article
Temporal resource partitioning of wildebeest carcasses by scavengers after riverine mass mortality events

2020 journal article
Analyses of African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) diet with various browse and pellet inclusion levels
Zoo Biology, 39(1), 37–50.

2020 journal article
Circulating nutrients and hematological parameters in managed African elephants ( Loxodonta Africana ) over a 1‐year period
Zoo Biology, 39(5), 345–354.
Contributors: J. Wood n, E. Koutsos*, * , L. Minter*, T. Tollefson, E. Ivory*, K. Ange-van Heugten n

2018 journal article
An assessment of tree availability as a possible cause of population declines in scavenging raptors