Works (6)
2023 journal article
Core issues, case studies, and the need for expanded Legacy African American genomics

2022 journal article
Genes, time traveling, and good tunes for the culture: Review of the In those Genes podcast by Dr. Janina Jeff (Jeff, J. [Host]. [2019‐present] In those Genes [Audio podcast].
American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
2022 journal article
Science Communication as a Vehicle for Visibility and Representation - with Carter Clinton, Ph.D.
New Florida Journal of Anthropology, 3(1).
2021 journal article
Genomics of African American remains — limits must not compound inequity
Nature, 596(7870), 35–35.
2020 journal article
Historical overview, current research, and emerging bioethical guidelines in researching the New York African burial ground
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
2019 journal article
Identification of trace metals and potential anthropogenic influences on the historic New York African Burial Ground population: A pXRF technology approach
Scientific Reports.