2013 journal article
A novel biomechanical model assessing continuous orthodontic archwire activation
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 143(2), 281–290.
2013 journal article
Three-dimensional multipotent progenitor cell aggregates for expansion, osteogenic differentiation and 'in vivo' tracing with AAV vector serotype 6
Gene Therapy, 20(2), 158–168.
2013 journal article
Titanium-enriched hydroxyapatite-gelatin scaffolds with osteogenically differentiated progenitor cell aggregates for calvaria bone regeneration
Tissue Engineering. Part A, 19(15-16), 1803–1816.
2012 journal article
Biomechanical reevaluation of orthodontic asymmetric headgear
Angle Orthodontist, 82(4), 682–690.
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