Carrie Pickworth Williams, K. G., Pickworth, C. L., Weaver, A. R., & Poole, D. H. (2024, March 2). 136 Evaluation of internal parasite burden in grazing beef cattle in North Carolina over a production lifecycle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 67–68. Rajo-Gomez, E. B., Giurgis, M., Pickworth, C. L., Weaver, A. R., Foster, D. M., Khanal, P., & Poole, D. H. (2024). Exploring the impacts of fescue toxicosis on the pulmonary arterial pressure of angus cows. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 102. Rajo, E. B., Weaver, A. R., Pickworth, C. L., Foster, D., & Poole, D. H. (2024, September 13). Exposure to ergot alkaloids and heat stress alter pulmonary arterial pressure and nutritional intake in beef heifers. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 271–272. Rajo, E. B., Williams, K., Pickworth, C. L., Foster, D., & Poole, D. H. (2023, May). Exposure to Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Negatively Impacts Pulmonary Arterial Pressure in Beef Cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101. Williams, K., Rajo, E. B., Weaver, A. R., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2023, May). Impact of Fescue Variety on Fecal Egg Counts in Mature Beef Cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101. Alexander, M., Pickworth, C. L., Moore, M., & Poore, M. H. (2020). 102 Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow-calf behavior and activity. Journal of Animal Science, 98(Supplement_2), 62–62. Moore, M., Cox-O'Neill, J., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020, November). Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow and calf weight and body condition. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 81–82. Moore, M. F., Cox-O’Neill, J. L., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow and calf weight and body condition. Presented at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Moore, M., Cox-O'Neill, J., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020, November). Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow and calf weight and body condition. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 52–52. Freeman, S., Poore, M., Pickworth, C., & Alley, M. (2021). Influence of weaning strategy on behavior, humoral indicators of stress, growth, and carcass characteristics. Translational Animal Science, 5(1), txaa231. Cox-O.'Neill, J. L., Valdez-Nolasco, C., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Nutritional Value of rye and purple top turnips for stocker cattle. Presented at the AFGC. Cox-O’Neill, J. L., Valdez Nolasco, C., Franzluebbers, A. J., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Nutritive value of a cereal rye monoculture and a cereal rye and turnip mix forage as part of an integrated crop-livestock system. Presented at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Pickworth, C. L., Sheffield, J., & Poole, R. K. (2020). Pregnancy specific protein B concentration for the prediction of lambing rate in sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 184, 106052. Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Randomizing multiple choice answers does not impact exam performance. Presented at the NACTA Conference, (Virtual). West, M. H., Cox-O’Neill, J. L., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Franzleubbers, A. J., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Rye with or without purple top turnips for stocker grazing as part of a Southeastern U.S. integrated crop-livestock system. Presented at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Cox-O’Neill, J. L., Valdez-Nolasco, C., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Franzleubbers, A. J., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2020). Subsequent corn yield and soil structure following grazing of annual forages in an integrated crop-livestock system. Presented at the AFGC. Ott, G. C., Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). 11 Impact of weaning strategy on calf performance, behavior, and activity. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_1), 12–13. Brown, A. R., Poole, R. K., Jackson, M. K. L., Poore, M. H., Pickworth, C. L., & Poole, D. H. (2019). 111 Changes in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in beef steers chronically exposed to endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_1), 42–43. Ott, G. C., Poole, R. K., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). 157 Impact of weaning strategy on heifer performance and reproductive development. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_3), 153–153. Cox - O’Neill, J. L., Ott, G. C., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). 256 Rye with or without purple top turnips for stocker calf grazing as part of a Southeastern U.S. integrated crop-livestock system. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_3), 91–92. Davis, M. E., Poole, R. K., Poore, M. H., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). 47 Interaction of dietary protein and endophyte- infected Tall Fescue seed in stocker steers on finishing phase performance and carcass traits. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_1), 83–83. Worthington, M. C., Ott, G. C., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). 57 Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow performance. Journal of Animal Science, 97(Supplement_1), 1–1. Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Animal agriculture in a sustainable food supply. Extension talk presented at the Youth Institute. Spears, J. W., Lloyd, K. E., Pickworth, C. A., Huang, Y. L., Krafka, K., Hyda, J., & Grimes, J. L. (2019). Chromium propionate in broilers: human food and broiler safety. Poultry Science, 98(12), 6579–6585. Poole, R. K., Womble, C. M., Poore, M. H., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed and protein supplementation on stocker steers: I. Growth performance and hemodynamic responses. Journal of Animal Science, 97(9), 3776–3785. Poole, R. K., Brown, A. R., Poore, M. H., Pickworth, C. L., & Poole, D. H. (2019). Effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed and protein supplementation on stocker steers: II. Adaptive and innate immune function. Journal of Animal Science, 97(10), 4160–4170. Poole, D. H., Brown, A. R., Jackson Haimon, M. L., Pickworth, C. L., & Poore, M. H. (2019). Impact of Fescue toxicosis on the success of reproductive technologies. Presented at the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Knoxville, TN. Worthington, M. C., Ott, G. C., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow performance. Poster presented at the NCSU Animal, Poultry, and Biochemistry Science. Worthington, M. C., Ott, G. C., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019, July). Impact of weaning strategy on beef cow performance. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 83–83. Ott, G. C., Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Impact of weaning strategy on calf performance, behavior, and activity. Poster presented at the NCSU Animal, Poultry, and Biochemistry Science. Ott, G. C., Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019, July). Impact of weaning strategy on calf performance, behavior, and activity. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 67–68. Davis, M. E., Poole, R. K., Poore, M. H., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Interaction of dietary protein and endophyte-infected Tall Fescue seed in stocker steers on finishing phase performance and carcass traits. Poster presented at the NCSU Animal, Poultry, and Biochemistry Science. Davis, M. E., Poole, R. K., Poore, M. H., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019, July). Interaction of dietary protein and endophyte-infected Tall Fescue seed in stocker steers on finishing phase performance and carcass traits. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 38–38. Cox-O'Neill, J. L., Ott, G. C., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Eisemann, J. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2019). Rye with or without purple top turnips for stocker calf grazing as part of a Southeastern U.S. integrated crop-livestock system. Poster presented at the NCSU Animal, Poultry, and Biochemistry Science. Womble, C. M., Poole, R. K., Poole, D. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2018). 142 Impact of Protein Supplementation on Physiological Response of Steers Consuming Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Seed. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_1), 75–76. Sheffield, J., Roman, C., Roper, B. L., Poole, R. K., & Pickworth, C. L. (2018). 143 Flushing and Synchronization Protocol Impacts on out of Season Breeding in Ewes. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_1), 76–76. Pickworth, C. (2018). 2 Developing future animal science students through a residential summer camp program. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_3), 497–498. Ott, G. C., Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., & Pickworth, C. L. (2018). 27 Maternal Stress at Weaning Impacts Calf Growth. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_1), 14–15. Poole, R. K., Womble, C. M., Pickworth, C. L., & Poole, D. H. (2018). 41 “Effect of Protein Supplementation on Immune Response of Weaned Steers Consuming Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Seed”. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_1), 21–22. Pickworth, C. L. (2018). Doe ewe have what they need to breed? Extension talk presented at the Small Ruminant Grazier’s Workshop. Rosa, L., Ott, G. C., & Pickworth, C. L. (2018). The Impact of Weaning Stress on Beef Cattle Behavior. Presented at the University Research Partnership Experience, NC State and Virginia State University. Pickworth, C. L. (2017). ANS 102 Feeds and Nutrition [Course pack]. Pickworth, C. L. (2017). Current Small Ruminant Research at NC State. Presented at the Southern Virginia Meat Goat Association. Pickworth, C. L. (2017). Do You Have What They Need? Presented at the Southern Virginia Meat Goat Association. Roman, C., Sheffield, J., & Pickworth, C. L. (2017). Effects of Hay Restriction on Ewe Body Weight, Body Condition, and Conception Rates. Presented at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Pickworth, C. L., & Moore, J. A. (2017). Experiential Learning in Animal Science. Presented at the NACTA Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Womble, C., Poole, R., Pickworth, C., & Poole, D. (2017). Impacts of Fescue Toxicosis and Protein Supplementation on Post-Vaccination Immune Responses of Beef Calves. Presented at the NC State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Poole, D. H., Pickworth, C. L., & Schaffer, H. E. (2017). Promoting Student Learning via Automated Individualized Feedback. Presented at the NACTA Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Bostian, A. W., Lyons, S. E., Mackey, J. C., Pickworth, C. L., Poore, M. H., & Poole, D. H. (2016). 041 Chronic Exposure to Ergot Alkaloids Suppresses Growth Hormone in Beef Steers. Journal of Animal Science, 95(suppl_1), 20–20. Freeman, S. R., Pickworth Poole, C. L., Poore, M. H., & Alley, M. L. (2016). 085 Impact of Three Weaning Strategies on Calf Activity and Behavior at Weaning and Productivity after Weaning. Journal of Animal Science, 95(suppl_1), 42–42. Price, C. T., Pickworth, C. L., Shaeffer, A. D., & Poore, M. H. (2016). 089 Effect of Concentration of Starch in Pasture-Finished Beef Cattle Supplementation on Growth, Carcass Traits, and Meat Quality. Journal of Animal Science, 95(suppl_1), 44–44. Pickworth, C. L., Roper, B. L., & Garrison, G. B. (2016). 096 Limit Feeding Hay to Ewes. Journal of Animal Science, 95(suppl_1), 48–48. Pickworth, C. L., & Warner, W. J. (2016). Cultivating advocacy skills and content knowledge: An evaluation of a course project. Presented at the NACTA Conference, Honolulu, HI. Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Current Small Ruminant Research at NC State. Presented at the NC Sheep Graziers Workshop. Pickworth, C. L., & Warner, W. J. (2016). Empowering students as industry ambassadors. Presented at the NACTA Conference, Honolulu, HI. Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Interpreting Forage Analysis Reports for Ruminants. Presented at the NC State Extension Conference. Kennedy, P. M., Poore, M. H., Goff, B. M., & Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Is feeding seed to cattle through mineral supplements a viable alternative to frost-seeding red clover into endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures? AFGC Proceedings. Presented at the American Forage and Grasslands Council. Kennedy, P. M., Poore, M. H., Goff, B., Pickworth, C. L., & Unruh-Snyder, L. (2016, March 31). Pasture red clover establishment: broadcast versus fed. Hay & Forage Grower, 22. Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Rumen Physiology and Its Impact on Nutrition. Presented at the Eastern North Carolina Cattlemen’s Conference. Pickworth, C. L., Bell, L. M., Greene, W., Whisnant, C. S., & Poole, D. H. (2017). Site of PGF 2α injection does not alter effectiveness of the Select Synch + controlled internal drug release and timed artificial insemination protocol. Theriogenology, 87, 161–166. Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Understanding and Interpreting Carcass Ultrasound Data. Presented at the Breeders of the Carolinas Field Day. Pickworth, C. L. (2016). Value of Facilities in Beef Management. Presented at the NC State Beef Cattle Field Day. Pickworth, C. L. (2015). Beef Cattle Carcass Quality. Poster presented at the NC Cattlemen’s Field Day. Pickworth, C. L. (2015). Impact of Weaning Strategies on Meat Quality. Presented at the Sampson County Cattlemen’s Association. Pickworth, C. L. (2015). What Do All the Beef Labels Mean? Presented at the NC State Beef Cattle Field Day. Pickworth, C. L., & Fluharty, F. L. (2014, September 15). Accurate data needed on carotenoid levels in feed. Feedstuffs. Pickworth, C. L. (2014). Beef Management Impacts on Carcass Quality. Presented at the NC State Beef Cattle Field Day. Mabry, L. K., Greene, W., Kniffen, D. M., Pickworth, C. L., & Poole, D. H. (2014). Site of prostaglandin injection does not alter effectiveness of estrous synchronization protocols. Presented at the American Society of Animal Science Southern Section, Dallas, TX. Pickworth, C. L. (2013). Creating the University-High School Partnership. Presented at the Early College Conference, Durham, NC. Jee, J., Hoet, A. E., Azevedo, M. P., Vlasova, A. N., Loerch, S. C., Pickworth, C. L., … Saif, L. J. (2013). Effects of dietary vitamin A content on antibody responses of feedlot calves inoculated intramuscularly with an inactivated bovine coronavirus vaccine. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 74(10), 1353–1362. Pickworth, C. L. (2013). Impacts of Health from Conception to Slaughter on Meat Quality. Presented at the Wake County Cattlemen’s Association Meeting. Pickworth, C. L., & Boyles, S. (2012). Beef production student instructional video project. Journal of Animal Science, E90, 497. Pickworth, C. L., Grimes, J., & Spears, J. W. (2012). Chromium supplementation benefits for heat stressed broiler production. Presented at the NC State University Post Doc Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2012). Effects of timing and duration of dietary vitamin A reduction on carcass quality of finishing beef cattle1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(8), 2677–2691. Pickworth, C. L., Poole, D. H., & Greene, W. (2012). Injection site does not alter effectiveness of beef cattle synchronization. Journal of Animal Science, E90, 325. Huang, Y. L., Lloyd, K. E., Pickworth, C. L., & Spears, J. W. (2012). Ruminal availability of iron in forages. Journal of Animal Science, E90, 411. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., Kopec, R. E., Schwartz, S. J., & Fluharty, F. L. (2012). Concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in common beef cattle feedstuffs. Journal of Animal Science, 90(5), 1553–1561. Pickworth, C. L., Felix, T. L., Susin, I., Shoup, L. M., & Loerch, S. C. (2011). Effects of supplemental dried distillers grains on performance and internal parasites of grazing lambs. Journal of Animal Science, E89, 400. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2012). Restriction of vitamin A and D in beef cattle finishing diets on feedlot performance and adipose accretion. Journal of Animal Science, 90(6), 1866–1878. Rodriguez-Palacios, A., Pickworth, C., Loerch, S., & LeJeune, J. T. (2011). Transient Fecal Shedding and Limited Animal-to-Animal Transmission of Clostridium difficile by Naturally Infected Finishing Feedlot Cattle. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(10), 3391–3397. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., Velleman, S. G., Pate, J. L., Poole, D. H., & Fluharty, F. L. (2010). Adipocyte differentiation state specific gene expression as related to bovine carcass adiposity. Journal of Animal Science, E88, 822. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., Velleman, S. G., Pate, J. L., Poole, D. H., & Fluharty, F. L. (2011). Adipogenic differentiation state-specific gene expression as related to bovine carcass adiposity. Journal of Animal Science, 89(2), 355–366. Pickworth, C. L. (2010). Beef cattle finishing systems in the United States. Presented at the Departamento de Produccion Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. Greene, W. A., & Pickworth, C. L. (2010). Effect of post-insemination GnRH on the pregnancy rate of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, E88, 266. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2009). Effect of low vitamin A and D on beef cattle carcass quality. Journal of Animal Science, E87, 519. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., Fluharty, F. L., Kopec, R. E., & Schwartz, S. J. (2009). Pro-vitamin A Carotenoids in Feedstuffs. American Society of Animal Science, 313. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2008). Effect of dietary vitamin A on finishing beef cattle. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Russell Klein Memorial Nutrition Research Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Jee, J., Azevedo, M. P., Vlasova, A., Hoet, A., Loerch, S. C., Pickworth, C. L., … Saif, L. J. (2008). Effect of vitamin A on bovine coronovirus infection, vaccination and immunity in feedlot calves. Presented at the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2008). Effect of vitamin A on finishing beef cattle. Presented at the ASAS Midwestern Sectional, Des Moines, IA. Pickworth, C. L., Loerch, S. C., & Fluharty, F. L. (2008). Limit-feeding can improve feed efficiency of beef cattle. Poster presented at the Ohio State University-Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Annual Conference, Wooster, OH. Pickworth, C. L. (2007). Beef Feedlot Management School. Presented at the Southern Ohio Cattlemen's Cooperative. Scaglia, G., Swecker, W. S., Pickworth, C. L., & Shanklin, R. K. (2006). Forage based backgrounding systems for beef cattle. Presented at the American Forage and Grasslands Council. Pickworth, C. L., Scaglia, G., Swecker, W. W., Jr., Fontentot, J. P., Wahlberg, M. L., & Abaye, O. (2006). Tall fescue type effects of backgrounded calf health and performance. Presented at the ASAS Southern Sectional, Orlando, FL. Pickworth, C. L., Scaglia, G., Swecker, W. W., Jr., Fotentot, J. P., & Wahlberg, M. L. (2006). The effects of supplementation frequency and transportation stress on the performance and health of newly weaned calves. Presented at the ASAS Southern Sectional, Orlando, FL. Pickworth, C. L., & Morishita, T. Y. (2003). Common External Parasites in Poultry: Lice and Mites (The Ohio State University Extension Factsheet No. VME-18–03). Pickworth, C. L., & Morishita, T. Y. (2003). Less Common External Parasites in Poultry (The Ohio State University Extension Factsheet No. VME-19-03).