Works (3)
2020 journal article
Localization of viral and host RNA within soybean cyst nematode via fluorescence in situ hybridization
Contributors: C. Ruark-Seward n, E. Davis n & T. Sit n

2018 journal article
Novel RNA viruses within plant parasitic cyst nematodes
PLOS ONE, 13(3).
Contributors: M. Gardner *, M. Mitchum *, E. Davis n & T. Sit n n,
Ed(s): U. Melcher

2017 journal article
Soybean cyst nematode culture collections and field populations from North Carolina and Missouri reveal high incidences of infection by viruses
PLOS ONE, 12(1).
Contributors: S. Koenning n, E. Davis n, C. Opperman n, S. Lommel n, M. Mitchum *, T. Sit n n,
Ed(s): A. Rao