Works (14)
2021 article
Food, water, and sanitation insecurities: Complex linkages and implications for achieving WASH security
Workman, C. L., Stoler, J., Harris, A., Ercumen, A., Kearns, J., & Mapunda, K. M. (2021, September 8). GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Approaches: Anthropological Contributions and Future Directions for Engineering
Contributors: , M. Cairns*, F. Reyes n & M. Verbyla * *

2021 journal article
Syndemics and global health
Nature Human Behaviour.
2019 journal article
Development and validation protocol for an instrument to measure household water insecurity across cultures and ecologies: the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale
BMJ Open, 9(1), e023558.
2019 journal article
Ebbs and Flows of Authority: Decentralization, Development and the Hydrosocial Cycle in Lesotho
Water, 11(2), 184.

2019 journal article
Perceptions of drinking water cleanliness and health-seeking behaviours: A qualitative assessment of household water safety in Lesotho, Africa
Global Public Health, 1, 1–13.

2019 journal article
Water sharing, reciprocity, and need: A comparative study of interhousehold water transfers in sub-Saharan Africa
Economic Anthropology, 1.

2018 journal article
Household water sharing: A review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5(6), e1309.

2017 journal article
Gender mainstreaming and water development projects: analyzing unexpected enviro-social impacts in Bolivia, India, and Lesotho,Transversalización del género y proyectos de desarrollo hídrico: análisis de impactos socioambientales inesperados en Bolivia, India y Lesoto
Gender, Place and Culture, 24(3), 325–342.
Contributors: M. Cairns*, * & I. Tandon *

2017 journal article
Water insecurity in a syndemic context: Understanding the psycho-emotional stress of water insecurity in Lesotho, Africa
Social Science and Medicine, 179, 52–60.
2016 journal article
Food Insecurity, Water Insecurity, and HIV/AIDS Syndemic in Lesotho: Monitoring and Evaluating a “Perfect Storm.”
Practicing Anthropology, 38(4), 55–58.
2010 chapter
Making the Transition: The Two-to Four-Year Institution Transfer Experience
In Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities (pp. 147–171).
2010 chapter
Producing STEM Graduates in Florida: Understanding the Florida Context
In Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities (pp. 21–51).
2010 chapter
Voices from the Field: Strategies for Enhancing Engineering Programs
In Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities (pp. 173–190).

Updated: July 25th, 2019 12:23
2019 - present
2018 - 2019
Updated: February 5th, 2019 13:36
2003 - 2013