Christy Michelle Byrd
Works (96)
2024 article
A Preliminary Investigation of Longitudinal Associations Between Ethnic-Racial Identity and Critical Consciousness Among Black and Latinx Youth
Banales, J., Mathews, C. J., Channey, J., Pinetta, B. J., Byrd, C. M., & Wang, M.-T. (2024, May 9). CULTURAL DIVERSITY & ETHNIC MINORITY PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 5.
2023 article
Reflecting on Change: Critical Consciousness as a Protective Factor for Black Youth
Gale, A., Johnson, N. C. C., Golden, A., Channey, J., Marchand, A. D. D., Anyiwo, N., & Byrd, C. M. M. (2023, July 27). CULTURAL DIVERSITY & ETHNIC MINORITY PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 7.
2022 chapter book
Creating a Climate for Critical Consciousness Sounding Out
2022 journal article
Examining Critical Reflection as a Mediator Between School Racial Climate Experiences and <scp>Anti‐Racist</scp> Action
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(3), 1109–1119.
2022 journal article
Examining school ethnic-racial socialization in the link between race-related stress and academic well-being among African American and Latinx adolescents
Journal of School Psychology, 91, 97–111.
2022 journal article
School ethnic-racial socialization and critical action among Black youth
2021 journal article
Cycles of development in learning about identities, diversity, and equity.
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 29(1), 43–52.
2021 conference paper
Development of Critical Consciousness Competencies in Diversity Courses
Byrd, C. M. (2021, July). Presented at the 6th Biennial American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Research Conference, (Virtual).
Event: 6th Biennial American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Research Conference at (Virtual) on July 8-10, 2021
2021 journal article
Examining the Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions of 4-H Professionals Related to LGBTQ+ Youth
Journal of Youth Development, 16(5), 193–211.
2021 journal article
School ethnic-racial socialization and adolescent ethnic-racial identity
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(2), 205–216.
2021 journal article
Unpacking school ethnic-racial socialization: A new conceptual model
Journal of Social Issues, 77(4), 1106–1125.
2020 conference paper
A Conceptual Model for Unpacking School Ethnic-Racial Socialization
Saleem, F., & Byrd, C. M. (2020, March). Presented at the Demystifying the Presence and Impact of Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Schools, Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, California (Conference Cancelled).
Event: Demystifying the Presence and Impact of Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Schools, Society for Research on Adolescence at San Diego, California (Conference Cancelled)
2020 journal article
A Lifespan Model of Ethnic-Racial Identity
Research in Human Development, 17(2-3), 99–129.
2020 journal article
Black Students' Perceptions of School Ethnic-Racial Socialization Practices in a Predominantly Black School
Contributors: & E. Hope n n
2020 conference paper
Centering Critical Consciousness in Positive Youth Development: The Example of #PassTheMicYouth
Gonzalez, M., Byrd, C. M., & Kokozos, M. (2020, December). Presented at the Classroom Environments and Understanding the 'Other': Racial and Critical Consciousness Socialization at School, "Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination” SRCD Special Topics Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (Conference Rescheduled).
Event: Classroom Environments and Understanding the 'Other': Racial and Critical Consciousness Socialization at School, "Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination” SRCD Special Topics Meeting at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (Conference Rescheduled)
2020 journal article
Critical Positive Youth Development: A Framework for Centering Critical Consciousness
2020 journal article
Dining with Democracy: Discussion as informed action
Social Education, 84(5), 289–293.
2020 chapter book
Engagement with Diversity Experiences: A Self-Regulated Learning Perspective
2020 conference paper
How Parental and School Socialization about Inequality are Related to Youths’ Critical Consciousness
Byrd, C. M., Riddell, J., & Giles, V. (2020, July). Presented at the 32nd International Conference of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic (Conference Postponed).
Event: 32nd International Conference of Psychology at Prague, Czech Republic (Conference Postponed)
2020 journal article
2020 journal article
Profiles of ethnic-racial socialization from family, school, neighborhood, and the Internet: Relations to adolescent outcomes
2020 conference paper
The Joint Influences of Multiple Contexts of Racial Socialization on Ethnic-Racial Identity and Academic Outcomes
Byrd, C. M., & HaRim Ahn, L. (2020, December). Presented at the Contextual and Sociocultural Factors Related to Marginalized Youth's Positive Development, “Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination” SRCD Special Topics Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (Conference rescheduled).
Event: Contextual and Sociocultural Factors Related to Marginalized Youth's Positive Development, “Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination” SRCD Special Topics Meeting at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (Conference rescheduled)
2020 journal article
Why Black Adolescents Are Vulnerable at School and How Schools Can Provide Opportunities to Belong to Fix It
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7(1), 3–9.
2019 conference paper
#PassTheMicYouth: A Multimedia Program to Amplify Youth Voices
Gonzalez, M. E., Byrd, C. M., & Shealy, L. (2019, October). Presented at the NC State Extension Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: NC State Extension Conference at Raleigh, NC
2019 conference paper
A Lifespan Perspective of Ethnic-Racial Identity: Underlying Myths, Conceptual Expansions, and Opportunities for Application
Derlan, C., Byrd, C. M., Quintana, S., Anicama, C., Dyer, J., & Umana-Taylor, A. (2019, March). Presented at the 2019 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Event: 2019 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting at Baltimore, Maryland on March 21-23, 2019
2019 speech
Climate Matters: Adolescents’ Experiences with School Climate for Diversity
Presented at the Diversity Colloquium, Combined Program in Education and Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Event: Diversity Colloquium, Combined Program in Education and Psychology at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
2019 chapter book
Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood: The Implications of Color-Consciousness and Colorblindness for Prejudice Development
2019 conference paper
Methods That Liberate: Quantitative Methods in a Social Justice Framework
Byrd, C. M. (2019, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Event: American Educational Research Association at Toronto, Ontario on April 5-9, 2019
2019 conference paper
More Than Just a Seat at the Table: Amplifying Youth Voices in Social Justice Discourses
Gonzalez, M. E., McKee, K. E., & Byrd, C. M. (2019, March). Presented at the 2019 CRDM Symposium - Dialog 2.0: Social Movements, Online Communication & Transformation, Raleigh, NC.
Event: 2019 CRDM Symposium - Dialog 2.0: Social Movements, Online Communication & Transformation at Raleigh, NC on March 28-30, 2019
2019 conference paper
Promoting Positive Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Schools and Families
Byrd, C. M. (2019, June). Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 2019 Summer Conference, San Diego, California.
Event: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 2019 Summer Conference at San Diego, California on June 21-23, 2019
2019 conference paper
School Racial Climate and Racial Socialization
Byrd, C. M. (2019, August). Presented at the Thriving in Academia: Voices from Scholars of Color in Educational Psychology, American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Event: Thriving in Academia: Voices from Scholars of Color in Educational Psychology, American Psychological Association Annual Convention at Chicago, Illinois on August 8-11, 2019
2019 speech
The Racial Contexts of Schools: Interactions, Socialization, and Adolescent Outcomes
Presented at the Community Psychology Speaker Series, University of Virginia, Charleston, Virginia.
Event: Community Psychology Speaker Series at University of Virginia, Charleston, Virginia
2019 conference paper
Understanding the Relationship Between Autonomy and Happiness for College Students
Elliot, E., & Byrd, C. M. (2019, August). Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Event: American Psychological Association Annual Convention at Chicago, IL on August 8-11, 2019
2018 journal article
A Measure of School Racial Socialization and Quality of Intergroup Interactions
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(2), 137–151.
2018 conference paper
A Thousand Cuts: Racial Microaggressions Are Related to Lower Self-Image Over Time
Byrd, C. M. (2018, May). Presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California.
Event: 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science at San Francisco, California on May 24-27, 2018
2018 report
MicroReport: An Android and iOS app for reporting microaggressions on a college campus
2018 journal article
Microaggressions Self-Defense: A Role-Playing Workshop for Responding to Microaggressions
Social Sciences, 7(6), 96.
2018 conference paper
Responding Effectively to Microaggressions: A Research-Based Workshop
Byrd, C. M. (2018, April). Poster presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California.
Event: 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science at San Francisco, California on May 24-27, 2018
2018 conference paper
School Racial Socialization and Diversity in STEM
Byrd, C. M. (2018, August). Presented at the University of California Adolescence Science Consortium Summer Institute, Los Angeles, California.
Event: University of California Adolescence Science Consortium Summer Institute at Los Angeles, California
2018 speech
Take Action: Publishing in STEM
Presented at the Ford Fellows Conference.
Event: Ford Fellows Conference
2018 speech
The Importance of School Climate for Diversity
Presented at the Psychology Colloquium, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Event: Psychology Colloquium at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2018 journal article
The Relationships of School-Based Discrimination and Ethnic-Racial Socialization to African American Adolescents’ Achievement Outcomes
Social Sciences, 7(10).
Contributors: M. Banerjee *, n & S. Rowley *
2017 journal article
Comparing Associations Between Perceived Puberty, Same-Race Friends and Same-Race Peers, and Psychosocial Outcomes Among African American and Caribbean Black Girls
Journal of Black Psychology, 43(8), 836–862.
2017 speech
Presented at the African American Center for Academic Excellence, Humboldt State University.
Event: African American Center for Academic Excellence at Humboldt State University
2017 journal article
Promoting Resilience Among African American Girls: Racial Identity as a Protective Factor
Child Development, 89(6).
2017 speech
Race Matters in Schools: The Significance of School Racial Climate and Microaggressions for Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Presented at the University of California, Berkeley Institute of Personality and Social Research Colloquium Speaker Series, Berkeley, California.
Event: University of California, Berkeley Institute of Personality and Social Research Colloquium Speaker Series at Berkeley, California
2017 dataset
School Climate for Diversity-Secondary Scale
PsycTESTS Dataset.
2017 journal article
The complexity of school racial climate: Reliability and validity of a new measure for secondary students
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(4), 700–721.
2016 journal article
Does Culturally Relevant Teaching Work? An Examination From Student Perspectives
SAGE Open, 6(3), 215824401666074.
2016 conference paper
Perceptions of School Racial Socialization and Intergroup Interactions for College Student Outcomes
Byrd, C. M. (2016, August). Poster presented at the 124th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado.
Event: 124th annual convention of the American Psychological Association at Denver, Colorado on August 4-7, 2016
2016 conference paper
Perceptions of intergroup interactions and school racial socialization are associated with psychological and academic outcomes
Byrd, C. M. (2016, April). Presented at the New Directions in School Racial Climate, Society for Research on Adolescence Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Event: New Directions in School Racial Climate, Society for Research on Adolescence Meeting at Baltimore, Maryland
2016 speech
Reporting Microaggressions through a Mobile App: Longitudinal Relations with Well-Being and Academic Success Health Psychology
Presented at the University of California, Merced, Merced, California.
Event: University of California, Merced at Merced, California
2016 conference paper
Revisiting Racial Constancy in Adolescents in a “Post-Racial" Society
Byrd, C. M. (2016, July). Presented at the Society for Research of the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race, Stanford, California.
Event: Society for Research of the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race at Stanford, California
2016 conference paper
School Racial Climate and Congruence with Racial Identity for Black and Latino College Students
Byrd, C. M., Fonseca, G., Leath, S., Barnes, S., Carter, R., & Chavous, T. (2016, April). Presented at the 2016 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Event: 2016 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting at Baltimore, Maryland on March 31 - April 2, 2016
2016 conference paper
Using a Mobile App to Address to Microaggressions on Campus
Presented at the SYNBERC Expanding Potential Workshop, Berkeley, California.
Event: SYNBERC Expanding Potential Workshop at Berkeley, California
2016 conference paper
Using a Mobile App to Report Microaggressions
Byrd, C. M. (2016, August). Poster presented at the 124th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado.
Event: 124th annual convention of the American Psychological Association at Denver, Colorado on August 4-7, 2016
2016 journal article
Variations in students' perceived reasons for, sources of, and forms of in-school discrimination: A latent class analysis
Journal of School Psychology, 57, 1–14.
2015 conference paper
Black History Month and To Kill a Mockingbird: Student Perceptions of School Racial Socialization Practices
Byrd, C. M. (2015, March). Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2015 Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Event: Society for Research in Child Development 2015 Biennial Meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on March 19-21, 2015
2015 journal article
School Ethnic–Racial Socialization: Learning About Race and Ethnicity Among African American Students
The Urban Review, 47(3), 563–576.
2015 conference paper
The Importance of Cultural Relevance for All: Secondary Students’ Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Byrd, C. M., & Carter Andrews, D. J. (2015, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Event: American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting at Chicago, Illinois on April 16-20, 2015
2015 journal article
The lagged effects of racial discrimination on depressive symptomology and interactions with racial identity
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), 216–225.
Contributors: L. Hoggard *, * & R. Sellers *
2014 journal article
Culture clash? Interactions between Afrocultural and mainstream cultural styles in classrooms serving African American students
Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning, 4(3), 186–202.
2014 dataset
Initial Validation of a Comprehensive Measure of School Racial Climate
Byrd, C. M. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
2014 conference paper
Initial Validation of a Comprehensive Measure of School Racial Climate
Byrd, C. M. (2014, August). Presented at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Event: American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention at Washington, DC on August 7-10, 2014
2014 speech
Learning about Race and Culture in School: Student Perspectives
Presented at the University of San Francisco Junior Scholar Speaker Series, San Francisco, California.
Event: University of San Francisco Junior Scholar Speaker Series at San Francisco, California
2014 conference paper
Multiracial students’ perceptions of schooling in a predominantly White high school: Examining (racial) microaggressions through a quantitative analysis
Carter Andrews, D., & Byrd, C. M. (2014, April). Presented at the Where Do We Place Our Children? Students of Color in Predominately White High School Settings, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Event: Where Do We Place Our Children? Students of Color in Predominately White High School Settings, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 3-7, 2014
2014 conference paper
Supporting Motivation Through a Positive School Racial Climate
Byrd, C. M. (2014, October). Presented at the National Black Child Development Institute, Detroit, Michigan.
Event: National Black Child Development Institute at Detroit, Michigan
2014 journal article
The Associations of Intergroup Interactions and School Racial Socialization with Academic Motivation
The Journal of Educational Research, 108(1), 10–21.
2014 conference paper
The content and frequency of school racial socialization in a predominantly Black school
Byrd, C. M., & Aldana, A. (2014, March). Presented at the Understanding Race and Context in School Settings, Society for Research on Adolescence BIennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.
Event: Understanding Race and Context in School Settings, Society for Research on Adolescence BIennial Meeting at Austin, Texas
2013 conference paper
African American adolescents’ experience of their school racial climate: Implications for achievement motivation processes
Byrd, C. M. (2013, April). Presented at the Racial Context of Schooling: Implications for Academic Achievement and Psychological Adaptation among Diverse Ethnic Minority Youth, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Event: Racial Context of Schooling: Implications for Academic Achievement and Psychological Adaptation among Diverse Ethnic Minority Youth, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting at Seattle, Washington on April 18-20, 2013
2013 conference paper
Hearing Students’ Voices about Multicultural Education Practices
Byrd, C. M., & Carter Andrews, D. J. (2013, November). Presented at the National Association of Multicultural Education, Oakland, California.
Event: National Association of Multicultural Education at Oakland, California
2013 conference paper
Racial identity-context congruence in predominantly White and predominantly Black settings
Byrd, C. M., & Chavous, T. (2013, April). Presented at the Identity and Academic Motivation: Mapping Conceptual and Empirical Boundaries of an Emerging Domain, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.
Event: Identity and Academic Motivation: Mapping Conceptual and Empirical Boundaries of an Emerging Domain, American Educational Research Association at San Francisco, California on April 27 - May 1, 2013
2013 conference paper
Racial identity-context congruence in predominantly White and predominantly Black settings
Byrd, C. M., & Chavous, T. (2013, March). Poster presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Event: Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting at Seattle, Washington on April 18-20, 2013
2013 dataset
Variations in Perceived Sources and Reasons for Discrimination: A Cluster Analysis
Byrd, C. M., & Andrews, D. C. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
2013 conference paper
Variations in Perceived Sources and Reasons for Discrimination: A Cluster Analysis
Byrd, C. M., & Carter Andrews, D. J. (2013, August). Presented at the American Psychological Association's 121st Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Event: American Psychological Association's 121st Annual Convention at Honolulu, Hawaii on July 31 - August 4, 2013
2012 conference paper
A latent class analysis of racial identity and racial attitudes: Associations with racial climate and well-being
Byrd, C. M. (2012, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on April 13-17, 2012
2012 journal article
Comparison of African American college students' coping with racially and nonracially stressful events
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 18(4), 329–339.
Contributors: L. Hoggard *, * & R. Sellers *
2012 conference paper
How school racial climate moderates the relationship of racial identity to academic satisfaction
Byrd, C. M., & Chavous, T. M. (2012, March). Presented at the Identity and Education: How Adolescent Racial Identity Interacts with Context to Influence Achievement and Motivational Outcomes, Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Event: Identity and Education: How Adolescent Racial Identity Interacts with Context to Influence Achievement and Motivational Outcomes, Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2012 conference paper
Racial identity-context congruence in educational settings: How the effects of African American racial identity varies
Byrd, C. M. (2012, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Event: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on April 13-17, 2012
2012 chapter
The congruence between African American students’ racial identity beliefs and their academic climates: Implications for academic motivation and achievement
In J. M. Sullivan & A. M. Esmail (Eds.), African American Identity: Racial and Cultural Dimensions of the Black Experience (pp. 345–369). Lanham: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
Ed(s): J. Sullivan & A. Esmail
2011 conference paper
Beyond intergroup contact: What’s racial about the climate at an HBCU?
Byrd, C. M. (2011, June). Presented at the Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Coral Gables, Florida.
Event: Black Graduate Conference in Psychology at Coral Gables, Florida
2011 dataset
Importance of Racial Attitudes and Racial Climate in Academic and Psychological Outcomes
Byrd, C. M. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
2011 journal article
Racial Identity, School Racial Climate, and School Intrinsic Motivation Among African American Youth: The Importance of Person-Context Congruence
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(4), 849–860.
Contributors: & T. Chavous * *
2011 conference paper
Situational factors in coping with racial discrimination
Byrd, C. M., Hoggard, L. H., & Sellers, R. M. (2011, August). Poster presented at the 2011 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Event: 2011 American Psychological Association Annual Convention at Washington, DC on August 4-7, 2011
2011 journal article
The Measurement of Racial/Ethnic Identity in Children
Journal of Black Psychology, 38(1), 3–31.
2011 conference paper
The importance of racial attitudes and racial climate in academic and psychological outcomes
Byrd, C. M. (2011, August). Presented at the Impact of Race and Discrimination in Educational Settings during Adolescence to Young Adulthood, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Event: Impact of Race and Discrimination in Educational Settings during Adolescence to Young Adulthood, American Psychological Association at Washington, DC on August 4-7, 2011
2010 dataset
Racial Discrimination: A Unique Stressor With Unique Coping Responses?
Byrd, C. M., Hoggard, L. S., & Sellers, R. M. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
2010 conference paper
Racial discrimination: A unique stressor with unique coping responses?
Byrd, C. M., Hoggard, L. H., & Sellers, R. M. (2010, August). Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 118th Annual Convention, San Diego, California.
Event: American Psychological Association 118th Annual Convention at San Diego, California on August 12-15, 2010
2010 conference paper
The interaction of school racial climate and racial centrality on motivation for African American adolescents
Byrd, C. M., & Rowley, S. J. (2010, July). Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia.
Event: International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Meeting at Lusaka, Zambia
2010 conference paper
The measurement of racial identity in children: A critical review
Byrd, C. M. (2010, June). Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Event: American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues Conference at Ann Arbor, Michigan
2010 conference paper
Why racial climate and discrimination matter for academic motivation in secondary education: the roles of autonomy, belonging, and competence
Byrd, C. M., & Rowley, S. J. (2010, March). Presented at the Interplay of Contextual and Individual Factors in Predicting African American Adolescents' Academic Achievement, Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Event: Interplay of Contextual and Individual Factors in Predicting African American Adolescents' Academic Achievement, Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on March 11-13, 2010
2009 conference paper
Closing an achievement gap: Mathematics instruction that moderates the relationship between socioeconomic status and kindergarten mathematics learning
Wong, L., & Byrd, C. M. (2009, April). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
Event: American Educational Research Association Conference at San Diego, CA on April 13-17, 2009
2009 journal article
Racial Identity and Academic Achievement in the Neighborhood Context: A Multilevel Analysis
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(4), 544–559.
2009 conference paper
Racial identity and academic achievement in the neighborhood context: A multilevel analysis
Byrd, C. M., & Chavous, T. M. (2009, April). Presented at the How does racial identity and discrimination matter for diverse adolescents’ achievement? Longitudinal and contextual examinations, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Event: How does racial identity and discrimination matter for diverse adolescents’ achievement? Longitudinal and contextual examinations, Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting at Denver, Colorado on April 2-4, 2009
2008 conference paper
Racial identity in the neighborhood context
Byrd, C. M., & Chavous, T. M. (2008, June). Poster presented at the National Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Event: National Black Graduate Conference in Psychology at Ann Arbor, Michigan
2008 journal article
Reading Instruction Beliefs and Practices of Early Elementary School Teachers
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 13(2), 76–85.