Works (34)
2021 article
Implications of gnomonic distortion on electron backscatter diffraction and transmission Kikuchi diffraction
Fancher, C. M., Burch, M. J., Patala, S., & Dickey, E. C. (2022, January 4). JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY, Vol. 1.
2019 journal article
Structure of HfO2 modified with Y, Gd, and Zr at ambient conditions and high pressures
Journal of Applied Physics, 126(20).
2019 article
The use of Bayesian inference in the characterization of materials and thin films
2018 journal article
Spatial Signal Detection Using Continuous Shrinkage Priors
Technometrics, 61(4), 494–506.

2017 journal article
A Bayesian approach to modeling diffraction profiles and application to ferroelectric materials
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50, 211–220.
2017 journal article
Decoupling of superposed textures in an electrically biased piezoceramic with a 100 preferred orientation
Applied Physics Letters, 110(6).
2017 journal article
Electric-field-induced structural changes in multilayer piezoelectric actuators during electrical and mechanical loading
Acta Materialia, 132, 96–105.

2017 journal article
Formation of sodium bismuth titanate—barium titanate during solid‐state synthesis
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100(4), 1330–1338.

2017 journal article
Low temperature dielectric relaxation in ordinary perovskite ferroelectrics: Enlightenment from high-energy x-ray diffraction
Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics, 50(20).
2017 journal article
Si doped hafnium oxide-a "fragile" ferroelectric system
Advanced Electronic Materials, 3(10).
2017 journal article
The contribution of 180 degrees domain wall motion to dielectric properties quantified from in situ X-ray diffraction
Acta Materialia, 126, 36–43.
2017 journal article
Thickness‐dependent domain wall reorientation in 70/30 lead magnesium niobate‐ lead titanate thin films
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100(9), 3961–3972.

2016 journal article
Anomalous reduction in domain wall displacement at the morphotropic phase boundary of the piezoelectric alloy system PbTiO3−BiScO3
Physical Review B, 93(10).

2016 journal article
Coupled domain wall motion, lattice strain and phase transformation in morphotropic phase boundary composition of PbTiO3-BiScO3 piezoelectric ceramic
Journal of Applied Physics, 120(15).
2016 journal article
Domain wall and interphase boundary motion in (1-x)Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O-3-xPbTiO(3) near the morphotropic phase boundary
Journal of Applied Physics, 120(4).
2016 journal article
Effect of Mechanical Constraint on Domain Reorientation in Predominantly {111}‐Textured Lead Zirconate Titanate Films
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99(5), 1802–1807.
Ed(s): G. Brennecka

2016 journal article
In situ X-ray diffraction of lead zirconate titanate piezoMEMS cantilever during actuation
Materials & Design, 111, 429–434.

2016 journal article
Mapping 180° polar domains using electron backscatter diffraction and dynamical scattering simulations
Ultramicroscopy, 173, 47–51.

2016 journal article
Single- and Double-Site Substitutions in Mixed-Metal Oxides: Adjusting the Band Edges Toward the Water Redox Couples
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(34), 19175–19188.

2016 journal article
Use of Bayesian inference in crystallographic structure refinement via full diffraction profile analysis
Scientific Reports, 6.
2015 journal article
Accurate Nanoscale Crystallography in Real-Space Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21(4), 946–952.

2015 journal article
Characterization of thick bismuth ferrite-lead titanate films processed by tape casting and templated grain growth
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35(16), 4453–4458.
2015 journal article
Field induced domain switching as the origin of anomalous lattice strain along non-polar direction in rhombohedral BiScO3-PbTiO3 close to the morphotropic phase boundary
Applied Physics Letters, 107(5).
2015 journal article
In situ measurement of increased ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain wall motion in declamped tetragonal lead zirconate titanate thin films
Journal of Applied Physics, 117(5).
2015 journal article
Pressure-induced structures of Si-doped HfO2
Journal of Applied Physics, 117(23).
2015 journal article
Processing and crystallographic structure of non-equilibrium Si-doped HfO2
Journal of Applied Physics, 117(24).
2015 journal article
Structure of 3 at.% and 9 at.% Si-doped HfO2 from combined refinement of X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 646, 655–661.
2014 journal article
Breaking of macroscopic centric symmetry in paraelectric phases of ferroelectric materials and implications for flexoelectricity
Nature Materials, 14(2), 224–229.

2014 journal article
Crystal structure of Si-doped HfO2
Journal of Applied Physics, 115(3).
2014 journal article
Effect of texture on temperature-dependent properties of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 modified Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-xBaTiO(3)
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97(8), 2557–2563.
2014 journal article
Ferroelectric phenomena in Si-doped HfO2 thin films with TiN and Ir electrodes
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B, Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 32(3).
2014 review
In situ characterization of polycrystalline ferroelectrics using x-ray and neutron diffraction
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 30(3), 340–356.

2014 conference paper
Texture analysis of thick bismuth ferrite lead titanate layers
2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM), 166–168.
2014 journal article
The effects of layering in ferroelectric Si-doped HfO2 thin films
Applied Physics Letters, 105(7).