Works (14)
2022 article
Transcriptome annotation reveals minimal immunogenetic diversity among Wyoming toads, Anaxyrus baxteri
Carlson, K. B., Wcisel, D. J., Ackerman, H. D., Romanet, J., Christiansen, E. F., Niemuth, J. N., … Yoder, J. A. (2022, April 28). CONSERVATION GENETICS, Vol. 4.

2021 article
Hi-C scaffolded short- and long-read genome assemblies of the California sea lion are broadly consistent for syntenic inference across 45 million years of evolution
Peart, C. R., Williams, C., Pophaly, S. D., Neely, B. A., Gulland, F. M. D., Adams, D. J., … Wolf, J. B. W. (2021, June 27). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, Vol. 6.

2017 journal article
Intracoronary allogeneic cardiosphere-derived stem cells are safe for use in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 21(8), 1503–1512.
Contributors: M. Hensley n, J. Tang n, K. Woodruff n, T. Defrancesco n , S. Tou n, n, M. Breen n , K. Meurs n , B. Keene n, K. Cheng n

2017 journal article
Malignant canine mammary tumours: Preliminary genomic insights using oligonucleotide array comparative genomic hybridisation analysis
Contributors: M. Santos *, P. Dias-Pereira *, n, C. Lopes * & M. Breen n

2014 journal article
Canine Prostate Cancer Cell Line (Probasco) Produces Osteoblastic Metastases In Vivo
PROSTATE, 74(13), 1251–1265.
Contributors: J. Simmons*, W. Dirksen *, B. Hildreth *, C. Dorr n, n, R. Thomas n, M. Breen n , R. Toribio *, T. Rosol *

2014 journal article
Definition of the Cattle Killer Cell Ig-like Receptor Gene Family: Comparison with Aurochs and Human Counterparts
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 193(12), 6016–6030.
Contributors: N. Sanderson *, P. Norman *, L. Guethlein *, S. Ellis*, n, M. Breen n , S. Park*, D. Magee*

2012 journal article
CD40 ligand is necessary and sufficient to support primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cells in culture: a tool for in vitro preclinical studies with primary B-cell malignancies
LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, 53(7), 1390–1398.
Contributors: D. Ito *, A. Frantz *, *, R. Thomas n, R. Burnett*, A. Avery *, M. Breen n , N. Mason *, . T.D. O'Brien, J. Modiano *

2012 journal article
Calf birth weight, gestation length, calving ease, and neonatal calf mortality in Holstein, Jersey, and crossbred cows in a pasture system
Contributors: K. Dhakal n, C. Maltecca n , J. Cassady n, G. Baloche, n & S. Washburn n

2011 journal article
Development of a Brain Metastatic Canine Prostate Cancer Cell Line
PROSTATE, 71(12), 1251–1263.
Contributors: N. Thudi*, S. Shu*, C. Martin *, L. Lanigan *, M. Nadella*, A. Van Bokhoven *, J. Werbeck*, J. Simmons*

2010 journal article
BCR-ABL translocation in a dog with chronic monocytic leukemia
Contributors: J. Cruz Cardona*, R. Milner *, A. Alleman*, n, W. Vernau*, M. Breen n , M. Tompkins n

journal article
A comprehensive genomic history of extinct and living elephants
Palkopoulou, E., Lipson, M., Mallick, S., Nielsen, S., Rohland, N., Baleka, S., … Meller, H. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(11), E2566–2574.
journal article
Genome-wide association study identifies shared risk loci common to two malignancies in golden retrievers
Tonomura, N., Elvers, I., Thomas, R., Megquier, K., Turner-Maier, J., Howald, C., … Kim, J. H. PLoS Genetics, 11(2).
journal article
The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals
Alfoldi, J., Di Palma, F., Grabherr, M., Williams, C., Kong, L. S., Mauceli, E., … Moreno, R. G. Nature, 477(7366), 587–591.
journal article
Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs
Green, R. E., Braun, E. L., Armstrong, J., Earl, D., Nguyen, N., Hickey, G., … Hubley, R. M. Science, 346(6215), 1335-.