Works (7)
2023 article
Introduction to the ICADA 2023 canine atopic dermatitis pathogenesis review articles and updated definition
Eisenschenk, M. C., Hensel, P., Saridomichelakis, M. N., Tamamoto-Mochizuki, C., Pucheu-Haston, C. M., & Santoro, D. (2023, December 14). VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY.

2023 article
Update on the role of cytokines and chemokines in canine atopic dermatitis
Tamamoto-Mochizuki, C., Santoro, D. N., Saridomikelakis, M., Eisenschenk, M. N. C., Hensel, P., Pucheu-Haston, C., & ICADA, I. C. A. D. A. (2023, July 23). VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY.

2023 article
Update on the role of genetic factors, environmental factors and allergens in canine atopic dermatitis
Hensel, P., Saridomichelakis, M., Eisenschenk, M., Tamamoto-Mochizuki, C., Pucheu-Haston, C., Santoro, D., & IDADA. (2023, October 15). VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY.

2023 article
Update on the skin barrier, cutaneous microbiome and host defence peptides in canine atopic dermatitis
Santoro, D., Saridomichelakis, M., Eisenschenk, M., Tamamoto-Mochizuki, C., Hensel, P., & Pucheu-Haston, C. (2023, November 22). VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY.

2021 review
IL-31 and IL-31 receptor expression in acute experimental canine atopic dermatitis skin lesions
[Review of ]. VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY, 32(6), 631-+.

2020 journal article
Efficacy study of a topical treatment with a plant extract with antibiofilm activities using an in vivo model of canine superficial pyoderma

2019 journal article
Proactive maintenance therapy of canine atopic dermatitis with the anti‐ IL ‐31 lokivetmab. Can a monoclonal antibody blocking a single cytokine prevent allergy flares?
Veterinary Dermatology, 30(2), 98–e26.