Works (34)
2024 journal article
Compost incorporation and wildflowers introduction for stormwater infiltration and erosion-control vegetation cover establishment in post-construction landscapes
2024 article
Wildflowers and compost amendment can improve infiltration in soils impacted by construction
Alshraah, S. H., Kranz, C. N., McLaughlin, R. A., & Heitman, J. L. (2024, April 11). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, Vol. 4.

2023 article
Influence of compost amendment rate and level of compaction on the hydraulic functioning of soils
Kranz, C. N., McLaughlin, R. A., Amoozegar, A., & Heitman, J. L. (2023, March 16). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, Vol. 3.

2022 journal article
Characterizing Compost Rate Effects on Stormwater Runoff and Vegetation Establishment
WATER, 14(5).

2022 article
Comparison of soil particle density determined by a gas pycnometer using helium, nitrogen, and air
Amoozegar, A., Heitman, J. L., & Kranz, C. N. (2022, November 15). SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, Vol. 11.

2022 weblog post
Incorporated compost effects on infiltration, water quality, and vegetation establishment
Kranz, C. N., Heitman, J. L., & McLaughlin, R. A. (2022, January 19).
2022 article
Influence of compost application rate on nutrient and heavy metal mobility: Implications for stormwater management
Kranz, C. N., Rivers, E. N., McLaughlin, R. A., & Heitman, J. L. (2022, September 20). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Vol. 9.

2021 conference paper
Amending Roadside Soils with Compost: Effects on Runoff Quality and Quantity, and Vegetation Establishment
Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
2021 conference paper
Compost Incorporation on Roadsides for Soil Improvements and as a Stormwater Control Measure
Presented at the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, (Virtual).
2021 conference paper
Managing Stormwater Quantity and Quality with Compost Incorporation
Presented at the North Carolina Department of Transportation Summit, (Virtual).
2021 conference paper
Organic amendments for soil restoration on North Carolina Roadsides: A review
Presented at the Soil Science Society of North Carolina Annual Meeting, Virtual.
2021 conference paper
Review of Incorporating Compost into North Carolina Roadsides
Presented at the International Erosion Control Association Annual Conference, Virtual.
2020 conference paper
Amending roadside with compost post-construction to improve soil hydraulic properties
Presented at the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Seminar, (Virtual).
2020 conference paper
Compost amendment rate and level of compaction alter pore size distribution and soil hydraulic properties in three different textured soils
Presented at the Soil Science Society of North Carolina Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2020 conference paper
Compost and Compaction Effects on Soil Hydraulic Properties
Presented at the International Erosion Control Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2020 conference paper
Nutrient and metal leaching losses verses retention in compost-soil blends
Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual meeting, (Virtual).
2020 journal article
The effects of compost incorporation on soil physical properties in urban soils – A concise review
Journal of Environmental Management, 261, 110209.

2020 conference paper
Tying nutrient and metal leaching losses to infiltration rates in compost-soil blends
Presented at the Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2020 conference paper
Using compost post-construction to improve soil hydraulic properties and manage nutrient export
Presented at the North Carolina Department of Transportation Summit, (Virtual).
2019 speech
Applying compost to roadsides to increase infiltration of water
Presented at the SSC 511: Soil Physics, Raleigh, NC.
2019 report
Effects of seed source and burn severity on jack pine seedling establishment
[Interview for Research Briefs for Resources Managers]. Lake States Fire Science Consortium.
2019 journal article
High‐Severity Burning Increases Jack Pine Seedling Biomass Relative to Low‐Severity Prescribed Fires
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83(S1), S141–S152.
Contributors: & T. Whitman * *

2019 conference paper
Level of compaction and compost amendment rate alter soil hydraulic properties in three urban soils
Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2019 conference paper
Level of soil compaction is more important than compost volume for determining soil hydraulic properties in a sandy loam soil
Presented at the American Ecological Engineering Society Meeting, Ashville, NC.
2019 conference paper
Optimizing compost application rates for vegetation health, stormwater infiltration, and runoff quality
Presented at the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Advisory Panel Meeting, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2019 journal article
Short communication: Surface charring from prescribed burning has minimal effects on soil bacterial community composition two weeks post-fire in jack pine barrens
Applied Soil Ecology, 144, 134–138.
Contributors: & T. Whitman * *

2019 report
The effects of compost on soil physical properties, heavy metals, and turf establishment as means for erosion control and stormwater infiltration
2018 conference paper
Prescribed burning effects on jack pine seeds from high and low serotiny regions: Microbial interactions and soil properties
Presented at the North American Forest Soil Conference, Quebec City, QC.
2017 conference paper
Effects of fire on soils: Is fire a soil forming factor?
Presented at the Soil Science Department Seminar, Madison, WI.
2017 conference paper
High and low serotiny jack pine seeds with prescribed fire: Implications for seedling success and microbial communities
Presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Tamps, FL.
2013 conference paper
An initial study of soil organic carbon and post-agricultural forest succession age on the Ithaca College natural Lands
Presented at the Geological Society of America, Northeast Regional Meeting, Bretton Woods, NH.
2013 conference paper
Biochar at Ithaca College: Two greenhouse studies testing the effects of biochar and earthworms on plant mass
Presented at the James J. Whalen Academic Symposium, Ithaca, NY.
2013 speech
What is biochar: Principals and practices for local gardeners
Presented at the Environmental Crisis: Causes and Solution, Ithaca, NY.
2012 speech
Biochar soil application depth on plant mass of radishes
Presented at the Sustainability Café: Global Climate Change, Ithaca, NY.
Updated: October 20th, 2021 15:12
2021 - present
2013 - 2016
Updated: October 20th, 2021 15:11
2018 - 2021
2016 - 2018
2009 - 2013