@misc{elane_bauck_hobbs_king_fields_ziegler_blikslager_2024, title={Review of venipuncture and intravenous catheterization techniques in pigs}, volume={262}, ISSN={["1943-569X"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.24.03.0169}, abstractNote={Abstract The number of companion pigs in the US is increasing, as is the frequency with which they present to primary companion care practices. However, pigs are often an understudied species in veterinary curricula, and many students graduate from veterinary school with minimal porcine handling experience. Coupled with the poor peripheral vascular access associated with pigs, this presents a challenge for many new graduates and other primary care veterinarians seeking to improve their knowledge of porcine handling, anatomy, and medical care. Furthermore, much of the available veterinary literature regarding porcine venous access is dated, limited to technical notes, or inaccessible to many primary care veterinarians. This review aims to supplement this lack of knowledge by discussing techniques in restraint, sedation, venipuncture, and catheterization of companion pigs as a reference for veterinarians and researchers alike.}, number={10}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Elane, George L. and Bauck, Anje G. and Hobbs, Kallie J. and King, Ailbhe and Fields, Claire and Ziegler, Amanda and Blikslager, Anthony}, year={2024}, month={Oct}, pages={1388–1396} }