Carolyn Rae Miller
genre, rhetoric, rhetoric of science, digital rhetoric
Carolyn R. Miller retired from North Carolina State University in 2015 after 42 years on the faculty. Her research interests include genre studies, digital rhetoric, rhetorical theory, and rhetoric of science and technology. This work has explored rhetorical concepts of invention, agency, kairos, ethos, and community, and her work in genre has been foundational to North American genre studies. She is a Fellow of the Rhetoric Society of America and Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. Her professional service includes terms as president of the Rhetoric Society of America and editor of its journal, Rhetoric Society Quarterly. She has lectured and taught in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Norway, and South Korea.
Works (161)
2023 chapter
Genre Formation and Differentiation in New Media
In P. M. Rogers, D. R. Russell, P. Carlino, & J. M. Marine (Eds.), Writing as a Human Activity: Implications and Applications of the Work of Charles Bazerman (pp. 393–405).
Ed(s): P. Rogers, D. Russell, P. Carlino & J. Marine
2022 report
How Do Genres, Media, and Platforms Shape Our Perception and Our Communication?
In TC Camp [Video].
2022 chapter
Understanding Failures in Organizational Discourse: The Accident at Three Mile Island and the Shuttle Challenger Disaster
In C. Bazerman & J. Paradis (Eds.), Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities.
Ed(s): C. Bazerman & J. Paradis
2020 journal article
"Tree Thinking": The Rhetoric of Tree Diagrams in Biological Thought
Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention, 15(2), 1–61.
2020 chapter
A History of RSA in Ten Minutes
In R. Mountford, D. Tell, & D. Blakesley (Eds.), Reinventing Rhetoric Scholarship: Fifty Years of the Rhetoric Society of America (pp. 19–23). Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Ed(s): R. Mountford, D. Tell & D. Blakesley
2020 journal article
Exercising Genres: A Rejoinder to Anne Freadman
Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 30, 133–140.

2020 journal article
Gattung als soziale Handlung
Gattungsheorie, 212–241.
Ed(s): P. Keckeis & W. Michle
2020 chapter
Kairos in the Rhetoric of Science
In R. A. Harris (Ed.), Landmark Essays on Rhetoric of Science: Theories, Themes, and Methods (pp. 184–202). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): R. Harris
2020 journal article
Revisiting ‘A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing.’
College English, 85(2), 443–448.
Ed(s): L. Gonzalez, A. Shivers-McNair & A. Bawarshi
2020 weblog post
Scholarly Interview with Carolyn Rae Miller, Ph.D. from North Carolina State University on Genre and Rhetorical Studies
Miller, C. (2020, April).
2020 chapter
Some Perspectives on Rhetoric, Science, and History
In P. M. Dombrowski (Ed.), Humanistic Aspects of Technical Communication (pp. 111–123).
Ed(s): P. Dombrowski

2019 weblog post
Interview for Rhetoric Society of America Oral History Initiative
Miller, C., & Simonson, P. (2019, October). [Audio and transcript].
2018 chapter
Classification and Its Discontents: Making Peace with Blurred Boundaries, Open Categories, and Diffuse Disciplines
In R. Melencyzk, S. Miller-Cochran, E. Wardle, & K. B. Yancey (Eds.), Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity (pp. 87–110). Louisville, CO: Utah State University Press.
Ed(s): R. Melencyzk, S. Miller-Cochran, E. Wardle & K. Yancey
2018 chapter
Genre in Ancient and Networked Media
In M. Kennerly & D. S. Pfoster (Eds.), Ancient Rhetorics & Digital Networks (pp. 176–204). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Ed(s): M. Kennerly & D. Pfoster
2018 journal article
Genre: Permanence and Change
Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 48(3), 269–277.

2018 book
Landmark Essays in Rhetorical Genre Studies
In Routledge.
2018 chapter
Scientific and Parascientific Communication on the Internet
In R. A. Harris (Ed.), Landmark Essays on Rhetoric of Science: Case Studies (2nd ed., pp. 239–260). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): R. Harris
2018 chapter
What Can Automation Tell Us About Agency?
In Fifty Years of Rhetoric Society Quarterly (pp. 183–200).
2017 chapter
Carolyn Miller
In Teachers on the Edge (pp. 462–471).
2017 book
2017 article
Forum: Bruno Latour on Rhetoric

2017 chapter
The Aristotelian Topos:
In Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration (pp. 95–118).
2016 chapter
14. Discourse Genres
In A. Rocci & L. Saussure (Eds.), Verbal Communication (pp. 269–286).
Ed(s): A. Rocci & L. Saussure
2016 journal article
Genre Innovation: Evolution, Emergence, or Something Else?
Journal of Media Innovations, 3(2), 4–19.
2016 chapter
Intersections: Scientific and Parascientific Communication on the Internet
In A. G. Gross & J. Buehl (Eds.), Science and the Internet: Communicating Knowledge in a Digital Age (pp. 221–246). Amityville, NY: Baywood Press.
Ed(s): A. Gross & J. Buehl
2016 journal article
’A Set of Shared Expectations’: An Interview with Carolyn Miller
WOE: Writing on the Edge, 27(1), 6–16.
2015 journal article
Expertise and Data in the Articulation of Risk
Poroi, 11(1), 1–9.
2015 chapter
Genre Change and Evolution
In N. Artemeva & A. Freedman (Eds.), Genre Studies around the Globe: Beyond the Three Traditions (pp. 154–185). Edmonton, AB: Trafford Publishing.
Ed(s): N. Artemeva & A. Freedman
2015 journal article
Genre as Social Action (1984), Revisited 30 Years Later (2014)
Letras & Letras, 31(3), 56–72.
2015 chapter
Gêneros evoluem? Deveríamos dizer que sim?
In A. P. Dionisio & L. de P. Cavalcanti (Eds.), Gêneros na Linguística e na Literatura: Charles Bazerman: 10 anos de incentivo à pesquisa no Brasil (pp. 23–61). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universitária UFPE e Pipa Comunicação.
Ed(s): A. Dionisio & L. de P. Cavalcanti
2015 chapter
Gêneros evoluem? Deveríamos dizer que sim? = Do Genres Evolve? Should We Say that They Do?
In A. P. Dionisio & L. de Pinho Cavalcanti (Eds.), Gêneros na Linguística e na Literatura: Charles Bazerman: 10 anos de incentivo à pesquisa no Brasil (pp. 23–61). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universitária UFPE e Pipa Comunicação.
Ed(s): A. Dionisio & L. de Pinho Cavalcanti
2015 journal article
The Fact That I Could Write About It Made Me Think It Was Real
Composition Forum, 31.;
2014 journal article
NCA-Forum Double Session on Scholarly Metrics in a Digital Age
Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 3(6), 1–29.
2013 journal article
Audiences, Brains, Sustainable Planets, and Communication Technologies: Four Horizons for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology
Poroi, 9(1), 1–6.
2013 journal article
Genres in Scientific and Technical Rhetoric
Poroi, 9(1), 1–4.

2012 report
An Interview with Dr. Carolyn Miller
In ARST Oral History Project [Video].
2012 magazine article
Carolyn A. Miller
Miller, C., & Mascarenhas, M. A. (2012, July). Figure/Ground Communication.
2012 book
New Genres, Now and Then
2012 chapter
New Genres, Now and Then
In Literature, Rhetoric, and Values.
2012 chapter
Rhetórica, Tecnologia e o Pushmi-Pullyu
In M. A. Reinaldo, B. Marcuschi, & A. Dionisio (Eds.), Gêneros Textuais: Práticas de Pesquisa e Práticas de Ensino (pp. 15–20). Recife, Brazil: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Press.
Ed(s): M. Reinaldo, B. Marcuschi & A. Dionisio
2011 chapter
Textual Genres
In Série Bate-papo Acadêmico (Vol. 1).
2010 chapter
Digital Rhetoric and Science
In S. H. Priest (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication.
Ed(s): S. Priest

2010 chapter
Foreword: Rhetoric, Technology, and the Pushmi-Pullyu
In Rhetorics and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication.
2010 book
Rhetorics and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication
2010 book
Should We Name the Tools? Concealing and Revealing the Art of Rhetoric
2010 chapter
Should We Name the Tools? Concealing and Revealing the Art of Rhetoric
In The Public Work of Rhetoric.
2009 chapter
Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog
In S. Miller (Ed.), The Norton Handbook of Composition Studies (pp. 1450–1473). New York: W. W. Norton.
Ed(s): S. Miller
2009 book
Estudos sobre Gênero Textual, Agência e Tecnologia
(A. P. Dionisio & J. C. Hoffnagel, Eds.). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Ed(s): A. Dionisio & J. Hoffnagel
2009 journal article
Gênero como ação social
Estudos Sobre Gênero Textual, Agência, e Tecnologia, 21–44.
2009 chapter
Questions for genre theory from the blogosphere
In J. Giltrow & D. Stein (Eds.), Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre (pp. 263–290).
Ed(s): J. Giltrow & D. Stein
2009 chapter
Rhetoric, disciplinarity, and fields of knowledge
In The Sage handbook of rhetorical studies (pp. 167–174). Los Angeles: Sage.
2008 journal article
Concealing and Revealing the Art of Rhetoric in Science and Technology
Rhetorica Scandinavica, 47, 30–54.
2008 book
Persuasion, Audience, and Argument
2008 chapter
Persuasion, Audience, and Argument
In C. Bazerman (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Writing: History, Society, School, Individual, Text (pp. 583–598). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Ed(s): C. Bazerman
2008 chapter
What's Practical about Technical Writing?
In J. MacLennan (Ed.), Readings for Technical Communication. Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): J. MacLennan
2007 chapter
Audience, persuasion, argument
In Handbook of research on writing: History, society, school, individual, text (pp. 583–598). New York: L. Erlbaum Associates.
2007 book review
Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design</i>. Clay Spinuzzi. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. 246 pp
[Review of Tracing Genres Through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design, by C. Spinuzzi]. Technical Communication Quarterly, 16(4), 476–480.
2007 journal article
What Can Automation Tell Us about Agency?
Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 37(2), 137–157.

2006 article
The rhetoric of RHETORIC: The quest for effective communication.
PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC, Vol. 39, pp. 261–263.

2005 chapter
Novelty and heresy in the debate on nonthermal effects of electromagnetic fields
In Rhetoric and incommensurability (pp. 464–505). West Lafayette, Ind.: Parlor Press.
2005 journal article
Risk, Controversy, and Rhetoric: Response to Goodnight
Argumentation and Advocacy, 42(1), 34–37.
2004 chapter
A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing
In J. M. Dubinsky (Ed.), Teaching Technical Communication (pp. 15–23). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Ed(s): J. Dubinsky
2004 chapter
Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog
In L. Gurak, S. Antonijevic, L. Johnson, C. Ratliff, & J. Reyman (Eds.), Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Libraries.
Ed(s): L. Gurak, S. Antonijevic, L. Johnson, C. Ratliff & J. Reyman
2004 chapter
Expertise and Agency: Transformations of Ethos in Human-Computer Interaction
In The Ethos of Rhetoric (pp. 197–218). Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.
2004 book
Expertise and Agency: Transformations of Ethos in Human-Computer Interaction
2004 chapter
Reuniting wisdom and eloquence within the engineering curriculum
In K. A. N. D. F. Ollis & H. C. Luegenbiehl (Eds.), Liberal education in twenty-first century engineering: responses to ABET/EC 2000 criteria (WPI studies ; v. 23) (pp. 41–50). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): K. D. F. Ollis & H. Luegenbiehl
2004 chapter
What's Practical about Technical Writing?
In J. M. Dubinsky (Ed.), Teaching Technical Communication (pp. 154–164). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Ed(s): J. Dubinsky
2003 journal article
Assessing Technical Writing in Institutional Contexts: Using Outcomes-Based Assessment for Programmatic Thinking
Technical Communication Quarterly, 12(1), 101–114.

2003 chapter
Integrated Approaches to Teaching Rhetoric: Unifying a Divided House
In J. Petraglia & D. Bahri (Eds.), The Realms of Rhetoric: The Prospects for Rhetoric Education (pp. 209–228). Albany, NY: Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ed(s): . J. Petraglia & D. Bahri
2003 book
Integrated Approaches to Teaching Rhetoric: Unifying a Divided House
2003 journal article
The presumptions of expertise: The role of ethos in risk analysis
CONFIGURATIONS, 11(2), 163–202.

2003 chapter
What's practical about technical writing?
In Professional writing and rhetoric: readings from the field (pp. 61–70). New York: Longman.
2003 book
Writing in a Culture of Simulation: Ethos Online
2003 chapter
Writing in a Culture of Simulation: Ethos Online
In M. Nystrand & J. Duffy (Eds.), Towards a Rhetoric of Everyday Life: New Directions in Research on Writing, Text, and Discourse (pp. 58–83). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ed(s): M. Nystrand & J. Duffy
2002 report
Communication in the Workplace 2002: What Can NC State Students Expect?
Raleigh, NC: Professional Writing Program, Department of English, North Carolina State University.
2002 chapter
In P. Sipiora & J. S. Baumlin (Eds.), Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory and Praxis (p. xi-). Albany, NY: Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Ed(s): P. Sipiora & J. Baumlin
2002 book
Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory and Praxis
2002 review
Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences by Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star [review]
[Review of Technical Communication Quarterly: TCQ, 11(1), 113–115.
2001 journal article
Genre som social handling
Rhetorica, 18(2001), 19?35.
2001 journal article
IText - Future directions for research on the relationship between information technology and writing
Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 15(3), 269–308.
2001 article
Rethinking the rhetorical tradition: From Plato to postmodernism
PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC, Vol. 34, pp. 179–181.
2001 book review
Shaping Science with Rhetoric: The Cases of Dobszhanksy, Schrödinger, and Wilson by Leah Ceccarelli
[Review of Shaping Science with Rhetoric: The Cases of Dobszhanksy, Schrödinger, and Wilson, by L. Ceccarelli]. Metascience, 11(3), 345–348. University of Chicago Press.
2001 chapter
Writing in a culture of simulation: ethos online
In The semiotics of writing: Transdisciplinary perspectives on the technology of writing (Semiotic and cognitive studies ; 10). Turnhout: Brepols.
2000 journal article
Active and interactive learning online: A comparison of Web-based and conventional writing classes

2000 chapter
The Aristotelian Topos: Hunting for Novelty
In A. G. Gross & A. E. Walzer (Eds.), Rereading Aristotle's Rhetoric (pp. 130–146). Carbondale, IL: Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Ed(s): A. Gross & A. Walzer
2000 book
The Aristotelian Topos: Hunting for Novelty
1999 journal article
On the Border Between Disciplines: A Conversation with Carolyn Miller
Issues in Writing, 9(2), 110–138.
1998 report
Effective composition instruction: What does the research show?
In Publications (North Carolina State University. Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management) ; no. 3 (Vol. 3). Raleigh, NC: Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management.
1998 chapter
Genre as social action
In Landmark essays on contemporary rhetoric (pp. 123–141). Mahwah, N.J.: Hermagoras Press.
1998 journal article
Learning front history - World War II and the culture of high technology

1998 book review
The Social Construction of Written Communication, ed. Bennett A. Rafoth and Donald L. Rubin
[Review of The Social Construction of Written Communication, by B. A. Rafoth & D. L. Rubin]. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 21, 92–94.
1997 chapter
Classical rhetoric without nostalgia: A response to Gaonkar
In A. G. Gross & W. M. Keith (Eds.), Rhetorical hermeneutics: Invention and interpretation in the age of science -- (SUNY series in speech communication) (pp. 130–146). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ed(s): A. Gross & W. Keith
1997 chapter
Epilogue: On divisions and diversity in rhetoric
In Making and unmaking the prospects for rhetoric: Selected papers from the 1996 Rhetoric Society of America Conference (pp. 207–209). Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
1997 book
Making and unmaking the prospects for rhetoric: Selected papers from the 1996 Rhetoric Society of America Conference
Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
1996 chapter
A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing
In D. Jones (Ed.), Defining Technical Communication (pp. 113–118). Arlington, VA: Society for Technical Communication.
Ed(s): D. Jones
1996 journal article
Comments on “Instrumental Discourse is as Humanistic as Rhetoric”
Comments on “Instrumental Discourse is as Humanistic as Rhetoric.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 10(4), 476–490.
1996 report
Communication in the 21st Century: The original liberal art in an age of science and technology
In Publications (North Carolina State University. Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management) ; no. 1 (Vol. 1). Raleigh, NC: Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management.
1996 report
Communication in the workplace: What can NCSU students expect?
In Publications (North Carolina State University. Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management) ; no. 2 (Vol. 2). Raleigh, NC: Center for Communication in Science, Technology, and Management.
1996 chapter
Low-level radioactive waste siting controversy in North Carolina: Toward a rhetorical model of risk communication
In C. G. Herndl & S. C. Brown (Eds.), Green culture: Environmental rhetoric in contemporary America (pp. 111–140). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ed(s): C. Herndl & S. Brown
1996 book review
The Scientific Voice</i>. Scott L. Montgomery
[Review of The Scientific Voice, by S. L. Montgomery]. Isis, 87(4), 707–708.
1996 journal article
This Is Not an Essay
College Composition and Communication, 47(2), 284.

1995 journal article
A Comment on "Positivists, Postmodernists, Aristotelians, and the Challenger Disaster"
College English, 57(5), 603.

1994 chapter
Genre as Social Action
In A. Freedman & P. Medway (Eds.), Genre and the New Rhetoric (pp. 3–42). London: Taylor and Francis.
Ed(s): A. Freedman & P. Medway
1994 journal article
Opportunity, opportunism, and progress: Kairos in the rhetoric of technology
Argumentation, 8(1), 81–96.
1994 chapter
Rhetorical community: The cultural basis of genre
In A. Freeman & P. Medway (Eds.), Genre and the new rhetoric -- (Critical perspectives on literacy and education) (pp. 67–78). London: Taylor & Francis.
Ed(s): A. Freeman & P. Medway
1993 conference paper
Establishing the Role of Research in a Master's-Level Technical Communication Program
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication. Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, Charlotte, NC.
1993 chapter
Reading Darwin, Reading Nature: Or, On the Ethos of Historical Science
In Understanding Scientific Prose (pp. 106–126). Madison: Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
1993 book
Reading Darwin, Reading Nature: Or, On the Ethos of Historical Science
1993 chapter
Rhetoric and community: The problem of the one and the many
In T. Enos & S. C. Brown (Eds.), Defining the new rhetorics (pp. 79–94). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Ed(s): T. Enos & S. Brown
1993 journal article
1993 book review
The Rhetoric of Science, and: Persuading Science: The Art of Scientific Rhetoric
[Review of The Rhetoric of Science, by A. Gross]. Configurations, 1(2), 279–282.
1992 chapter
Kairos in the Rhetoric of Science
In N. N. S. P. Witte & R. D. Cherry (Eds.), A Rhetoric of Doing: Essays on Written Discourse in Honor of James L. Kinneavy (pp. 310–327). Carbondale, IL: Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Ed(s): N. S. P. Witte & R. Cherry
1992 book
Kairos in the Rhetoric of Science
1992 book review
Signs, Genres, and Communities in Technical Communication, by M. Jimmie Killingsworth and Michael K. Gilbertson (Baywood, 1992)
[Review of Signs, Genres, and Communities in Technical Communication, by M. J. Killingsworth & M. K. Gilbertson]. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 23(2), 63–65.
1992 journal article
Textbooks in Focus: Technical Writing
College Composition and Communication, 43(1), 111.

1991 chapter
Understanding failures in organizational discourse: The accident at Three Mile Island and the shuttle Challenger disaster
In C. Bazerman & J. Paradis (Eds.), Textual dynamics of the professions: Historical and contemporary studies of writing in professional communities (pp. 279–305). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ed(s): C. Bazerman & J. Paradis
1990 book review
Book Reviews : Technical and Business Communication: Bibliographic Essays for Teachers and Corporate Trainers. Ed. Charles H. Sides. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English; Washington: Society for Technical Communication, 1989
[Review of Technical and Business Communication: Bibliographic Essays for Teachers and Corporate Trainers, by C. H. Sides]. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 4(2), 95–97.
1990 book review
Communication and the Culture of Technology, ed. Martin J. Medhurst, Alberto Gonzalez, and Tarla Rai Peterson (Washington State University Press, 1990)
[Review of Communication and the Culture of Technology, by M. J. Medhurst, A. Gonzalez, & T. R. Peterson]. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 23(3), 303–305. Washington State University Press.
1990 journal article
Some Thoughts on the Future of Technical Communication
Technical Communication, 37(2), 108–111.
1990 chapter
The Rhetoric of Decision Science: Or, Herbert A. Simon Says
In The Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry (pp. 162–184). Chicago, IL: Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1990 book
The Rhetoric of Decision Science: Or, Herbert A. Simon Says
1989 book review
Special Review Essay: Some Perspectives on Rhetoric, Science, and History
[Review of Shaping Written Knowledge, The Rhetoric of Economics, and The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences, by C. Bazerman, D. N. McCloskey, J. Nelson, & A. Megill]. Rhetorica, 7(1), 101–114.
1989 chapter
What's Practical about Technical Writing?
In B. E. Fearing & W. K. Sparrow (Eds.), Technical Writing: Theory and Practice (pp. 14–24). New York: Modern Language Association.
Ed(s): B. Fearing & W. Sparrow
1987 journal article
Aristotle's 'Special Topics' in Rhetorical Practice and Pedagogy
1987 journal article
Aristotle's 'Special Topics' in Rhetorical Practice and Pedagogy
Rhetoric Society Quarterly.
1986 journal article
Discourse classifications in nineteenth-century rhetorical pedagogy
Southern Speech Communication Journal, 51, 371–384.

1986 journal article
Three Comments on David Dobrin's "Is Technical Writing Particularly Objective"
College English, 48(2), 195–198.

1985 chapter
Invention in Technical and Scientific Discourse: A Prospective Review
In M. G. Moran & D. Journet (Eds.), Research in Technical Communication: A Bibliographical Sourcebook (pp. 117–162). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Ed(s): M. Moran & D. Journet
1985 chapter
Job Application Letter and Resume
In W. Coles & J. Vopat (Eds.), What Makes Writing Good (pp. 235–243). Lexington, MA: Heath.
Ed(s): W. Coles & J. Vopat
1985 conference paper
Problems in Designing Graduate Programs in Technical Communication (and Some Solutions)
Proceedings of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, 2–9.
1985 chapter
Special topics of argument in engineering reports
In O. Lee & D. Goswami (Eds.), Writing in nonacademic settings (pp. 309–341). New York: Guilford Press.
Ed(s): O. Lee & D. Goswami
1984 journal article

1984 journal article
Genre as Social Action
1984 journal article
Technical Writing Textbooks: Current Alternatives in Teaching
Technical Communication, 31(4th quarter), 35–38.
1984 book review
The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing, ed. James J. Murphy (Modern Language Association, 1982)
[Review of The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing, by J. J. Murphy]. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 70, 208–210. Modern Language Association.
1983 conference paper
Fields of Argument and Special Topoi
In D. Zarefsky, M. O. Sillars, & J. Rhodes (Eds.), Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation (pp. 147–158).
Ed(s): D. Zarefsky, M. Sillars & J. Rhodes
1983 book
New essays in technical and scientific communication: Research, theory, practice -- (Baywood's technical communications series ; v. 2)
Farmingdale, NY: Baywood Publishing Co.
1983 chapter
Resource Bibliography for Teachers of Business, Technical, and Vocational Writing
In Teaching Business, Technical, and Scientific Writing in the Two-Year College (pp. 181–200). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
1983 journal article
Technical Writing Textbooks: Current Alternatives in Teaching
ADE Bulletin, 49–52.

1983 book review
Telling It Like It Isn't: Language Misuse and Malpractice, by J. Dan Rothwell (Prentice-Hall, 1982)
[Review of Telling It Like It Isn't: Language Misuse and Malpractice, by J. D. Rothwell]. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 69, 463–464.
1982 book review
A Bibliography of Basic Texts in Technical and Scientific Writing, by Jone Rymer Goldstein and Robert B. Donovan (Society for Technical Communication, 1982)
[Review of A Bibliography of Basic Texts in Technical and Scientific Writing, by J. R. Goldstein & R. B. Donovan]. Journal of Advanced Composition, 3, 206–209.
1982 journal article
Public Knowledge in Science and Society
1982 journal article
Public Knowledge in Science and Society
Pre/Text, 3(1), 31–49.
1982 chapter
Rules, Context, and Technical Communication
In C. Harkins & D. L. Plung (Eds.), A Guide for Writing Better Technical Papers (pp. 80–84). New York: IEEE Press.
Ed(s): C. Harkins & D. Plung
1981 conference paper
Environmental Impact Statements and Some Modern Traditions of Communication
Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Communication Conference, 67–69.
1980 journal article
Carolyn Miller Responds
College English, 41(7), 825.

1980 book review
Effective Research and Report Writing in Government, by Judson Monroe (McGraw-Hill, 1980)
[Review of Effective Research and Report Writing in Government, by J. Monroe]. The Technical Writing Teacher, 8, 43–45.
1980 journal article
Rules, Context, and Technical Communication
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 10(2), 149–158.

1980 conference paper
The Ethos of Science and the Ethos of Technology
Proceedings of the Technical Communication Sessions, 31st Conference on College Composition and Communication, 184–191.
1980 journal article
Vocationalism and Vision in Writing Courses
Journal of General Education, 32(3), 239–246.
1980 conference paper
Vocationalism and Vision in Writing Courses
Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Maryland Junior Writing Program, 97–103.
1979 journal article
COLLEGE ENGLISH, 40(6), 610–617.

1978 conference paper
Rules, Context, and Technical Communication
Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Communication Conference, 60–64.
1978 journal article
1977 chapter
A Bibliography of Resources for Beginning Teachers of Technical Writing
In T. M. Sawyer (Ed.), Technical and Professional Communication: Teaching in the Two-Year College, Four-Year College, Professional School (pp. 49–64). Ann Arbor, MI: Professional Communication Press.
Ed(s): T. Sawyer
1977 journal article
On Beyond Theory: Brochure Design and Production
CEA Forum, 7, 12–13.
1976 journal article
Annual Bibliography of Technical Writing Materials
The Technical Writing Teacher, 4, 32–43.
Ed(s): D. Cunningham
1976 journal article
Tech Writing as a Cross Cultural Field: A Personal Bibliography
The Technical Writing Teacher, 3, 84–91.
1975 journal article
Annual Bibliography of Technical Writing Materials
The Technical Writing Teacher, 3, 29–41.
Ed(s): D. Cunningham
1965 journal article
Ionizing Radiation: Effect of Irradiated Medium on Synthetic Processes
Science, 147(3661), 1045–1047.

Updated: March 17th, 2018 12:39
1973 - 2015
Updated: March 17th, 2018 12:55
1976 - 1980
1967 - 1968
1965 - 1967