Works (5)
2012 book
Saved and sanctified: the rise of a storefront church in Great Migration Philadelphia
2012 article
Searching for Africa in Brazil: Power and Tradition in Candomble
Crumbley, D. H. (2013, April 1). RELIGION, Vol. 43, pp. 278–281.
2003 journal article
Patriarchies, prophets, and procreation: Sources of gender practices in three African churches
AFRICA, 73(4), 584–605.

2000 journal article
Also chosen: Jews in the imagination of a black storefront church
Anthropology and Humanism, 25(1), 6–23.
2000 journal article
On being first: Dogma, disease and domination in the rise of an African Church (Investigating the social and natural obstacles of the indigenous Christian congregations of Nigeria)
RELIGION, 30(2), 169–184.