Works (11)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 16:04

2015 journal article

Infection process of Puccinia psidii in Eucalyptus grandis leaves of different ages


author keywords: Eucalyptus rust; Host plant resistance; Phenology; Pre-infectional phase
TL;DR: The results of this study suggest that resistance to P. psidii infection in older Eucalyptus leaves occurs at the pre-penetration stage. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 article

First Report of Cylindrocarpon sp Associated with Root Rot Disease of Strawberry in North Carolina

Adhikari, T. B., Hodges, C. S., & Louws, F. J. (2013, September). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 97, pp. 1251–1251.

By: T. Adhikari n, C. Hodges n & F. Louws n

TL;DR: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a Cylindrocarpon sp. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Fungal Planet description sheets: 154-213

PERSOONIA, 31, 188–296.

By: P. Crous, M. Wingfield*, J. Guarro*, R. Cheewangkoon*, M. Bank*, W. Swart, A. Stchigel*, J. Cano-Lira ...

author keywords: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; novel fungal species; systematics
TL;DR: Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Camarosporium aloes, Phaeococcomyces aloes and Phoma aloes from Aloe, and D. psoraleae-pinnatae from Psoralea, Colletotrichum euphorbiae from Euphorbia, as well as three new species from Mexico. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Microthia, Holocryphia and Ursicollum, three new genera on Eucalyptus and Coccoloba for fungi previously known as Cryphonectria


By: M. Gryzenhout*, H. Myburg*, C. Hodges n, B. Wingfield* & M. Wingfield*

author keywords: Cryphonectria coccolobae; Cryphonectria eucalypti; Cryphonectria havanensis; Diaporthales; phylogeny
TL;DR: A new genus, Holocryphia, is erected for C. havanensis but reside in a genus distinct from Cryphonectria sensu stricto, which is described here as Microthia. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Susceptibility of Catalpa, Chilopsis, and hybrids to powdery mildew and catalpa sphinx larvae

HortScience, 41(7), 1629–1634.

By: R. Olsen, T. Ranney & C. Hodges

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Re-examination of Peltaster firucticola, a member of the apple sooty blotch complex

MYCOLOGIA, 96(4), 885–890.

By: S. Williamson*, C. Hodges* & T. Sutton n

author keywords: fruit diseases; plant pathology
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

First report of Stigmina lautii in the United States

Plant Disease, 86(6), 699.

By: C. Hodges n

TL;DR: The morphology of the North Carolina specimens of S. lautii is essentially as described by Sutton, and its association with typical needle blight symptoms and the known pathogenicity of other Stigmina spp. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

Infection of resistant and susceptible Eucalyptus grandis genotypes by urediniospores of Puccinia psidii


By: A. Xavier*, A. Alfenas*, K. Matsuoka* & C. Hodges n

author keywords: histopathology; pathogenesis; resistance
TL;DR: Germination of urediniospores, appressorium formation and penetration by Puccinia psidii Winter were studied on detached leaves of resistant and susceptible clones of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

First report of Thyronectria austroamericana canker on Thornless Honey locust in North Carolina

Plant Disease, 83(12), 1177.

By: L. Grand n, C. Vernia n & C. Hodges n

TL;DR: Thornless cultivars of honey locust are popular landscape plants in the central and eastern United States and may be seriously affected by T. austroamericana, but apparently 'Shade Master' is very susceptible to the fungus and should be used as a landscape tree, especially where the disease has been reported. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

An evaluation of the rust fungus Gymnoconia nitens as a potential biological control agent for alien Rubus species in Hawaii

BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, 10(3), 151–158.

By: D. Gardner*, C. Hodges n, E. Killgore* & R. Anderson*

author keywords: Arthuriomyces peckianus; blackberry; bramble; Kuehneola uredinis; Phragmidium violaceum; Rubus argutus; Rubus ellipticus; Rubus glaucus; Rubus hawaiensis; Rubus macraei; Rubus penetrans; Rubus rosifolius; Rubus spectabilis; rust fungus; systemic infection
TL;DR: Experimental inoculation led to early responses of chlorotic leaf flecking and puckering, leaf and stem contortion, and stem gall formation, indicating the sensitivity of R. macraei to this rust, suggesting that G. nitens would not be suitable for release in Hawaii as a biological control agent, at least on the islands with populations of the native species. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

Etiology of apple sooty blotch disease in North Carolina

PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 87(1), 88–95.

By: E. Johnson*, T. Sutton* & C. Hodges*

TL;DR: Sooty blotch disease of apples was shown to be a disease complex caused by fungi previously considered mycelial types of G. pomigena, and Histological examination did not reveal penetration of the cuticle of apple fruit for any of the fungi of the apple sooty blotchy blotch complex. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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