@article{newman_andres_youngblood_campbell_simpson_cannon_scheffler_oakley_hulse-kemp_dunne_2023, title={Initiation of genomics-assisted breeding in Virginia-type peanuts through the generation of a de novo reference genome and informative markers}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1664-462X"]}, DOI={10.3389/fpls.2022.1073542}, abstractNote={IntroductionVirginia-type peanut, Arachis hypogaea subsp. hypogaea, is the second largest market class of peanut cultivated in the United States. It is mainly used for large-seeded, in-shell products. Historically, Virginia-type peanut cultivars were developed through long-term recurrent phenotypic selection and wild species introgression projects. Contemporary genomic technologies represent a unique opportunity to revolutionize the traditional breeding pipeline. While there are genomic tools available for wild and cultivated peanuts, none are tailored specifically to applied Virginia-type cultivar development programs.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE}, author={Newman, Cassondra S. S. and Andres, Ryan J. J. and Youngblood, Ramey C. C. and Campbell, Jacqueline D. D. and Simpson, Sheron A. A. and Cannon, Steven B. B. and Scheffler, Brian E. E. and Oakley, Andrew T. T. and Hulse-Kemp, Amanda M. M. and Dunne, Jeffrey C. C.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{fritz_dean_hendrix_andres_newman_oakley_clevenger_dunne_2022, title={Flavor quality and composition of accession resources in the North Carolina State University peanut breeding program}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.1002/csc2.20774}, abstractNote={Abstract}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Fritz, Katelyn R. and Dean, Lisa L. and Hendrix, Keith W. and Andres, Ryan J. and Newman, Cassondra S. and Oakley, Andrew T. and Clevenger, Josh P. and Dunne, Jeffrey C.}, year={2022}, month={Jul} }