@article{harry_crawford_pamintuan_singh_thomas_cooke_oliver_gordy_lubischer_2024, title={Elevating Marginalized Student Experiences of Belonging in the Life Sciences: A Qualitative Case Study Approach}, volume={23}, ISSN={["1931-7913"]}, DOI={10.1187/cbe.24-02-0055}, abstractNote={By elevating marginalized student voices, our study explores how curricular and co-curricular experiences impact undergraduate students'; sense of belonging and perceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the biology department at a large, predominantly-white research institution in the Southeast U.S.}, number={4}, journal={CBE-LIFE SCIENCES EDUCATION}, author={Harry, Dion T. and Crawford, Ashtin and Pamintuan, Chaterlee and Singh, Abhishek and Thomas, Dana and Cooke, Natalie K. and Oliver, Colleen and Gordy, Claire L. and Lubischer, Jane L.}, year={2024}, month={Dec} }