Cheng-Kai Tai Tai, C.-K., Yuan, H., Merzari, E., & Bolotnov, I. A. (2024, August 23). High-Fidelity Simulation of the Light-to-Dense Stratification Transient in the HiRJET Facility. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 8. Bolotnov, I. A., Iskhakov, A. S., Nguyen, T., Tai, C.-K., Wiser, R., Baglietto, E., … Merzari, E. (2024). NEAMS IRP challenge problem 1: Flexible modeling for heat transfer for low-to-high Prandtl number fluids for applications in advanced reactors. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 428. Iskhakov, A. S., Tai, C.-K., Bolotnov, I. A., Nguyen, T., Merzari, E., Shaver, D. R., & Dinh, N. T. (2023, March 16). Data-Driven RANS Turbulence Closures for Forced Convection Flow in Reactor Downcomer Geometry. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3. Tai, C.-K., Nguyen, T., Iskhakov, A. S., Merzari, E., Dinh, N. T., & Bolotnov, I. A. (2023, June 17). Direct Numerical Simulation of Low and Unitary Prandtl Number Fluids in Reactor Downcomer Geometry. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 6. Tai, C.-K., Mao, J., Petrov, V., Manera, A., & Bolotnov, I. A. (2023, June 9). Study of Stable Stratification in HiRJET Facility With Direct Numerical Simulation. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 6. Nguyen, T., Merzari, E., Tai, C.-K., Bolotnov, I. A., & Jackson, B. (2023, July 20). Toward Improved Correlations for Mixed Convection in the Downcomer of Molten Salt Reactors. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 7. Mao, J., Vishwakarma, V., Welker, Z., Tai, C. K., Bolotnov, I. A., Petrov, V., & Manera, A. (2023, August 10). Validation of RANS-Based Turbulence Models Against High-Resolution Experiments and DNS for Buoyancy-Driven Flow with Stratified Fronts. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 8. Iskhakov, A. S., Tai, C.-K., Bolotnov, I. A., & Dinh, N. T. (2022, September 10). A Perspective on Data-Driven Coarse Grid Modeling for System Level Thermal Hydraulics. NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 9. Tai, C.-K., Evdokimov, I., Schlegel, F., Bolotnov, I. A., & Lucas, D. (2022). Development of machine learning framework for interface force closures based on bubble tracking data. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 399.