Works (30)
2022 article
The U.S. academic job market survives the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic
Kozik, A. J., Hagan, A., Jadavji, N. M., Smith, C. T., & Haage, A. (2022, May 30).

2022 article
The faculty-to-faculty mentorship experience: a survey on challenges and recommendations for improvements
Sarabipour, S., Burgess, S. J., Niemi, N. M., Smith, C. T., Filho, A. W. B., Ibrahim, A., & Clark, K. (2022, October 19).
2021 article
Dopamine biases sensitivity to personal goals and social influence in self-control over everyday desires
Castrellon, J. J., Young, J. S., Dang, L. C., Smith, C. T., Cowan, R. L., Zald, D. H., & Samanez-Larkin, G. R. (2021, September 11). (Vol. 9). Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Reproducibility of findings in modern PET neuroimaging: insight from the NRM2018 grand challenge
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 5, 0271678X2110151.
2020 journal article
A survey-based analysis of the academic job market
ELife, 9.

2019 journal article
Differential regional decline in dopamine receptor availability across adulthood: Linear and nonlinear effects of age
Human Brain Mapping, 4.

2019 article
Insights from a survey-based analysis of the academic job market
Fernandes, J. D., Sarabipour, S., Smith, C. T., Niemi, N. M., Jadavji, N. M., Kozik, A. J., … Haage, A. (2019, October 9). (Vol. 10). Vol. 10.
2019 journal article
Reproducibility of the correlative triad among aging, dopamine receptor availability, and cognition.
Psychology and Aging, 34(7), 921–932.

2018 article
Differential regional decline in dopamine receptor availability across adulthood: Linear and nonlinear effects of age
Seaman, K. L., Smith, C. T., Juarez, E. J., Dang, L. C., Castrellon, J. J., Burgess, L. L., … Samanez-Larkin, G. R. (2018, June 29). (Vol. 6). Vol. 6.

2018 journal article
Individual Differences in Dopamine Are Associated with Reward Discounting in Clinical Groups But Not in Healthy Adults
The Journal of Neuroscience, 39(2), 321–332.
2018 article
Individual differences in dopamine are associated with reward discounting in clinical groups but not in healthy adults
Castrellon, J. J., Seaman, K. L., Crawford, J. L., Young, J. S., Smith, C. T., Dang, L. C., … Samanez-Larkin, G. R. (2018, August 2). (Vol. 8). Vol. 8.
2018 journal article
Lack of consistent sex differences in d-amphetamine-induced dopamine release measured with [18F]fallypride PET
Psychopharmacology, 236(2), 581–590.

2018 journal article
Nigrostriatal and mesolimbic D<inf>2/3</inf>receptor expression in Parkinson’s disease patients with compulsive reward-driven behaviors
Journal of Neuroscience, 38(13), 3230–3239.
Contributors: A. Stark *, * , Y. Lin *, K. Petersen *, P. Trujillo *, N. Van Wouwe *, X. Kang *, M. Donahue *

2018 article
Reproducibility of the correlative triad among aging, dopamine receptor availability, and cognition
Juarez, E. J., Castrellon, J. J., Green, M. A., Crawford, J. L., Seaman, K. L., Smith, C. T., … Samanez-Larkin, G. R. (2018, December 13). (Vol. 12). Vol. 12.
2018 journal article
Ventral striatal dopamine transporter availability is associated with lower trait motor impulsivity in healthy adults
Translational Psychiatry, 8(1).
2018 journal article
[<sup>18</sup>F]fallypride characterization of striatal and extrastriatal D<inf>2/3</inf>receptors in Parkinson's disease
NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 433–442.
Contributors: A. Stark *, * , K. Petersen *, P. Trujillo *, N. Wouwe *, M. Donahue *, R. Kessler*, A. Deutch*, D. Zald *, D. Claassen *

2017 journal article
COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Exerts Sex-Dependent Effects on fMRI Measures of Brain Function
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11.
Contributors: A. Elton *, * , M. Parrish * & C. Boettiger *

2017 journal article
FTO affects food cravings and interacts with age to influence age-related decline in food cravings
Physiology and Behavior, 192, 188–193.
Contributors: L. Dang *, G. Samanez-Larkin *, * , J. Castrellon *, S. Perkins *, R. Cowan *, D. Claassen *, D. Zald *

2017 journal article
Partial-volume correction increases estimated dopamine D2-like receptor binding potential and reduces adult age differences
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 39(5), 822–833.

2017 journal article
The impact of common dopamine D2 receptor gene polymorphisms on D2/3 receptor availability: C957T as a key determinant in putamen and ventral striatum
Translational Psychiatry, 7(4), e1091–e1091.
Contributors: , L. Dang *, J. Buckholtz *, A. Tetreault*, R. Cowan *, R. Kessler, D. Zald * *

2016 journal article
Individual differences in timing of peak positive subjective responses to d-amphetamine: Relationship to pharmacokinetics and physiology
Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(4), 330–343.
Contributors: , J. Weafer *, R. Cowan *, R. Kessler, A. Palmer *, H. De Wit *, D. Zald * *

2016 journal article
Neural systems underlying individual differences in intertemporal decision-making
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(3), 467–479.
2016 journal article
Variability in paralimbic dopamine signaling correlates with subjective responses to d-amphetamine
Neuropharmacology, 108, 394–402.

2015 journal article
Intertemporal Choice Behavior in Emerging Adults and Adults: Effects of Age Interact with Alcohol Use and Family History Status
Front. Hum. Neurosci., 9.

2015 journal article
Modulation of impulsivity and reward sensitivity in intertemporal choice by striatal and midbrain dopamine synthesis in healthy adults
J Neurophysiol, 115(3), 1146–1156.
2014 journal article
Comprehensive interrogation of CpG island methylation in the gene encoding COMT, a key estrogen and catecholamine regulator
BMC Medical Genomics, 7(1).
Contributors: T. Swift-Scanlan*, * , S. Bardowell* & C. Boettiger *

2014 journal article
Erratum: Age modulates the effect of COMT genotype on delay discounting behavior (Psychopharmacology (2012) 222 (609617) (DOI 10.1007/s00213-012-2653-9) )
Psychopharmacology, 231(3), 621.
Contributors: & C. Boettiger * *
2014 journal article
Ovarian cycle effects on immediate reward selection bias in humans: A role for estradiol
Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16), 5468–5476.
Contributors: , Y. Sierra, S. Oppler & C. Boettiger * *
2013 journal article
Genetic polymorphisms regulating dopamine signaling in the frontal cortex interact to affect target detection under high working memory load
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(2), 395–407.
2012 journal article
Age modulates the effect of COMT genotype on delay discounting behavior
Psychopharmacology, 222(4), 609–617.
Contributors: & C. Boettiger * *
Updated: February 15th, 2023 15:54
2022 - present
2019 - 2022
2014 - 2019
Updated: December 9th, 2014 12:45
2008 - 2014
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: May 10th, 2016 06:40