Frederick Cubbage Chudy, R., Brukas, V., Zapponi, L., Boston, K., & Cubbage, F. (2025). Introducing the inaugural issue of Forests Monitor: an international peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal. Forests Monitor. Hajjar, R., McGinley, K., Charnley, S., Frey, G. E., Hovis, M., Cubbage, F. W., … Kornhauser, K. (2024). Characterizing Community Forests in the United States. Journal of Forestry, 122(3), 273–284. Kanieski da Silva, B., H. S. Kimura, R., Cubbage, F. W., & Davis, R. R. (2024). Current expansions in the Brazilian timber market. Journal of Forest Business Research, 3(1), 151–175. Smith, K., & Cubbage, F. (2024). Land Fragmentation and Heirs Property: Current Issues and Policy Responses. Land, 13(4), 459. Davis, R. R., Cubas-Báez, A., Cubbage, F., & Kanieski da Silva, B. (2024). Plantation forestry in Paraguay emerges. Journal of Forest Business Research, 3(1), 103–150. Davis, R. R., De la Torre, R., Cubbage, F., & Kanieski de Silva, B. (2024). Prospects for commercial tree farming in Colombia. Journal of Forest Business Research, 3(1), 1–33. Frey, G. E., Hajjar, R., Charnley, S., McGinley, K., Schelhas, J., Tarr, N. A., … Cubbage, F. W. (2024). “Community Forests” in the United States – How Do we Know One When we See One? Society & Natural Resources, 37(8), 1240–1252. Cubbage, F. (2023). Book review: “Forest Resource Economics and Finance, 2nd Edition”. 2022. By W. David Klemperer, Steven H. Bullard, Stephen C. Grado, Marcus K. Measells, and Thomas J. Straka. Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(1), 126–129. Hovis, M., Cubbage, F., Smith, G., Zuniga-Teran, A., Varady, R., Shear, T., … Evans, B. (2023). Estimating landowners' willingness to accept payments for nature-based solutions in eastern North Carolina for flood hazard mitigation using the contingent valuation method. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION, 78(6), 500–514. Chudy, R., Siry, J., Morales Olmos, V., Marcille, K., Himes, A., Mei, B., … Cubbage, F. (2023). Forest Conference Report No. 1, 2023. Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(2), 170–180. Siry, J., Chudy, R., Mei, B., & Cubbage, F. (2023). Journal of Forest Business Research: a leading platform for advancing forest business and investment science research. Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(2), i-xi. Garcia, E., Corral, J. J., López, P. M., Cubbage, F., Ramírez, H., Cervantes, J. A., & Montiel, E. (2023). Socioeconomic and environmental impact of forest certification in ejidos and communities of the state of Durango, Mexico. International Forestry Review, 25(4), 399–409. Chudy, R., Cubbage, F., Mei, B., & Shy, J. (2023, August). The Journal of Forest Business Research to Support Sustainable Forest Investments for Economic, Social, and Environmental Benefits. BIORESOURCES, Vol. 18, pp. 4373–4376. Chudy, R., Cubbage, F., Siry, J., & Chudy, J. (2022). The profitability of artificial and natural regeneration: A forest investment comparison of Poland and the U.S. South. Journal of Forest Business Research, 1(1), 1–20. McGinley, K. A., Charnley, S., Cubbage, F. W., Hajjar, R., Frey, G. E., Schelhas, J., … Kornhauser, K. (2022). Community forest ownership, rights, and governance regimes in the United States. Cubbage, F., Rubilar, R., Mac Donagh, P., Kanieski Da Silva, B., Bussoni, A., Morales, V., … Cubas-Baez, A. (2022). Comparative global timber investment costs, returns, and applications, 2020. Journal of Forest Business Research, 1(1), 90–121. Hovis, M., Cubbage, F., Hollinger, J. C., Shear, T., Doll, B., Kurki-Fox, J. J., … Potter, T. (2022). Determining the costs, revenues, and cost-share payments for the “floodwise” program: Nature-based solutions to mitigate flooding in eastern, rural North Carolina. Nature-Based Solutions, 2, 100016. Baldwin, M., Fox, A., Klondike, T., Hovis, M., Shear, T., Joca, L., … Cubbage, F. (2022). Geospatial Analysis and Land Suitability for “FloodWise” Practices: Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation in Eastern, Rural North Carolina. Land, 11(9), 1504. García-Montiel, E., Cubbage, F., Rojo-Alboreca, A., Morones-Esquivel, M. M., Lujan-Álvarez, C., Montiel-Antuna, E., … Corral-Rivas, J. J. (2022). Hierarchical Analysis of Factors Determining the Impact of Forest Certification in Mexico. Forests, 13(12), 2093. McGinley, K. A., Cubbage, F. W., & Robertson, G. C. (2022). Indicator 7.54: Monitoring, assessment, and reporting on progress towards sustainable management of forests. USDA Forest Service. In Sustainability Reporting. Retrieved from Chudy, R., Mei, B., Cubbage, F., & Siry, J. (2022). Journal of Forest Business Research: an online scientific journal devoted to the science and practice of sustainable business in the forest sector. Journal of Forest Business Research, 1(1), i-vii. Hovis, M., Frey, G., McGinley, K., Cubbage, F., Han, X., & Lupek, M. (2022). Ownership, Governance, Uses, and Ecosystem Services of Community Forests in the Eastern United States. Forests, 13(10), 1577. Kanieski da Silva, B., Tanger, S., Marufuzzaman, M., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Perfect assumptions in an imperfect world: Managing timberland in an oligopoly market. Forest Policy and Economics, 137, 102691. Hildt, E., Bussoni, A., Morales Olmos, V., Mac Donagh, P. M., & Cubbage, F. W. (2022). Pine Log Price Changes in South America: A Comparison of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay Markets. Journal of Forest Economics, 37(2), 217–236. Chudy, R., Mei, B., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Special Issue on The Economics of Global Forest Investments. Journal of Forest Economics, 37(2), 167–168. Dunn, K., Unruh Snyder, L., McCarter, J., Frey, G., Idassi, J., Schnake, D., & Cubbage, F. (2021). Bioeconomic Assessment of an Alley Cropping Field Trial in North Carolina, U.S.: Tree Density, Timber Production, and Forage Relationships. Sustainability, 13(20), 11465. Fargione, J., Haase, D. L., Burney, O. T., Kildisheva, O. A., Edge, G., Cook-Patton, S. C., … Guldin, R. W. (2021). Challenges to the Reforestation Pipeline in the United States. FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE, 4. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Conservation Leaders from Ding Darling to Greta Thunberg. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 28–43. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Environmental Activism to Stop the Hofmann Forest Sale. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 104–121. Kruchelski, S., Trautenmüller, J. W., Deiss, L., Trevisan, R., Cubbage, F., Porfírio-da-Silva, V., & de Moraes, A. (2021). Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden et Cambage growth and wood density in integrated crop-livestock systems. Agroforestry Systems, 95(8), 1577–1588. Doll, B. A., Cubbage, F., Lovejoy, M., Baldwin, M., Kurki-Fox, J., Shear, T., … Salvesen, D. (2021). Improving North Carolina’s Resilience to Coastal Riverine Flooding [Project Summary Report]. Retrieved from Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Key Leadership Tools and Approaches in the Management Cycle. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 60–79. Hovis, M., Hollinger, J. C., Cubbage, F., Shear, T., Doll, B., Kurki-Fox, J. J., … Potter, T. (2021). Natural Infrastructure Practices as Potential Flood Storage and Reduction for Farms and Rural Communities in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. Sustainability, 13(16), 9309. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Natural Resource Context Goods and Services, Professionals, and Careers. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 44–59. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Natural Resource Leadership Principles. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 12–27. Cubbage, F. (2021). Natural Resource Leadership and Management. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Natural Resource Leadership and Management A Practical Guide for Professionals Conclusion. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 122–128. Doll, B., Harrison, J., Line, D., Kurki-Fox, J., Cubbage, F., Shear, T., … Vegh, T. (2021). Natural Systems: Improving Resilience to Coastal Riverine Flooding. In Collaboratory Flood Resiliency Study [Final Report]. Retrieved from NC Policy Collaboratory website: Doll, B. A., Kurki-Fox, J., Line, D., Cubbage, F., Shear, T., Harrison, J., … Salvesen, D. (2021). Natural systems: Improving resilience to coastal riverine flooding. In Collaboratory flood resilience study (pp. 28–35) [Final report]. Retrieved from NC Policy Collaboratory website: Hovis, M., Cubbage, F., Katti, M., & McGinley, K. (2021). Participant and Socio-Ecological Outcomes of the Hofmann Open-Water Laboratory (HOWL) Citizen Science Project. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 13(2). Bussoni, A., Cubbage, F., & Giambruno, J. A. (2021). Silvopastoral systems and multi-criteria optimization for compatible economic and environmental outcomes. AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS, 190. Chizmar, S. J., Parajuli, R., Bardon, R., & Cubbage, F. (2021). State Cost-Share Programs for Forest Landowners in the Southern United States: A Review. Journal of Forestry, 119(2), 177–195. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). The Leadership and Management Cycle in Natural Resources. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 1–11. Cubbage, F., & Cubbage, F. (2022). Two Leadership Cases from Government and Nongovernment Organizations. NATURAL RESOURCE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, pp. 80–103. Chizmar, S., Castillo, M., Pizarro, D., Vasquez, H., Bernal, W., Rivera, R., … Cubbage, F. (2020). A Discounted Cash Flow and Capital Budgeting Analysis of Silvopastoral Systems in the Amazonas Region of Peru. Land, 9(10), 353. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Chapter 10: Public participation and conflict resolution in forest-related decision making (Indicator 53). In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 151–166). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Chapter 9: Partnerships to support the sustainable management of forests (Indicator 52). In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 139–150). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestr. Cubbage, F. W., & McGinley, K. A. (2020). Clarity and security of land and resource tenure and property rights. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 89–104). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Cross-sectoral policy and program coordination. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 41–56). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Hovis, M., Cubbage, F., & Rashash, D. (2020). Designing a Citizen Science Project for Forest Landscapes: A Case from Hofmann Forest in Eastern North Carolina. Open Journal of Forestry, 10(02), 187–203. Cubbage, F. W., & McGinley, K. A. (2020). Development and application of research and technologies for the sustainable management of forests. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 125–138). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Enforcement of laws related to forests. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 105–116). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Cubbage, F. W., & Sills, E. O. (2020). Forest certification and forest use: A comprehensive analysis. In W. Nikolakis & J. Innes (Eds.), The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy. Cubbage, F., Kanieski, B., Rubilar, R., Bussoni, A., Olmos, V. M., Balmelli, G., … Abt, R. (2020). Global timber investments, 2005 to 2017. Forest Policy and Economics, 112, 102082. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Introduction. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52.; pp. 1–8). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. McGinley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Legal, institutional, and economic indicators of forest conservation and sustainable management in the United States: analyzing criterion 7 of the Montréal Process criteria and indicators framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Cubbage, F. W., McGinley, K. A., & O’Laughlin, J. (2020). Legislation and Policies Supporting the Sustainable Management of Forests. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 9–39). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. McGinley, K. A., Cubbage, F. W., & Robertson, G. C. (2020). Monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress towards sustainable management of forests. In Sustainable Forest (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52.; pp. 167–173). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Cubbage, F. W., & McGinley, K. A. (2020). Programs, services and other resources supporting the sustainable management of forests. In Legal, Institutional, and Economic Indicators of Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management in the United States: Analyzing Criterion 7 of the Montréal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 117–124). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Korhonen, J., Nepal, P., Prestemon, J. P., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Projecting global and regional outlooks for planted forests under the shared socio-economic pathways. New Forests, 52(2), 197–216. Chudy, R. P., & Cubbage, F. W. (2020). Research trends: Forest investments as a financial asset class. FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS, 119. Kanieski da Silva, B., Schons, S. Z., Cubbage, F. W., & Parajuli, R. (2020). Spatial and cross-product price linkages in the Brazilian pine timber markets. Forest Policy and Economics, 117, 102186. Cubbage, F. W., McGinley, K. A., & Arbogast, T. (2020). Taxation and other economic strategies that affect the sustainable management of forests (Indicator 7). In Legal, institutional, and economic editors of forest conservation and sustainable management in the united States: Analyzing criterion 7 of the Montreal process criteria and indicators framework (General Technical Report No. IITF-GTR-52; pp. 59–88). Rio Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Zhang, P., He, Y., Feng, Y., De La Torre, R., Jia, H., Tang, J., & Cubbage, F. (2019). An analysis of potential investment returns of planted forests in South China. New Forests, 50(6), 943–968. Silva, B. K., Cubbage, F. W., Gonzalez, R., & Abt, R. C. (2019). Assessing market power in the US pulp and paper industry. FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS, 102, 138–150. Frey, G. E., Cubbage, F. W., Holmes, T. P., Reyes-Retana, G., Davis, R. R., Megevand, C., … Chemor-Salas, D. N. (2019). Competitiveness, certification, and support of timber harvest by community forest enterprises in Mexico. Forest Policy and Economics, 107, 101923. McGinley, K. A., Guldin, R. W., & Cubbage, F. W. (2019). Forest Sector Research and Development Capacity. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 117(5), 443–461. Mac Donagh, P., Velazco, S., Botta, G., Schlichter, T., & Cubbage, F. (2019). Logging Contractors’ Growth in the Southern Cone: An Analysis of Contractor Business Strategies, Innovation, and Mechanization. Forests, 10(1), 69. Bruck, S. R., Bishaw, B., Cushing, T. L., & Cubbage, F. W. (2019). Modeling the Financial Potential of Silvopasture Agroforestry in Eastern North Carolina and Northeastern Oregon. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 117(1), 13–20. Bussoni, A., Boscana, M., Varela, F., Llanos, E., Picasso, V., Cubbage, F., … Carricaburu, B. F. (2019). Produccion ganaderia y forestal: Analysis de sistemas de produccion integrados (Technical Report No. Serie FPTA-INIA No. 70; p. 146). Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria. Uruguay. Chudy, R. P., Chudy, K. A., Kanieski da Silva, B., Cubbage, F. W., Rubilar, R., & Lord, R. (2020). Profitability and risk sources in global timberland investments. Forest Policy and Economics, 111, 102037. Nepal, P., Korhonen, J., Prestemon, J., & Cubbage, F. (2019). Projecting Global and Regional Forest Area under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Using an Updated Environmental Kuznets Curve Model. Forests, 10(5), 387. Nepal, P., Korhonen, J., Prestemon, J. P., & Cubbage, F. W. (2019). Projecting global planted forest area developments and the associated impacts on global forest product markets. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 240, 421–430. Kanieski da Silva, B., Cubbage, F. W., & Abt, R. C. (2019). Structural Changes on Pulpwood Market in the US South: Wood Pellets Investments and Price Dynamics. Forest Science, 65(6), 675–687. Parajuli, R., Tanger, S., Abt, R., & Cubbage, F. (2019). Subregional Timber Supply Projections with Chip-n-Saw Stumpage: Implications for Southern Stumpage Markets. Forest Science, 65(6), 665–669. Mac Donagh, P., Roll, J., Hahn, G., & Cubbage, F. (2019). Timber Harvesting Production, Costs, Innovation, and Capacity in the Southern Cone and the U.S. South. In Timber Buildings and Sustainability. Gaddis, D. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (2019). Wetlands Regulation: Development and Current Practices. In Southern Forested Wetlands (pp. 49–84). Siry, J. P., Cubbage, F. W., Potter, K. M., & McGinley, K. (2018). Current Perspectives on Sustainable Forest Management: North America. Current Forestry Reports, 4(3), 138–149. Clark, K. E., Chin, E., Peterson, M. N., Lackstrom, K., Dow, K., Foster, M., & Cubbage, F. (2018). Evaluating climate change planning for longleaf pine ecosystems in the Southeast United States. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 5, 160–168. Foster, M., Peterson, M. N., Cubbage, F., & McMahon, G. (2019). Evaluating natural resource planning for longleaf pine ecosystems in the Southeast United States. Forest Policy and Economics, 100, 142–153. Frey, G. E., Cubbage, F. W., Ha, T. T. T., Davis, R. R., Carle, J. B., Thon, V. X., & Dzung, N. V. (2018). Financial analysis and comparison of smallholder forest and state forest enterprise plantations in Central Vietnam. International Forestry Review, 20(2), 181–198. Cubbage, F., Abt, R., Sheffield, R., Flather, C., & Wickham, J. (2018). Forest Wetland Area and the Forest Sector Economy in the U.S. South. Open Journal of Forestry, 08(03), 409–428. Han, X., Frey, G. E., Geng, Y., Cubbage, F. W., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Reform and efficiency of state-owned forest enterprises in Northeast China as “social firms.” Journal of Forest Economics, 32, 18–33. Rodriguez, S., Peterson, M., Cubbage, F., Sills, E., & Bondell, H. (2018). What is Private Land Stewardship? Lessons from Agricultural Opinion Leaders in North Carolina. Sustainability, 10(2), 297. García-Montiel, E., Cubbage, F., Rojo-Alboreca, A., Lujan-Álvarez, C., Montiel-Antuna, E., & Corral-Rivas, J. (2017). An Analysis of Non-State and State Approaches for Forest Certification in Mexico. Forests, 8(8), 290. Bussoni, A., Alvarez, J., Cubbage, F., Ferreira, G., & Picasso, V. (2019). Diverse strategies for integration of forestry and livestock production. AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS, 93(1), 333–344. Blackman, A., Raimondi, A., & Cubbage, F. (2017). Does forest certification in developing countries have environmental benefits? Insights from Mexican corrective action requests. International Forestry Review, 19(3), 247–264. Mcginley, K. A., & Cubbage, F. (2017). Examining forest governance in the United States through the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators Framework. International Forestry Review, 19(2), 192–208. Regino Maldonado, J., Wen, Y., Cubbage, F., & Regino Maldonado, P. (2017). Forest Resources in the Performance of Mexican Community Forest Enterprises in a Vertical Integration System. International Journal of Sciences, 3(09), 1–15. Mac Donagh, P., Botta, G., Schlichter, T., & Cubbage, F. (2017). Harvesting contractor production and costs in forest plantations of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 28(3), 157–168. Bashari, M., Sills, E., Peterson, M., & Cubbage, F. (2018). Hunting in Afghanistan: variation in motivations across species. Oryx, 52(3), 526–536. Cubbage, F., O'Laughlin, J., & Peterson, N. (2017). Natural Resource Policy. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Korhonen, J., Toppinen, A., Kuuluvainen, J., Prestemon, J. P., & Cubbage, F. (2017). Recycling, Certification, and International Trade of Paper and Paperboard: Demand in Germany and the United States. Forest Science, 63(5), 449–458. Deiss, L., Franzluebbers, A. J., Amoozegar, A., Hesterberg, D., Polizzotto, M., & Cubbage, F. W. (2017). Soil Carbon Fractions from an Alluvial Soil Texture Gradient in North Carolina. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81(5), 1096–1106. Kanieski da Silva, B., Cubbage, F. W., Estraviz, L. C. R., & Singleton, C. N. (2017). Timberland Investment Management Organizations: Business Strategies in Forest Plantations in Brazil. Journal of Forestry, 115(2), 95–102. Sills, E. O., Moore, S. E., Cubbage, F. W., McCarter, K. D., Holmes, T. P., & Mercer, D. E. (2017). Trees at work: economic accounting for forest ecosystem services in the U.S. South. Franzluebbers, A. J., Chappell, J. C., Shi, W., & Cubbage, F. W. (2017). Greenhouse gas emissions in an agroforestry system of the southeastern USA. NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, 108(1), 85–100. Singh, D., Cubbage, F., Gonzalez, R., & Abt, R. (2016). [Review of Locational determinants for wood pellet plants: A review and case study of North and South America]. BioResources, 11(3), 7928–7952. Foster, M., Peterson, M. N., Cubbage, F., & McMahon, G. (2016). Meta-analysis of natural resources conservation plan evaluations. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 3, 296–302. Retrieved from Serenari, C., Peterson, M. N., Moorman, C. E., Cubbage, F., & Jervis, S. (2015). Application of Choice Experiments to Determine Stakeholder Preferences for Woody Biomass Harvesting Guidelines. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 34(4), 343–357. Cubbage, F. W., Davis, R. R., Rodríguez Paredes, D., Mollenhauer, R., Kraus Elsin, Y., Frey, G. E., … Salas, D. N. C. (2015). Community Forestry Enterprises in Mexico: Sustainability and Competitiveness. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 34(6-7), 623–650. Cubbage, F., Davis, R., Frey, G., Behr, D. C., & Sills, E. (2015). Financial and Economic Evaluation Guidelines for International Forestry Projects. In Tropical Forestry Handbook (pp. 1–17). Siry, J. P., McGinley, K., Cubbage, F. W., & Bettinger, P. (2015). Forest Tenure and Sustainable Forest Management. Open Journal of Forestry, 05(05), 526–545. Crawford, C., Grossman, J., Warren, S., & Cubbage, F. (2015). Grower Communication Networks: Information Sources for Organic Farmers. Journal of Extension, 53(3). Bussoni, A., Juan, C., Fernández, E., Boscana, M., Cubbage, F., & Bentancur, O. (2015). Integrated beef and wood production in Uruguay: potential and limitations. Agroforestry Systems, 89(6), 1107–1118. Lee Jenni, G. D., Peterson, M. N., Katz Jameson, J., & Cubbage, F. W. (2015). Military Perspectives on Public Relations Related to Environmental Issues. 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Factors driving investment in planted forests: a comparison between OECD and non-OECD countries. INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW, 16(1), 67–77. Cubbage, F., Mac Donagh, P., Balmelli, G., Morales Olmos, V., Bussoni, A., Rubilar, R., … Carrero, O. (2014). Global timber investments and trends, 2005-2011. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 44(Suppl 1), S7. Cubbage, F., & Abt, R. (2014). Global timber investments and trends, 2005-2011. Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Planted Forests. Mercer, D. E., Frey, G. E., & Cubbage, F. W. (2014). The economics of agroforestry. In S. Kant & J. Alavalapati (Eds.), Handbook of Forest Resource Economics (pp. 188–209). Earthscan Publishers. Toppinen, A., Cubbage, F., & Moore, S. (2014). The economics of forest certification and corporate social responsibility. In S. Kant & J. Alavalapati (Eds.), Handbook of Forest Resource Economics (pp. 444–458). New York: Earthscan Publishers. Cubbage, F., Davis, R., Parades, D. 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P., & Cubbage, F. W. (1995). Evaluation of the effects of fusiform rust research on southern pine timber investment returns (SCFER Working Paper No. 79). Research Triangle Park, NC: Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Cubbage, F. W. (1995). Forest resources, ecosystem management, and social science education: Promises, problems, and prospects. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 24(2), 116. Cubbage, F. W. (1995). Legal and administrative frameworks for managing environmental conservation units in the state of Paraná, Brazil: a review (Forestry Private Enterprise Initiative Working Paper No. 56). de Steiguer, J. E., Cubbage, F. W., & Wellman, J. D. (1995). Policy Education in a Natural Resources Administration Curriculum. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 24(2), 132–135. Cubbage, F. W. (1995). Regulation of private forest practices: What rights, which policies? Journal of Forestry, 93(6), 14. Carter, D. R., & Cubbage, F. W. (1995). Stochastic Frontier Estimation and Sources of Technical Efficiency in Southern Timber Harvesting. Forest Science, 41(3), 576–593. Cubbage, F. W., Harris, T. G., Wear, D. N., Abt, R. C., & Pacheco, G. (1995). Timber Supply in the South: Where Is All the Wood? Journal of Forestry, 93(7), 16–20. Liu, J., Cubbage, F. W., & Ronald Pulliam, H. (1994). Ecological and economic effects of forest landscape structure and rotation length: simulation studies using ECOLECON. Ecological Economics, 10(3), 249–263. Wagner, J. E., Cubbage, F. W., & Holmes, T. P. (1994). Estimated Economic Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Southern Softwood Stumpage Markets. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 18(4), 156–162. Cubbage, F., & Carter, D. (1994). Productivity and Cost Changes in Southern Pulpwood Harvesting, 1979 to 1987. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 18(2), 83–90. Carter, D. R., Cubbage, F. W., Stokes, B. J., & Jakes, P. J. (1994). Southern pulpwood harvesting productivity and cost changes between 1979 and 1987. Carter, D. R., & Cubbage, F. W. (1994). Technical efficiency and industry evolution in southern U.S. pulpwood harvesting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 24(2), 217–224. Cubbage, F. W., O'Laughlin, J., & Bullock, C. S., III. (1993). Forest Resource Policy. New York, NY: John Wiley, Inc. Forest resource policy. (1993). New York : John Wiley & Sons. Hawks, L. J., Cubbage, F. W., Haney, H. L., Jr., Shaffer, R. M., & Newman, D. H. (1993). Forest water quality protection: A comparison of regulatory and voluntary programs. Journal of Forestry, 91(5), 48–54. Cubbage, F. W., & Flather, C. H. (1993). Forested wetland area and distribution. Journal of Forestry, 91(5), 48–54. Hammett, A. L., III., & Cubbage, F. W. (1993). Hardwood lumber exporting in the South: Forest resources, the hardwood industry, exporting methods, and current research (SCFER Working Paper No. 72). Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Hammett, A. L., III, Cubbage, F. W., & Luppold, W. G. (1992). A logistical regression model of hardwood lumber export participation. Wood and Fiber Science, 24(3), 315–329. Cubbage, F. W., Hodges, D. G., & Regens, J. L. (1992). Climate change, forests, and forest policy. Journal of Business Administration, 20(1&2), 297–314. Lickwar, P., Hickman, C., & Cubbage, F. W. (1992). Costs of Protecting Water Quality During Harvesting on Private Forestlands in the Southeast. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 16(1), 13–20. Cubbage, F. W. (1992). Current federal land conversion programs: accomplishments, effectiveness, and efficiency. In Forests and Global Change (pp. 177–193). Washington, D.C: American Forests. Cubbage, F. W., & Brooks, D. J. (1992). Forest resource issues and policies: a framework for analysis. Renewable Resources Journal, 9(4), 17–25. Hodges, D. G., Cubbage, F. W., & Regens, J. L. (1992). Regional forest migrations and potential economic effects. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 11(8), 1129–1136. Wojtkowski, P. A., & Cubbage, F. W. (1991). A bordered matrix approach to the bioeconomic modeling of agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems, 14(1), 81–97. Wojtkowski, P. A., Jordan, C. F., & Cubbage, F. W. (1991). Bioeconomic modeling in agroforestry: a rubber-cacao example. Agroforestry Systems, 14(2), 163–177. Cubbage, F. W., Burgess, J. A., & Stokes, B. A. (1991). Cross-sectional estimates of logging equipment resale values. Forest Products Journal, 41(10), 16–22. Cubbage, F., & Lickwar, P. (1991). Estimating the costs of water quality protection on private forest lands in Georgia. In Estimating the costs of water quality protection on private forest lands in Georgia (p. 11). Georgia : Research Division, Georgia Forestry Commission. DeForest, C., Cubbage, F. W., Redmond, C. H., & Harris, T. G., Jr. (1991). Hedging with trees: timber assets and portfolio performance. Forest Products Journal, 51(10), 23–30. Cubbage, F. W. (1991). Public Regulation of Private Forestry. Journal of Forestry, 89(12), 31–35. Cubbage, F. W., Gunter, J. E., & Olson, J. T. (1991). Reforestation Economics, Law, and Taxation. Hammett, A. L., III, Cubbage, F. W., & Luppold, W. G. (1991). Southern Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers: Characteristics of Exporters and Nonexporters. Forest Products Journal, 41(7/8), 70–76. Hodges, D. G., & Cubbage, F. W. (1990). Adoption Behavior of Technical Assistance Foresters in the Southern Pine Region. Forest Science, 36(3), 516–530. Redmond, C., Cubbage, F. W., & Ullrich, R. D. (1990). An Economic Analysis of the Conservation Reserve Program in South Georgia. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 14(3), 137–142. Redmond, C. H., & Cubbage, F. W. (1990). Comparing the Capital Asset Pricing Model and traditional discounted cash flow analyses to value timber asset investments (SCFER Working Paper No. 68). Research Triangle Park, NC: Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Lickwar, P. M., Cubbage, F. W., & Hickman, C. A. (1990). Current Southern State Programs for Control of Forestry Nonpoint Source Pollution. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 14(2), 64–69. Cubbage, F. W., Kirkman, L. K., Boring, L. R., Harris, T. G., Jr., & Deforest, C. E. (1990). Federal legislation and wetlands protection in Georgia: Legal foundations, classification schemes, and industry implications. Forest Ecology and Management, 33-34, 271–286. Cubbage, F. W., Hogg, D. W., Harris, T. G., & Alig, R. J. (1990). Inventory Projection with the Georgia Regional Timber Supply (GRITS) Model. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 14(3), 124–133. Hodges, D. G., & Cubbage, F. W. (1990). Nonindustrial Private Forest Management in the South: Assistance Foresters' Activities and Perceptions. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 14(1), 44–48. Saucier, J. R., & Cubbage, F. W. (1990). Proceedings of Southern Plantation Wood Quality Workshop. Cubbage, F. W., Harris, T. G., Jr., Alig, R. J., Hogg, D. W., & Burgess, J. A. (1990). Projecting state and substate timber inventories with the Georgia Regional Timber Supply Model (Research Bulletin No. 389; Vol. 398). University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Athens. Salazar, D. J., & Cubbage, F. W. (1990). Regulating Private Forestry in the West and South. Journal of Forestry, 88(1), 14–19. Cubbage, F. W., & Siegel, W. C. (1990). The impact of federal environmental law on forest resource management in the United States. In F. Schmithusen (Ed.), Forestry Legislation, Report of the IUFRO Working Party S4.06-04 (Vol. 10, pp. 87–107). Zurich: IUFRO. Harris, T., Jr., DeForest, C., Futch, S., & Cubbage, F. (1989). A Survey of Pension Fund Investments in Timberland. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 13(4), 188–192. Mulach, R. W., Cubbage, F. W., & Granskog, J. E. (1989). Boron treatment of hardwood lumber: a preliminary cost analysis. Forest Products Journal, 39(7/8), 49–52. Cubbage, F. W., & Greene, W. D. (1989). Conventional and biomass harvesting costs by forest tract size. Biomass, 20(3-4), 219–228. Cubbage, F. W., Wojtkowski, P. A., & Bullard, S. H. (1989). Cross-sectional estimation of empirical southern United States pulpwood harvesting cost functions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19(6), 759–767. Cubbage, F. W. (1989). Efficiency of production factors employed in the production of wood fiber--Timber harvesting research: current status and strategic directions. In P. V. Ellefson (Ed.), Status and Directions for Forest Economics and Policy Research (pp. 193–208). Hodges, D. G., Regens, J. L., & Cubbage, F. W. (1989). Evaluating potential economic impacts of global climate change on forestry in the southern United States. Resource Management and Optimization, 6(3), 235–251. Lickwar, P. M., Cubbage, F. W., & Risbrudt, C. D. (1989). Funding for state-level public forestry programs in the United States. In F. Schmithusen (Ed.), Forestry Legislation, Report of the IUFRO Working Party S4.06-04 (Vol. 6, pp. 101–116). Zurich: IUFRO. Regens, J. L., Cubbage, F. W., & Hodges, D. G. (1989). Greenhouse gases, climate change, and U.S. forest markets. Environment, 31(4), 41. Cubbage, F. W., Harris, T. G., Jr., & Redmond, C. H. (1989). Measuring risk and returns of timber investments using the capital asset pricing model (Research Report No. 562). Athens, GA: University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Cubbage, F. W., Greene, W. D., & Lyon, J. P. (1989). Tree Size and Species, Stand Volume, and Tract Size: Effects on Southern Harvesting Costs. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 13(3), 145–152. Greene, W. D., Cubbage, F. W., & McNeel, J. F. (1988). Characteristics of independent loggers in Georgia. Forest Products Journal, 38(7/8), 51–56. Cubbage, F. W., & Haynes, R. W. (1988). Evaluation of the effectiveness of market responses to timber scarcity problems (Marketing Research Report No. 1149). Washington Office. Washington, D.C: U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Cubbage, F. W., & Haynes, R. W. (1988). Forest resources, free markets, and public policy. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 3(1), 39–46. Redmond, C. H., & Cubbage, F. W. (1988). Portfolio Risk and Returns from Timber Asset Investments. Land Economics, 64(4), 325. Cubbage, F. W., & Hodges, D. G. (1988). Public versus private provision of forest management assistance: a Georgia case study. Resource Management and Optimization, 6(2), 103–120. Cubbage, F. W., Wojtkowski, P. A., Harris, T. G., Jr., & Weaver, G. H. (1988). Regional analysis of factors affecting southern pulpwood harvesting costs. Forest Products Journal, 38(11/12), 25–31. Cubbage, F. W., & Siegel, W. C. (1988). State and Local Regulation of Private Forestry in the East. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 5(2), 103–108. Cubbage, F. W., Wojtkowski, P. A., Stokes, B. J., & Weaver, G. H. (1988). The effects of equipment technology on southern pulpwood harvesting productivity and costs (Research Paper No. SO-248). New Orleans, LA: U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. Hodges, D. G., Jakes, P. J., & Cubbage, F. W. (1988). The status of forest management research in the United States. Cubbage, F. W., & Lickwar, P. M. (1988). Trends in Funding State Forestry Programs. Journal of Forestry, 86(12), 19–25. Cubbage, F. W., Stokes, B. J., & Granskog, J. E. (1988). Trends in southern forest harvesting equipment and logging costs. Forest Products Journal, 38(2), 6–10. Lickwar, P. M., Cubbage, F. W., & Risbrudt, C. D. (1988). Trends in state and federal funding for state forestry programs (Research Report No. 553). Athens, GA: University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Wojtkowski, P. A., Brister, G. H., & Cubbage, F. W. (1988). Using multiple objective linear programming to evaluate multi-participant agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems, 7(2), 185–195. Hammett, A. L., Harris, T. G., Jr., & Cubbage, F. W. (1988). Wood procurement in the South: a selected bibliography (SCFER Working Paper No. 55). Research Triangle Park, NC: Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research. Cubbage, F. W., & Gunter, J. E. (1987). Conservation Reserves. Journal of Forestry, 85(4), 21–27. Cubbage, F. W., & Raney, K. P. (1987). County Logging and Tree Protection Ordinances in Georgia. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 11(2), 76–82. Cubbage, F. W., Field, R., Eza, D. A., & Farkas, A. (1987). Determining optimal forest land ownership patterns: a goal programming approach. 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(1985). Capital budgeting in the forest products industry: a survey and analysis (Research Bulletin No. 333). Athens, GA: University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Cubbage, F. W., & Redmond, C. H. (1985). Capital budgeting practices in the forest products industry. Forest Products Journal, 35(9), 55–60. Gorse, A. H., IV, Cubbage, F. W., & Saucier, J. R. (1985). Fuelwood harvesting in mountain hardwood stands: tests of a cable skidder and a small skyline yarder (Research Paper No. SE-251; p. 17). U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. Cubbage, F. W., & Skinner, T. M. (1985). Industrial Forest Management Assistance and Leasing: 1983 Programs and Accomplishments in Georgia. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 9(4), 217–222. Cubbage, F. W. (Ed.). (1985). Proceedings, SOFEW's 1985 Southern Forest Economics Workshop: Trends in Growing and Marketing Timber. Athens, GA: Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Cubbage, F. W., & Siegel, W. C. (1985). The Law Regulating Private Forest Practices. Journal of Forestry, 83(9), 538–545. Milliken, R. B., & Cubbage, F. W. (1985). Trends in southern pine timber price appreciation and timberland investment returns 1955 to 1983 (Research Report No. 475). Athens, GA: University of Georgia College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Siegel, W. C., & Cubbage, F. W. (1984). Environmental protection law and forest management regulation on private lands in the United States. In F. Schmithusen (Ed.), Forestry Legislation, Report of the IUFRO Working Party S4.06-04 (pp. 140–156). Zurich: IUFRO. Fernando, U. S., & Cubbage, F. W. (1983). Analysis of fuelwood in plantation Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Forester, 16(1&2), 11–17. Cubbage, F. (1983). Economics of forest tract size: Theory and literature. Cubbage, F. W. (1983). Harvesting Productivity Information for Southern Pines. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 7(3), 128–134. Cubbage, F. W. (1983). Simulated effects of productivity rates, input costs, and stand volumes on harvesting costs. Forest Products Journal, 33(2), 50–56. Cubbage, F. W. (1983). Tract Size and Harvesting Costs in Southern Pine. Journal of Forestry, 81(7), 430–478. Cubbage, F. (1982). Economies of Forest Tract Size in Southern Pine Harvesting. Cubbage, F. W., & Granskog, J. E. (1982). Harvesting systems and costs for southern pine in the 1980s. Forest Products Journal, 32(4), 37–43. Cubbage, F. W. (1981). Machine rate calculations and productivity rate tables for harvesting southern pine (Staff Paper Series No. 24). College of Forestry, University of Minnesota. Ellefson, P., & Cubbage, F. (1980). State forest practice laws. Environmental Policy and Law, 6(3), 125–133. Ellefson, P. V., & Cubbage, F. W. (1980). State forest practice laws and regulations: a review and a case study for Minnesota (Station Bulletin No. 536-1980). St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Cubbage, F. W., & Ellefson, P. V. (1980). State forest practice laws: a major policy force unique to the natural resources community. Natural Resources Lawyer, 13(2), 421–468.