Works (9)
2017 journal article
Short communication: Sensitive detection of norbixin in dried dairy ingredients at concentrations of less than 1 part per billion
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100(11), 8754–8758.

2017 journal article
The effect of homogenization pressure on the flavor and flavor stability of whole milk powder
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100(7), 5195–5205.

2016 journal article
Condensed milk storage and evaporation affect the flavor of nonfat dry milk
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 99(12), 9586–9597.

2016 article
Improvement of the functional properties of whey protein hydrolysate by conjugation with maltodextrin
Mulcahy, E. M., Park, C. W., Drake, M. A., Mulvihill, D. M., & James A. O'Mahony. (2016, September). INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, Vol. 60, pp. 47–54.

2016 journal article
Short communication: The effect of liquid storage on the flavor of whey protein concentrate
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 99(6), 4303–4308.

2016 journal article
The effect of spray-drying parameters on the flavor of nonfat dry milk and milk protein concentrate 70%
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 99(12), 9598–9610.

2014 review
The Distribution of Fat in Dried Dairy Particles Determines Flavor Release and Flavor Stability
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 79(4), R452–R459.

2014 journal article
The Effect of Feed Solids Concentration and Inlet Temperature on the Flavor of Spray Dried Whey Protein Concentrate

2014 journal article
The effect of acidification of liquid whey protein concentrate on the flavor of spray-dried powder
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 97(7), 4043–4051.