Works (6)
2017 article
Evaluation of Key Methodology for Digital Image Analysis of Turfgrass Color Using Open-Source Software
CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 57, pp. 550–558.
2017 journal article
The role of internal and external nitrogen pools in bermudagrass growth during spring emergence from dormancy
JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 40(10), 1404–1416.

2016 journal article
Environmental Influences on Growth and Reproduction of Invasive Commelina benghalensis
International Journal of Agronomy, 2016, 1–9.

2014 journal article
Persistence of Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) in sustainable agronomic systems: Potential impacts of hay bale storage, animal digestion, and cultivation
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38(3), 283–298.

2013 journal article
Nitrate Leaching from Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars as Affected by Nitrate Uptake Capacity and Subsurface Soil Compaction
CROP SCIENCE, 53(4), 1722–1733.

2013 journal article
Nitrate Uptake Rates of Kentucky Bluegrass Genotypes and Their Effect on Nitrate Absorption under Competitive Conditions
CROP SCIENCE, 53(3), 1179–1188.