Works (5)
2004 journal article
Experimental and computational studies of ruthenium(II)-catalyzed addition of arene C-H bonds to olefins
ORGANOMETALLICS, 23(21), 5007–5020.

2004 journal article
Synthesis and reactivity of a coordinatively unsaturated ruthenium(II) parent amido complex: Studies of X-H activation (X = H or C)
ORGANOMETALLICS, 23(11), 2724–2733.

2003 journal article
Octahedral Ru(II) amido complexes TpRu(L)(L ')(NHR) (Tp = hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borate; L = L ' = P(OMe)(3) or PMe3 or L = CO and L ' = PPh3; R = H, Ph, or Bu-t): Synthesis, characterization, and reactions with weakly acidic C-H bonds
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 42(15), 4759–4772.

2002 journal article
Influence of filled d pi-manifold and L/L ' ligands on the structure, basicity, and bond rotations of the octahedral and d(6) amido complexes TpRu(L)(L ')(NHPh) (Tp = hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borate; L= L ' = PMe3 or P(OMe)(3), or L = CO and L ' = PPh3): Solid-state structures of [TpRu(PMe3)(2)(NH2Ph)][OTf], [TpRu{P(OMe)(3)}(2)(NH2Ph)][OTf], and TpRu{P(OMe)(3)}(2)(NHPh)
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 41(11), 3042–3049.

2002 journal article
Ruthenium(II) anilido complexes TpRuL(2)(NHPh): Oxidative 4,4 '-aryl coupling reactions (Tp = hydridotris(pyrazolylborate); L = PMe3, P(OMe)(3), or CO)
ORGANOMETALLICS, 21(24), 5265–5271.