Works (8)
2020 journal article
Feeding behavior of <i>Frankliniella fusca on seedling cotton expressing <scp>Cry51Aa2 .834_16 <i>Bt toxin
Pest Management Science, 76(8), 2781–2786.
2019 journal article
Frankliniella fusca and Frankliniella occidentalis response to thrips-active Cry51Aa2.834_16 Bt cotton with and without neonicotinoid seed treatment
Crop Protection, 129, 105042.
2019 journal article
Novel mechanism of thrips suppression by Cry51Aa2.834_16 <i>Bt toxin expressed in cotton
Pest Management Science, 76(4), 1492–1499.
2019 journal article
Seasonal dispersal of Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera: Miridae) from weedy hosts into differently fragmented cotton landscapes in North Carolina
Crop Protection, 125, 104898.
2018 journal article
Determining Frankliniella fusca (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Egg Distribution in Neonicotinoid Seed-Treated Cotton
Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(2), 827–834.
2018 journal article
Temporal efficacy of neonicotinoid seed treatments against <scp> <i>Frankliniella fusca on cotton
Temporal efficacy of neonicotinoid seed treatments against . Pest Management Science, 74(9), 2110–2115.
2017 journal article
Responses of neonicotinoid resistant and susceptible <i>Frankliniella fusca life stages to multiple insecticide groups in cotton
Pest Management Science, 73(10), 2118–2130.
2016 journal article
Differential and Synergistic Functionality of Acylsugars in Suppressing Oviposition by Insect Herbivores
PLOS ONE, 11(4), e0153345.
Ed(s): X. Wang