Works (134)
2023 journal article
Need and Interest in Nature Prescriptions to Protect Cardiovascular and Mental Health: A Nationally-Representative Study With Insights for Future Randomised Trials
Heart, Lung and Circulation, 32(1), 114–123.

2023 article
Public health research on physical activity and COVID-19: Progress and updated priorities
Sallis, J. F., Adlakha, D., Oyeyemi, A., & Salvo, D. (2023, September). JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE, Vol. 12, pp. 553–556.

2022 journal article
"Green Enough Ain't Good Enough:" Public Perceptions and Emotions Related to Green Infrastructure in Environmental Justice Communities
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1448.

2022 conference paper
Are urban design and transport policies creating healthy, active cities across the world?
Giles-Corti, B., Boeing, G., Adlakha, D., Cerin, E., Lowe, M., Higgs, C., … Sallis, J. (2022, October). Presented at the 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Event: 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at Abu Dhabi, UAE
2022 journal article
Assessing the Impact of a New Urban Greenway Using Mobile, Wearable Technology-Elicited Walk- and Bike-Along Interviews
Sustainability, 14(3), 1873.

2022 conference paper
Calculation of policy-relevant spatial indicators of urban liveability: experiences of scaling a research programme from local to global
UBLISHER 10th State of Australasian Cities National Conference, 1-3 December 2021, Melbourne, Australia. Presented at the 10th State of Australasian Cities National Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Event: 10th State of Australasian Cities National Conference at Melbourne, Australia on December 1-3, 2021
2022 journal article
City planning policies to support health and sustainability: an international comparison of policy indicators for 25 cities
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E882–E894.
2022 journal article
Creating healthy and sustainable cities: what gets measured, gets done
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E782–E785.

2022 speech
Design for all ages
Presented at the National Park Service, Healthy Parks Healthy People Learning Expedition, Durham, NC, USA.
Event: National Park Service, Healthy Parks Healthy People Learning Expedition at Durham, NC, USA on March 30, 2022
2022 conference paper
Designing for outdoor play and healthy childhoods: A call to action
Keynote presented at the US Play Coalition Conference’s Power PLAYer Panel on The Nature of Play, Clemson, South Carolina, USA.
Event: US Play Coalition Conference’s Power PLAYer Panel on The Nature of Play at Clemson, South Carolina, USA on April 5, 2022
2022 journal article
Determining thresholds for spatial urban design and transport features that support walking to create healthy and sustainable cities: findings from the IPEN Adult study
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E895–E906.

2022 dataset
Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicator Study Collaboration - 25 Cities spatial indicators datasets
2022 article
Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators Report Series: Comparisons with 25 cities internationally
2022 speech
Policies and practices connecting children to nature
Presented at the Policy Evaluation Network: Early Careers Network (PEN-ECN) Webinar.
Event: Policy Evaluation Network: Early Careers Network (PEN-ECN) Webinar on February 8, 2022
2022 article
Policy-Relevant Spatial Inidicators of Urban Liveability And Sustainability: Scaling From Local to Global
Higgs, C., Alderton, A., Rozek, J., Adlakha, D., Badland, H., Boeing, G., … Giles-Corti, B. (2022, October 2). URBAN POLICY AND RESEARCH, Vol. 10.

2022 journal article
Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys

2022 journal article
The future is urban: integrated planning policies can enable healthy and sustainable cities
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E790–E791.

2022 speech
Urban Greenways: Connecting the Divided City
Adlakha, D. (2022, June). Presented at the Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland.
Event: Queen’s University at Belfast, Ireland on June 6, 2022
2022 journal article
Using open data and open-source software to develop spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for achieving healthy and sustainable cities
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E907–E918.
2022 conference paper
Using open data and open-source software to develop spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for achieving healthy and sustainable cities in diverse global contexts
Presented at the Urban Transitions 2022, Sitges, Spain.
Event: Urban Transitions 2022 at Sitges, Spain
2022 journal article
What next? Expanding our view of city planning and global health, and implementing and monitoring evidence-informed policy
The Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E919–E926.

2022 review
When Moving Is the Only Option: The Role of Necessity Versus Choice for Understanding and Promoting Physical Activity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
[Review of ]. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 44, 151–169.

2021 journal article
A generalized framework for measuring pedestrian accessibility around the world using open data
Geographical Analysis.

2021 conference paper
Activity-friendly Neighbourhoods Can Benefit Noncommunicable and Infectious Diseases
Adlakha, D., & Sallis, J. F. (2021, October). Presented at the 5th Healthy City Design 2021 International Congress, London, UK.
Event: 5th Healthy City Design 2021 International Congress at London, UK
2021 conference paper
An open-source framework to measure pedestrian accessibility for cities worldwide
Presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Council International, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Event: North American Meetings of the Regional Science Council International at Denver, Colorado, USA
2021 journal article
Asian city prospects for planning and urban health
Cities & Health, 5(3), 211–214.

2021 speech
Building active and healthy communities in Bogotá
Keynote presented at the District Institute of Recreation and Sports, Bogotá, Colombia.
Event: District Institute of Recreation and Sports at Bogotá, Colombia on September 21, 2021
2021 speech
COVID-19 and Neighborhood Design: Opportunities to Implement Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Strategies
Presented at the Webinar on Sustainable Urban Living and Mobility in Developing Nations: Integrating Inherent Strengths with Learnings from Developed Economies: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
Event: Webinar on Sustainable Urban Living and Mobility in Developing Nations: Integrating Inherent Strengths with Learnings from Developed Economies: Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, India on December 20-22, 2021
2021 conference paper
Calculation of policy-relevant spatial indicators of urban liveability: Experiences of scaling a research programme from local to global
Higgs, C., Alderton, A., Rozek, J., Adlakha, D., Badland, H., Boeing, G., … Giles-Corti, B. (2021, December). Presented at the State of Australasian Cities Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Event: State of Australasian Cities Conference at Melbourne, Australia
2021 article
Case study from Asia Push for pedal power: urban mobility and the rise of bicycling in Indian cities

2021 journal article
Designing age-friendly communities: Exploring qualitative perspectives on urban green spaces and ageing in two Indian megacities
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1491.
2021 journal article
Designing intergenerational communities: Next steps for age-friendly cities in the Global South
Planning Theory and Practice, 22(3).
2021 speech
Equitable Opportunities for Supporting Young Children’s Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Outdoors
Presented at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (CDC—DNPAO).
Event: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (CDC—DNPAO) on November 10, 2021
2021 speech
Good practices for promoting physical activity through city/rural planning
Presented at the Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Event: Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration at University of Limerick, Ireland on January 11, 2021
2021 journal article
Individual Characteristics Associated with Active Travel in Low and High Income Groups in the UK
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10360.

2021 journal article
Investigating the physical activity, health, wellbeing, social and environmental effects of a new urban greenway: a natural experiment (the PARC study)
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18, 142.

2021 conference paper
Pedestrians, Air pollution and health
Keynote presented at the National Pedestrian Conference on Right to Walk, Parisar, Pune, India.
Event: National Pedestrian Conference on Right to Walk at Parisar, Pune, India on February 28, 2021
2021 speech
Play and Move Everywhere: Creating Equitable Opportunities for Physical Activity
Adlakha, D. (2021, December). Presented at the Eat Smart, Move More NC.
Event: Eat Smart, Move More NC on December 2, 2021
2021 chapter
Push for pedal power: The case for urban cycling in India
In K. Siefken, A. R. Varela, N. Schulenkorf, & T. Waqanivalu (Eds.), Physical activity in low- and middle-income countries. London: Routledge.
Ed(s): K. Siefken, A. Varela, N. Schulenkorf & T. Waqanivalu
2021 journal article
The effect of different COVID-19 public health restrictions on mobility: A systematic review
PLOS ONE, 16(12), e0260919.

2021 speech
The importance of walkable, activityfriendly neighborhoods in the pandemic era
Keynote presented at the Sino-UK Joint Symposium on Post Novel COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reconsideration for the Built Environment.
Event: Sino-UK Joint Symposium on Post Novel COVID-19 Pandemic: A Reconsideration for the Built Environment on August 27, 2021
2020 journal article
Activity-friendly neighbourhoods can benefit non-communicable and infectious diseases
Cities & Health, 5(S1), S191–S195.
2020 conference paper
Activity-friendly neighbourhoods can benefit non-communicable and infectious diseases
Adlakha, D., & Sallis, J. F. (2020, November). Presented at the 4th Healthy City Design 2020 International Congress.
Event: 4th Healthy City Design 2020 International Congress
2020 journal article
An international physical activity and public health research agenda to inform coronavirus disease-19 policies and practices
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9(4), 328–334.
2020 journal article
Built environment correlates of overweight and obesity among adults in Chennai, India
Cities & Health, 5(3), 289–291.

2020 journal article
Built environment correlates of physical activity in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review
PLOS ONE, 15(3), e0230454.
2020 magazine article
COVID-19 and India’s chronic disease burden: How exercise can be beneficial
Adlakha, D., Sallis, J. F., & Pratt, M. (2020, April 16). The News Minute.
2020 journal article
Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development
Environment International, 146, 106236.

2020 weblog post
GP RED Research Brief #11. An international physical activity and public health research agenda to inform Coronavirus Disease (COVID)-19 policies and practices
Sallis, J., Adlakha, D., Oyeyemi, A., & Salvo, D. (2020, August 14).
2020 journal article
Geographic distribution of the Ciclovia and Recreovia Programs by neighborhood SES in Bogotá: How unequal is the geographic access assessed via distance-based measures?
Journal of Urban Health, 98, 101–110.

2020 journal article
Making the case for ‘physical activity security’: The 2020 WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour from a Global South perspective
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(24), 1447–1448.
2020 weblog post
Mengapa kota yang padat baik untuk kesehatan, bahkan selama pandemi (Translation—Why urban density is good for health – even during a pandemic
Adlakha, D., & Sallis, J. F. (2020, July 29).
2020 journal article
Mind the gap: Gender differences in walkability, transportation and physical activity in urban India
Journal of Transport & Health, 18, 100875.
2020 journal article
Neighbourhood supports for active ageing in urban India
Psychology and Developing Societies, 32(2), 254–277.

2020 speech
Outdoor Learning Environment Fall Summit
Presented at the Randolph County, NC, USA.
Event: at Randolph County, NC, USA on September 30, 2021
2020 journal article
The association between sedentary behavior and sarcopenia among adults aged ≥65 years in low- and middle-income countries
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1708.

2020 weblog post
Why urban density is good for health – even during a pandemic
Adlakha, D., & Sallis, J. F. (2020, July 24).
2019 speech
Active living and ageing-in-place
Presented at the Place-Age Working Group Seminar, India International Centre, New Delhi, India.
Event: Place-Age Working Group Seminar at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on July 16, 2019
2019 conference paper
Ageing and health: An assessment of urban regeneration impacts on physical activity in older adults
Adlakha, D., Tully, M. A., Hunter, R. F., Donnelly, M., Prior, L., Cupples, M. E., & Kee, F. (2019, February). Presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at Charleston, South Carolina, USA
2019 journal article
Burned out: Workplace policies and practices can tackle occupational burnout
Workplace Health and Safety, 67(10), 531–532.
2019 speech
Physical activity, urban planning, and public land use: Global perspectives on platforms for improving health
Department presented at the Department of Health and Human Performance, Joseph J. Schott Health and Human Performance Speakers Series, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Event: Department of Health and Human Performance, Joseph J. Schott Health and Human Performance Speakers Series at College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA on February 20, 2019
2019 journal article
The nexus between air pollution, green infrastructure and human health
Environment International, 133(Pt A), 105181.
2019 conference paper
Urban livability and health: Emerging lessons from a developing country
Adlakha, D., Reis, R., Giles-Corti, B., & Kee, F. (2019, February). Presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at Charleston, South Carolina, USA
2018 speech
A Bear Tracker and a Pokémon GO Researcher: What do they have in common?
Presented at the Research symposium on phone location data, GPS and GIS mapping for the Faculty of Kinesiology and Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Event: Research symposium on phone location data, GPS and GIS mapping for the Faculty of Kinesiology and Faculty of Environmental Design at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada on May 25, 2018
2018 journal article
Brief standing desk intervention to reduce sedentary behavior at a physical activity conference in 2016
American Journal of Public Health, 108(9), 1197–1199.
2018 journal article
Exploring neighbourhood environments and active commuting in Chennai, India
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1840.
Contributors: , J. Hipp n, J. Sallis * & R. Brownson * *

2018 conference paper
Investigating the impact of urban regeneration on public health: A real-world natural experiment
Adlakha, D., Tully, M. A., Hunter, R., Cupples, M. E., & Kee, F. (2018, October). Presented at the 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), London, UK.
Event: 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at London, UK
2018 journal article
Is physical activity in middle-income countries driven by necessity or choice? Exploring the roles of motor-vehicle ownership and socioeconomic status on transport-based physical activity in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and Chennai, India
Journal of Physical Activity and Health-Proceedings of the 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, 15(S1).
2018 conference paper
Is physical activity in middle-income countries driven by necessity or choice? Exploring the roles of motor-vehicle ownership and socioeconomic status on transportbased physical activity in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and Chennai, India
Salvo, D., Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Brownson, R. C., & Pratt, M. (2018, October). Presented at the 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity andHealth (ISPAH), London, UK.
Event: 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity andHealth (ISPAH) at London, UK
2018 conference paper
Liveable Cities, Liveable Lives—Reconnecting city planning and health in developing countries
Adlakha, D. (2018, October). Presented at the Urbanization and Health—Identifying Pathways to Healthy sustainable Urban Development, Hannover, Germany.
Event: Urbanization and Health—Identifying Pathways to Healthy sustainable Urban Development at Hannover, Germany
2018 conference paper
Necessity driven physical activity in middle-income countries: exploring the effect of motor-vehicle ownership on active living in Cuernavaca, Mexico and Chennai, India
Salvo, D., Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Brownson, R. C., & Pratt, M. (2018, February). Presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, Banff, Canada.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at Banff, Canada
2018 speech
Place matters: Impacts of the built environment on health and wellbeing
Presented at the Faculty Seminar Series—Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
Event: Faculty Seminar Series—Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Kharagpur, India on July 25, 2018
2017 magazine article
Active living: Promoting physical activity through healthy environments
Access by Design, (147), 23–25.
2017 speech
Big data and emerging technologies for future cities
Keynote presented at the SMArt ciTIES Network for Sustainable Urban Futures (SMARTIES Net), Kochi and New Delhi, India.
Event: SMArt ciTIES Network for Sustainable Urban Futures (SMARTIES Net) at Kochi and New Delhi, India on April 24-30, 2017
2017 journal article
Examining motivations to play Pokémon GO and their influence on perceived outcomes and physical activity
JMIR Serious Games, 5(4), 21.
Contributors: O. Marquet n, C. Alberico n, * & J. Hipp n

2017 speech
Health, planning and the built environment: Insights from recent European projects
Presented at the Center for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India.
Event: Center for Science and Environment at New Delhi, India on June 6, 2017
2017 chapter
Learning from outdoor webcams: Surveillance of physical activity across environments
In P. Thakuriah, N. Tilahun, & M. Zellner (Eds.), Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics-Proceedings of NSF-sponsored Workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics (pp. 471–490). New York: Springer Publishing.
Ed(s): P. Thakuriah, N. Tilahun & M. Zellner
2017 journal article
Pokémon GO or Pokémon Gone: How can cities respond to trends in technology inking people and space?
Cities & Health, 1(1), 89–94.

2017 journal article
Quantifying the modern city: Emerging technologies and big data for active living research
Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 105.

2016 journal article
Adaptation and Evaluation of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale in India (NEWS-India)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(4), 401.
Contributors: , J. Hipp n & R. Brownson * *

2016 conference paper
Can we walk? Environmental supports for physical activity in India
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., & Brownson, R. C. (2016, November). Presented at the 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), Bangkok, Thailand.
Event: 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at Bangkok, Thailand
2016 conference paper
Crowdsourcing Plaza Crowd Analysis
Hipp, J. A., Manteiga, A., & Adlakha, D. (2016, May). Presented at the Environmental Design Research Association 47 (EDRA), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Event: Environmental Design Research Association 47 (EDRA) at Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
2016 conference paper
Designing age-friendly societies: Impact of urban regeneration on mobility and physical activity in older adults
Adlakha, D., Tully, M. A., & Kee, F. (2016, October). Presented at the Mobility, Mood, Place: Habitats for Happy & Healthy Ageing, Edinburgh, UK.
Event: Mobility, Mood, Place: Habitats for Happy & Healthy Ageing at Edinburgh, UK
2016 conference paper
Designing age-friendly societies: Impact of urban regeneration on mobility and physical activity in older adults
Adlakha, D., Tully, M. A., Hunter, R. F., Donnelly, M., Prior, L., Cupples, M. E., & Kee, F. (2016, November). Poster presented at the 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), Bangkok, Thailand.
Event: 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at Bangkok, Thailand
2016 conference paper
Designing age-friendly societies: Impact of urban regeneration on mobility and physical activity in older adults
Adlakha, D., Tully, M. A., Hunter, R. F., Donnelly, M., Prior, L., Cupples, M. E., & Kee, F. (2016, September). Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting & 7th Conference of the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA Europe), Belfast, Ireland.
Event: 12th Annual Meeting & 7th Conference of the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA Europe) at Belfast, Ireland
2016 journal article
Exploring associations between perceived home and work neighborhood environments, diet behaviors, and obesity: Results from a survey of employed adults in Missouri
Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 591–596.
Contributors: R. Tabak *, J. Hipp n, E. Dodson*, L. Yang *, * & R. Brownson *
2016 journal article
Neighborhood-based differences in walkability, physical activity, and weight status in India
Journal of Transport & Health, 3(4), 485–499.
Contributors: , J. Hipp n & R. Brownson * *

2016 conference paper
Reliability and Validity of Crowd Analyses in Urban Environments
Hipp, J. A., Manteiga, A., & Adlakha, D. (2016, May). Presented at the Environmental Design Research Association 47 (EDRA), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Event: Environmental Design Research Association 47 (EDRA) at Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
2016 conference paper
Technological innovations for tracking human behavior in public spaces
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., & Manteiga, A. (2016, November). Presented at the 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), Bangkok, Thailand.
Event: 6th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at Bangkok, Thailand
2016 conference paper
Technological innovations for tracking human behavior in public spaces
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., & Manteiga, A. (2016, September). Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting & 7th Conference of the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA Europe), Belfast, Ireland.
Event: 12th Annual Meeting & 7th Conference of the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA Europe) at Belfast, Ireland
2016 journal article
“Can we walk?” Environmental supports for physical activity in India
Preventive Medicine, 103, S81–S89.
Contributors: , J. Hipp n, R. Brownson *, A. A. Eyler *, C. K. Lesorogol & R. Raghavan * *

2015 conference paper
Can we walk? Environmental supports for active travel in India
Adlakha, D. (2015, June). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Edinburgh, UK.
Event: Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) at Edinburgh, UK
2015 journal article
Choice of commuting mode among employees: Do home neighborhood environment, worksite neighborhood environment, and worksite policy and supports matter?
Journal of Transport & Health, 2(2), 212–218.
Contributors: L. Yang *, J. Hipp *, * , C. Marx *, R. Tabak * & R. Brownson *
2015 journal article
Corrigendum: Use of emerging technologies to assess differences in outdoor physical activity in St. Louis, Missouri
Frontiers in Public Health, 3(MAR).
Contributors: , E. Budd *, R. Gernes*, S. Sequeira * & J. Hipp * *
2015 conference paper
Learning from Outdoor Webcams: Capturing Active Commuting Behavior Across Environments
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Alicia, M., Gernes, R., & Melody, S. (2015, February). Presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at San Diego, California, USA
2015 speech
Recommendations for conducting international fieldwork
Adlakha, D. (2015, August). Presented at the Brown School—Ph.D. Program Professional Development Seminars., Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: Brown School—Ph.D. Program Professional Development Seminars. at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA on August 12, 2015
2015 magazine article
Street smart
Adlakha, D. (2015, April 21). The Hindu-Property Plus, 2.
2015 magazine article
The active way
Adlakha, D. (2015, December 14). Times Property, 1.
2014 conference paper
Adaptation of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS) in India
Adlakha, D., & Hipp, J. A. (2014, March). Poster presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at San Diego, California, USA
2014 journal article
Home and Workplace Built Environment Supports for Physical Activity
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 48(1), 104–107.
Contributors: , A. Hipp* , C. Marx *, L. Yang *, R. Tabak *, E. Dodson*, R. Brownson * *

2014 speech
Navigating the doctoral program
Presented at the Brown School—Ph.D. Program Professional Development Seminars, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: Brown School—Ph.D. Program Professional Development Seminars at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA on September 10, 2014
2014 journal article
Use of Emerging Technologies to Assess Differences in Outdoor Physical Activity in St. Louis, Missouri
Frontiers in Public Health, 2(MAY).
Contributors: , E. Budd *, R. Gernes*, S. Sequeira * & J. Hipp * *

2013 conference paper
Assessing Outdoor Recreational Physical Activity and Parklands in St. Louis, MIssouri
Adlakha, D., Budd, E., & Hipp, J. A. (2013, May). Presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Event: 44th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) at Providence, Rhode Island, USA
2013 conference paper
Crowd-sourcing for Public Health: Capture of Outdoor Scenes to Assess Built Environment Change and Active Transportation
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Pless, R., & Gernes, R. (2013, February). Poster presented at the 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium at St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2013 conference paper
Crowdsourcing for public health: capture of outdoor scenes to assess built environment change and active transportation
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Pless, R., & Gernes, R. (2013, October). Poster presented at the 6th Annual Institute for Public Health Conference, Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: 6th Annual Institute for Public Health Conference at Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2013 conference paper
Do you see what I see: crowdsource annotation of captured scenes
Proceedings of the 4th International SenseCam & Pervasive Imaging Conference on - SenseCam '13, 24–25.
Contributors: J. Hipp *, * , R. Gernes*, A. Kargol* & R. Pless *
Event: the 4th International SenseCam & Pervasive Imaging Conference

2013 conference paper
Effectiveness of Built environment interventions using web cameras
Sequeira, S., Hipp, J. A., Adlakha, D., Kargol, A., & Pless, R. (2013, November). Presented at the 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition (APHA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Event: 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition (APHA) at Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2013 conference paper
Environmental Level Factors and Obesity Prevalence in Missouri
Adlakha, D., & Budd, E. (2013, March). Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, California, USA.
Event: 34th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine at San Francisco, California, USA
2013 journal article
Social ecological constraints to park use in communities with proximate park access
LARNet: The Cyber Journal of Applied Leisure and Recreation Research, 16(4), 23–36.
2013 conference paper
The Use of Webcams and Internet Crowd-Sourcing to Evaluate Built Environment Change
Hipp, J. A., Adlakha, D., Chang, B., Eyler, A. A., & Pless, R. (2013, February). Presented at the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Event: Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference at San Diego, California, USA
2013 conference paper
Use of Emerging Technologies to Assess Outdoor Physical Activity and Parklands in St. Louis, MIssouri
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Gernes, R., Budd, E., & Sequeira, S. (2013, November). Presented at the 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition (APHA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Event: 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition (APHA) at Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2013 conference paper
Use of Webcams and Crowdsourcing to Evaluate Physical Activity and Built Environment Change
Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Pless, R., Eyler, A., & Gernes, R. (2013, May). Presented at the Environmental Design Research Association 44 (EDRA), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Event: Environmental Design Research Association 44 (EDRA) at Providence, Rhode Island, USA
2012 journal article
Can publicly available web cameras and mechanical Turks be used to evaluate physical activity policy and built environment change?
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15(S1), S33.
2012 conference paper
Can publicly available webcams and mechanical Turks be used to evaluate physical activity policy and built environment change?
Hipp, J. A., Adlakha, D., Chang, B., Eyler, A. A., & Pless, R. (2012, October). Presented at the 4th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), Sydney, Australia.
Event: 4th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) at Sydney, Australia
2012 journal article
Emerging Technologies: Webcams And Crowd-sourcing To Identify Active Transportation
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(1), 96–97.
Contributors: J. Hipp *, * , A. Eyler *, B. Chang* & R. Pless *
2012 conference paper
Environmental Level Factors and Obesity Prevalence in Missouri
Adlakha, D., & Budd, E. (2012, October). Poster presented at the 5th Annual Institute for Public Health Conference, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: 5th Annual Institute for Public Health Conference at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2012 conference paper
Mapping St. Louis
Adlakha, D. (2012, February). Poster presented at the 17th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: 17th Annual Graduate Research Symposium at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2012 conference paper
Metropolitan Transformations: The case of Boston, USA, and Nanjing, China
Adlakha, D. (2012, May). Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Seattle, Washington, USA.
Event: 43rd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) at Seattle, Washington, USA
2012 conference paper
Metropolitan Urban Landscapes
Adlakha, D. (2012, April). Poster presented at the Research Without Walls Annual Symposium, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Event: Research Without Walls Annual Symposium at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2011 speech
Architecture 101
Presented at the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts—Alumni Reception, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, USA.
Event: Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts—Alumni Reception at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, USA
2011 speech
Architecture for young people
Presented at the Community Service Colloquium-Gephardt Institute for Public Service, Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis, USA.
Event: Community Service Colloquium-Gephardt Institute for Public Service at Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis, USA
2011 report
Social ecological constraints to park use in communities with quality access
In Brown School Faculty Publications (p. 13). St. Louis, MO: Centre for Social Development, Washington University.
2011 speech
Sustainable cities
Presented at the Alberti Program, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis, USA.
Event: Alberti Program, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis, USA
2009 conference paper
The Sustainable City: Infrastructural Urbanism and Equitable Environmental Planning
Adlakha, D. (2009, July). Presented at the Anna University Research Symposium, Chennai, India.
Event: Anna University Research Symposium at Chennai, India
2008 magazine article
Go Green—Sustainable landscapes
Adlakha, D. (2008, July 26). The Hindu-Property Plus, 3.
2008 magazine article
Solar power, a viable and affordable option
Adlakha, D. (2008, June 7). The Hindu-Property Plus, 7.
2008 magazine article
Solutions for a green roof
Adlakha, D. (2008, August 9). The Hindu-Property Plus, 1.
2008 speech
The Future of Mega Cities
Presented at the Architect’s Conclave, Chennai, India.
Event: Architect’s Conclave at Chennai, India
2007 speech
Design decisions for green buildings and communities
Adlakha, D. (2007, September). Presented at the Green Building Congress, Chennai, India.
Event: Green Building Congress at Chennai, India on September 19, 2007
2007 conference paper
Sustainable Urbanism
Adlakha, D. (2007, July). Presented at the Graduate Architecture Student Conference, MEASI Academy of Architecture, Chennai, India.
Event: Graduate Architecture Student Conference, MEASI Academy of Architecture at Chennai, India
2006 speech
City, society, culture and architecture
Presented at the 12th ARCASIA Jamboree, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Event: 12th ARCASIA Jamboree at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on September 18, 2006
2006 chapter
Mapping Chennai
In M. S. S. Pandian, A. Srivathsan., & M. Radhakrishnan (Eds.), Project on megacities: Chennai—museum, exhibition, backyard. Chennai: INTACH.
Ed(s): M. Pandian, A. Srivathsan. & M. Radhakrishnan
2006 conference paper
Transition of Cities and Architecture in Asia
Adlakha, D. (2006, September). Presented at the 12th ARCASIA Jamboree, Beijing, China.
Event: 12th ARCASIA Jamboree at Beijing, China
conference paper
Metropolitan Landscapes: Redefining Place-making in St. Louis
Adlakha, D. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Seattle, Washington, USA.
Event: 43rd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) at Seattle, Washington, USA
Updated: April 21st, 2024 23:16
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