Divyakumar Mahiman Badheka

College of Engineering

2023 journal article

Accurate Modeling of Intelligent Reflecting Surface for Communication Systems


By: D. Badheka n, J. Sapis*, S. Khosravirad* & H. Viswanathan*

author keywords: Intelligent reflecting surface; method-of-moment; antenna arrays; propagation model; pathloss and beamwidth approximation; IRS load optimization
TL;DR: This paper uses Method-of-Moments (MoM), a computational electromagnetic approach to quantify the intelligent scattering by an arbitrary-shaped IRS and proposes correction to the communication model that is currently used for IRS-aided networks when each IRS element is a center-loaded wire. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 16, 2024

2021 article

IRS Aided Communication Model for Compact MIMO Systems


author keywords: Intelligent reflecting surface; mutual coupling; channel models; capacity optimization
TL;DR: The results indicate capacity benefits on orders of 2-2.5 times for tightly coupled arrays when well designed optimization is performed using more accurate communication model that accounts for mutual coupling as opposed to naive methods that ignore coupling. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: December 13, 2021

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