@article{baskaran_2019, title={Chat Ref Analysis-Exploring and Analyzing Chat Reference Transcripts Specifically Relating to Acquisitions and Discovery}, volume={45}, ISSN={["1879-095X"]}, DOI={10.1080/00987913.2019.1647775}, abstractNote={Abstract The Chat Reference Analysis project is an effort to understand and analyze the topics of concern for users with particular focus on issues that can be addressed by the Acquisitions and Discovery (A&D) Department. Conclusions drawn from a sampling of chat transcripts data using topic model analysis revealed a variety of human readable subtopic themes intended to identify improvements in certain domain areas. Additionally the study provided recommendations and opportunities for potential small-group/spin-off projects. The chat reference transcripts referred to here are the conversations between library patrons and staff supporting the chat service featured on several areas on the NC State University Libraries’ website.}, number={3}, journal={SERIALS REVIEW}, author={Baskaran, Dharini}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={132–136} }