@article{hutchinson_tonelli_gupta_buchanan_2008, title={An investigation of the structure-property relationships in melt-processable high-acrylonitrile copolymer filaments}, volume={43}, ISSN={["0022-2461"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10853-008-2727-6}, number={15}, journal={JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE}, author={Hutchinson, Shawn R. and Tonelli, Alan E. and Gupta, Buphender S. and Buchanan, David R.}, year={2008}, month={Aug}, pages={5143–5156} } @inproceedings{buchanan_ferguson_2001, title={Textile education in time and space}, booktitle={An odyssey in fibres and space : Textile Institute 81st World Conference : Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention Centre, Sunday 1st-Wednesday 4th April, 2001}, publisher={Manchester, England: Textile Institute}, author={Buchanan, D. and Ferguson, M. T.}, year={2001} } @article{buchanan_2000, title={ITMA '99}, volume={30}, journal={Textile Progress}, author={Buchanan, D.}, year={2000} } @article{narter_batra_buchanan_1999, title={Micromechanics of three-dimensional fibrewebs: constitutive equations}, volume={455}, ISSN={["1471-2946"]}, DOI={10.1098/rspa.1999.0465}, abstractNote={This paper extends the fibre–network theory of Cox to three–dimensional anisotropic fibrewebs. It presents a micromechanical model employing fibre axial deformation as the elemental deformation mechanism giving rise to assembly stress as a result of applied normal and shearing strain field. This model predicts the elastic constants of an assembly in terms of fibre linear density, fibre elastic modulus, fabric bulk density and the first 15 spherical harmonic coefficients of direction distribution function. A computer simulation has been performed to study the effect of structure on the initial elastic moduli of fibrewebs. This simulation shows that: (a) Young's modulus evaluated for each fabric axis is directly dependent on the fibre orientation distribution density (FODD) along the same axis; (b) shear modulus in any reference plane is maximized when orientation distribution function is isotropic in that plane and it decreases with increasing FODD along the direction normal to that plane; and (c) Poisson's ratio, &ngr;ij, increases as the FODD along the i–axis decreases and the FODD along the j–axis increases, but the effect of FODD along the k–axis is minimal.}, number={1989}, journal={PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES}, author={Narter, MA and Batra, SK and Buchanan, DR}, year={1999}, month={Sep}, pages={3543–3563} } @inproceedings{buchanan_1997, title={University textile research in the information age}, booktitle={Textiles and the information society : papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE}, publisher={Manchester, England : Textile Institute}, author={Buchanan, D.}, year={1997} } @inbook{buchanan_1995, title={Manufacturing innovation, automation, and robotics in the textile industries}, ISBN={9781870812689}, booktitle={Automation in the textile industry: from fibers to apparel}, publisher={Manchester, UK : Textile Institute}, author={Buchanan, D.}, year={1995} } @article{barker_gupta_leek_buchanan_little_1992, title={Directional variations in fabric properties and seam qualification}, volume={4}, number={2/3}, journal={International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology}, author={Barker, R. and Gupta, B. S. and Leek, F. J. and Buchanan, D. R. and Little, T. J.}, year={1992}, pages={71–78} } @article{little_gupta_leek_farker_buchanan_1992, title={Directional variations in fabric properties and seam quality}, volume={4}, DOI={10.1108/eb002996}, abstractNote={Examines the effects of directional variations in woven fabric properties on the behaviour of fabrics as they are plied and sewn together to form a seam. This is an important practical consideration, since garment manufacturing frequently involves the sewing of two fabric plies of completely different and constantly changing bias angles — none of which is along the grain line. Examines the variations in the properties of five woven materials, all lightweight and commonly used in women's summer apparel. The Kawabata Evaluation System (KES) was used to measure the mechanical and surface properties of strips, cut at different angles, from the test materials. To investigate the effect of orientation on seam quality, two plies cut from the same fabric but at different angles were sewn together under selected conditions. The resulting seams were characterized for seam quality using AATCC standards.}, number={2/3}, journal={International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology}, author={Little, T. and Gupta, B. S. and Leek, F. J. and Farker, R. L. and Buchanan, D. R.}, year={1992}, pages={71–78} } @inproceedings{chahal_mohamed_1992, title={Fluid flow through needlepunched geotextile fabrics}, ISBN={9781560815365}, booktitle={Polymer and fiber science : recent advances}, publisher={New York, N.Y.: VCH Publishers}, author={Chahal, V. and Mohamed, M.H.}, editor={R. E. Fornes and Gilbert, R. D.Editors}, year={1992} } @inproceedings{buchanan_emery_hamouda_1991, title={The machine vision inspection of denim fabric}, booktitle={International Conference on Fibre & Textile Science - 1991 : proceedings}, publisher={Ottawa, Canada : The Institute of Textile Science}, author={Buchanan, D. and Emery, N.B. and Hamouda, H.}, year={1991} } @article{brown_buchanan_clapp_1990, title={LARGE-DEFLECTION BENDING OF WOVEN FABRIC FOR AUTOMATED MATERIAL-HANDLING}, volume={81}, ISSN={["0040-5000"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405009008658322}, abstractNote={The development of highly flexible devices for automated handling of textile materials requires a knowledge-based computer system to manipulate successfully a diverse range of fabrics with varying engineering properties. The purpose of the research reported in this paper is to develop and validate a computer model for predicting fabric-deformation behaviour during automated handling, given experimentally measured fabric properties. A computer program is developed, on the basis of Konopasek's theoretical formulation for solving large-deflexion fabric-bending problems, to simulate the laying of fabric on a table by means of a robot manipulator. Experimental data are collected for actual bending shapes of selected apparel fabrics and compared with theoretical data generated by the numerical solution of the mathematical model. The results demonstrate the ability of the model to predict large deformations of typical apparel fabrics with a part size of up to 10 cm in length. Only the measured properties, bendin...}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={BROWN, PR and BUCHANAN, DR and CLAPP, TG}, year={1990}, pages={1–14} } @article{emery_buchanan_1988, title={YARN PACKAGE INSPECTION WITH COMPUTER VISION AND ROBOTICS}, volume={58}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051758805801008}, abstractNote={ A system for the automatic inspection of open-end polyester/cotton blend yarn packages, including package transportation and inspection algorithms, has been developed and implemented. An American robot was used to move and position the yarn packages during the inspection procedure. The robot controller served as the host computer and directed the sequence of inspection routines. An IRI P256 computer vision system performed the inspection steps for eleven of the most common package flaws. Several hundred packages were inspected with this system and its accuracy was comparable to that of human inspectors. Although over 85% of the inspection cycle was spent in package manipulation, the computer vision portion of the inspection process was as fast as human inspectors. }, number={10}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={EMERY, NB and BUCHANAN, DR}, year={1988}, month={Oct}, pages={605–614} } @article{dennis_buchanan_1987, title={THERMOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF THE STRESS HISTORY IN HEAT SET NYLON-6 CARPET YARNS}, volume={57}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051758705701102}, abstractNote={ Tension effects during a commercial heat setting process were investigated through the analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of heat set nylon 6 carpet yarns. The stress history of these yarns was modified by altering the yarn tension level at various positions along the Superba continuous heat setting process. Changes in fiber structure and morphology were characterized by mechanical testing, shrinkage measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermal stress analysis. A model based on the hypothesis that there are two domains of molecular order that respond differently to the effects of stress, such that structural and morphological changes proceed via two distinct mechanisms, was fit to the experimental shrinkage force-temperature curves and described the experimental curves very well. Changes in the calculated curve parameters were highly correlated with the observed changes in shrinkage and initial moduli. Each of these changes was a function of the tension state of the nylon 6 yarns during the heat setting process. Analysis of the shrinkage force curves and their characteristic parameters showed that this technique is capable of identifying subtle variations in fiber microstructure and therefore has significant applications to the identification of stress history differences in heat set fibers and yams. }, number={11}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={DENNIS, LA and BUCHANAN, DR}, year={1987}, month={Nov}, pages={625–639} } @article{batra_hersh_barker_buchanan_gupta_george_mohamed_1985, title={Neither woven nor knit: A new system for classifying textiles}, volume={16}, number={9}, journal={Nonwovens Industry}, author={Batra, S. K. and Hersh, S. P. and Barker, R. L. and Buchanan, D. R. and Gupta, B. S. and George, T. W. and Mohamed, M. H.}, year={1985} } @article{needham_buchanan_gupta_horton_1982, title={ENZYMATIC REMOVAL OF FORMALIN-FIXED TISSUES FROM POLYESTER ARTERIES, AND ITS EFFECT ON PHYSICAL-PROPERTIES OF FIBERS}, volume={16}, ISSN={["0021-9304"]}, DOI={10.1002/jbm.820160513}, abstractNote={AbstractA method is presented that can be utilized for the removal of formalin‐fixed tissues from arterial grafts without. Affecting fiber material properties. Such a method could prove highly useful for studying the changes in the structure and properties of graft fiber as functions of important clinical variables. Information on what actually happens to the arterial graft material in situ with passage of time is greatly lacking in the current graft literature. The method proposed involves treatment of the formalin fixed fiber–tissue complex with an enzymatic preparation containing enzymes derived from the porcine pancreas (pancreatin) in solution with tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane buffer at pH 7.6. Studies with two different grafts—a Microknit Dacron Bifurcation from a clinical patient 10¼ years after implantation and stored in formalin for 11 months, and a Sauvage Filamentous Velour of Dacron from an animal 24 h after implantation and stored in formalin for nine months—showed that the treatment was highly effective in completely removing the tissues at concentrations of pancreatin as low as 2.5%. The same treatment given to the virgin yarns of grafts revealed no significant effects on tensile, dimensional, and morphological properties.}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH}, author={NEEDHAM, DK and BUCHANAN, DR and GUPTA, BS and HORTON, HR}, year={1982}, pages={659–668} }