Works (24)
2017 journal article
Harmonic Analysis and Controller Design of 15 kV SiC IGBT-Based Medium-Voltage Grid-Connected Three-Phase Three-Level NPC Converter
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32(5), 3355–3369.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, K. Mainali n, A. Tripathi n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2016 conference paper
Comparative evaluation of 15 kV SiC IGBT and 15 kV SiC MOSFET for 3-phase medium voltage high power grid connected converter applications
ECCE 2016 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Proceedings.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, K. Mainali n, A. Tripathi n, A. Kadavelugu n, K. Vechalapu n, n, S. Bhattacharya n

2016 article
Power Loss Analysis of Medium-Voltage Three-Phase Converters Using 15-kV/40-A SiC N-IGBT
Madhusoodhanan, S., Mainali, K., Tripathi, A. K., Kadavelugu, A., Patel, D., & Bhattacharya, S. (2016, September). IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS, Vol. 4, pp. 902–917.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, K. Mainali n, A. Tripathi n, A. Kadavelugu n, n & S. Bhattacharya n

2015 journal article
Design Considerations of a 15-kV SiC IGBT-Based Medium-Voltage High-Frequency Isolated DC-DC Converter
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2015 conference paper
Distributed Energy Storage Device integration with three phase distribution grid using a Transformerless Intelligent Power Substation
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2015-May(May), 670–677.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, n, A. Kadavelugu n & S. Bhattacharya n

2015 conference paper
Grid connected CM noise considerations of a three-phase multi-stage SST
9th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia: "Green World with Power Electronics", ICPE 2015-ECCE Asia, 793–800.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, K. Mainali n, A. Kadavelugu n, n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2015 conference paper
MVDC microgrids enabled by 15kV SiC IGBT based flexible three phase dual active bridge isolated DC-DC converter
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 5708–5715.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2015 conference paper
Medium voltage power converter design and demonstration using 15 kV SiC N-IGBTs
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2015-May(May), 1396–1403.
Contributors: A. Kadavelugu n, K. Mainali n, n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, K. Hatua n, S. Bhattacharya n , S. Ryu, D. Grider, S. Leslie

2015 conference paper
Performance evaluation of 15 kV SiC IGBT based medium voltage grid connected three-phase three-level NPC converter
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 3710–3717.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, K. Mainali n, A. Tripathi n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2015 journal article
Solid-State Transformer and MV Grid Tie Applications Enabled by 15 kV SiC IGBTs and 10 kV SiC MOSFETs Based Multilevel Converters
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, n, K. Mainali n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2015 conference paper
Start-up scheme for solid state transformers connected to medium voltage grids
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2015-May(May), 1014–1021.
Contributors: K. Mainali n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, n & S. Bhattacharya n

2015 conference paper
Thermal design considerations for medium voltage power converters with 15 kV SiC IGBTs
Ieee international symposium on power electronics for distributed, 265–272.
2015 conference paper
Three-phase 4.16 kV medium voltage grid tied AC-DC converter based on 15 kV/40 a SiC IGBTs
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 6675–6682.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, A. Kadavelugu n, n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2014 journal article
Advanced motor monitoring and diagnostics
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50(5), 3120–3127.
2014 conference paper
Control and performance of a single-phase dual active half bridge converter based on 15kV SiC IGBT and 1200V SiC MOSFET
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2120–2125.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, n, S. Bhattacharya n & K. Hatua *

2014 conference paper
Design considerations of a 15kV SiC IGBT enabled high-frequency isolated DC-DC converter
2014 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Hiroshima - ECCE Asia 2014, 758–765.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2014 conference paper
Design, measurement and equivalent circuit synthesis of high power HF transformer for three-phase composite dual active bridge topology
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 342–349.
Contributors: K. Mainali n, A. Tripathi n, n, S. Bhattacharya n & T. Challita*

2014 conference paper
Experimental validation of the steady state and transient behavior of a transformerless intelligent power substation
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 3477–3484.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, n, K. Mainali n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2014 conference paper
Flux vector modulation for single-phase inverter with LC output filter
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 1530–1536.
Contributors: R. Chattopadhyay n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, S. Bhattacharya n , R. Sawant * & M. Chandorkar * n,

2014 journal article
Modeling and analysis of stator interturn fault location effects on induction machines
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61(9), 4552–4564.
2014 conference paper
Solid State Transformer and MV grid tie applications enabled by 15 kV SiC IGBTs and 10 kV SiC MOSFETs based multilevel converters
2014 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Hiroshima - ECCE Asia 2014, 1626–1633.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, A. Tripathi n, n, K. Mainali n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Hazra n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *

2013 conference paper
15 kV SiC IGBT based three-phase three-level modular-leg power converter
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 3291–3298.
Contributors: A. Kadavelugu n, S. Madhusoodhanan n, S. Bhattacharya n , K. Hatua *, S. Leslie, S. Ryu *, D. Grider*, A. Agarwal * n,

2013 conference paper
Closed loop D-Q control of high-voltage high-power three-phase dual active bridge converter in presence of real transformer parasitic parameters
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 5488–5495.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Mainali n, n, S. Bhattacharya n & K. Hatua *

2013 conference paper
Protection of a transformerless intelligent power substation
2013 4th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2013 - Conference Proceedings.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, n, S. Bhattacharya n , J. Carr* & Z. Wang *