Works (44)
2025 article
Feasibility of the Knowledge, Language, and Inquiry (KLI) intervention for multilingual English learners
Relyea, J. E., Davis, D., Dobis, C., Huang, B., & Samuelson, C. (2025, January 1). JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol. 1.

2024 journal article
Elementary School Teachers' Enactment of a Content Literacy Curriculum in a Virtual Tutoring Program for Multilingual Students

2023 chapter
What will it take to help all third graders learn to read? Recommendations for improving policies on early literacy learning
In T. S. Ransaw & D. Boggs (Eds.), Emerging trends in education policy: Unapologetic progressive conversations.
Ed(s): T. Ransaw & D. Boggs
2022 article
What do upper-elementary and middle school teachers know about the processes of text comprehension?
Davis, D. S., Tenore, F. B., McElhone, D., & DeIaco, R. (2022, March 5). READING AND WRITING, Vol. 3.

2022 article
What do upper-elementary and middle school teachers know about the processes of text comprehension? (Mar, 10.1007/s11145-022-10268-4, 2022)
Davis, D. S., Tenore, F. B., McElhone, D., & DeIaco, R. (2022, May 10). READING AND WRITING, Vol. 5.

2021 journal article
Getting KnERDI with language: Examining teachers’ knowledge for Enhancing Reading Development in Code-Based and Meaning-Based Domains
Reading Research Quarterly, 57(3 (Jul/Aug/Sep 2022), 781–804.

2021 journal article
Using Insights from Teachers to Inform Online Professional Development in Early Literacy Instruction
Literacy Research and Instruction, 5, 1–28.

2020 journal article
Is It Time for a Hard Conversation about Cueing Systems and Word Reading in Teacher Education?
Reading & Writing Quarterly.

2020 journal article
Reading and inquiring in an afterschool tutoring program: Working to re-imagine the reading intervention paradigm
Improving Schools.

2019 journal article
Complexity and scale in teaching effectiveness research: Reflections from the MET Study

2019 article
From Disrupting to Holding Spaces for Critical Interruptions: Our Final Issue
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Trevino, C., Sellers, T., Davis, D. S., Goatley, V. J., … Orellana, P. (2019, December). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 51, pp. 391–393.
2019 article
Looking Carefully at Instruction
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Trevino, C., Graves, K., Davis, D. S., Goatley, V. J., … Orellana, P. (2019, March). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 51, pp. 3–4.

2018 article
A 50-Year Journey Through an Expanding Landscape of Literacy Research
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Trevino, C., Stortz, R., Davis, D. S., Jones, J. S., … Monaco, C. V. C. (2018, June). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 50, pp. 135–140.

2018 article
Fifty Volumes of Research: Literacy Teacher Education
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Trevino, C., Davis, D. S., Jones, J. S., Goatley, V. J., & Monaco, C. V. C. (2018, September). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 50, pp. 275–280.

2018 journal article
First chapters: Invitations to step into story worlds
SIGNAL Journal, 43(2), 32–35.
2018 article
Invoking Quantum Physics: Fifty Volumes of Methodological Complexity in Literacy Research
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Stortz, R., Trevino, C., Davis, D. S., Jones, J. S., … Monaco, C. V. C. (2018, March). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 50, pp. 3–8.

2018 article
Moving Forward With Literacy Research
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Trevino, C., Davis, D. S., Jones, J. S., Goatley, V. J., … Orellana, P. (2018, December). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 50, pp. 395–396.

2018 journal article
The Dangers of Test Preparation: WhatStudents Learn (and Don't Learn) About Reading Comprehension From Test-Centric Literacy Instruction
READING TEACHER, 71(5), 579–588.

2018 chapter
When effective instruction is not enough: A critical look at the emergent understandings of liberatory pedagogy by teachers in a master's program
In A. E. Lopez & E. L. Olan (Eds.), Transformative pedagogies for teacher education: Moving towards critical praxis in an era of change (pp. 15–30). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
Ed(s): A. Lopez & E. Olan
2017 journal article
An investigation of first chapters in high-quality literature for children and adolescents
The Dragon Lode, 36(1), 32–39.
2017 journal article
How Teachers Mobilize and Transform Their Conceptualizations of Reading Comprehension Into Representations of Instructional Practice
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 66(1), 232–247.

2017 article
Interrupting and Disrupting Literacy Research
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Davis, D., Goatley, V., & Willis, A. (2017, March). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 49, pp. 6–9.

2017 journal article
Keeping up and forging ahead: English language outcomes of proficient bilingual adolescents in the United States
System, 67, 12–24.

2017 chapter
Learning to interrogate and resist the data culture in literacy education
In F. B. Tenore & J. E. Justice (Eds.), Becoming Critical Teacher Educators: Narratives of Disruption, Possibility, and Praxis (pp. 38–50). New York, NY: Routledge.
Ed(s): F. Tenore & J. Justice
2017 article
Literacy Research and the Radical Imagination
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Davis, D., Goatley, V., & Willis, A. (2017, September). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 49, pp. 319–320.

2017 article
Literacy Research in Uncertain Times
Sailors, M., Martinez, M., Davis, D., Goatley, V., & Willis, A. (2017, June). JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH, Vol. 49, pp. 155–156.

2016 journal article
(Re)learning about Learning: Using Cases from Popular Media to Extend and Complicate Our Understandings of What It Means to Learn and Teach
Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, 3(1).
2016 journal article
Making Sense of Science Texts: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Predictors and Processes of Multiple-Text Comprehension
Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2), 227–252.

2016 journal article
What Teachers Want: A Statewide Survey of Reading and English Language Arts Teachers’ Instructional Materials, Preferences, and Practices
Literacy Research and Instruction, 55(3), 237–261.

2015 journal article
A dialogic account of reader–text interactions
English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 14(3), 335–349.
Ed(s): P. Hilary Janks ,Prof. Debra Myhill ,P

2015 journal article
Instructional Tendencies in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 64(1), 285–306.

2015 journal article
Practices and Commitments of Test-centric Literacy Instruction: Lessons From a Testing Transition
Reading Research Quarterly, 50(3), 357–379.

2014 journal article
Direct and indirect effects of teacher instruction and feedback on student adaptive help-seeking in upper-elementary literacy classrooms
Journal of Research in Education, 24(1), 53–68.
2013 journal article
Context and Implications Document for: Multiple comprehension strategies instruction in the intermediate grades: three remarks about content and pedagogy in the intervention literature
Review of Education, 1(2), 225–227.

2013 journal article
Multiple comprehension strategies instruction in the intermediate grades: three remarks about content and pedagogy in the intervention literature
Review of Education, 1(2), 194–224.

2013 journal article
What fifth-grade students reveal about their literacies by writing and telling narratives
Reading Horizons, 52(2), 121–141.
2012 journal article
Multiple comprehension strategies instruction (MCSI) for improving reading comprehension and strategy outcomes in the middle grades (Meta-analysis protocol)
The Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviews.
2011 journal article
A Self-Regulated Learning Perspective on Middle Grades Classroom Assessment
The Journal of Educational Research, 104(3), 202–215.

2011 journal article
Collaborative sense-making in print and digital text environments
Reading and Writing, 25(4), 831–856.

2011 journal article
Internalization and Participation as Metaphors of Strategic Reading Development
Theory Into Practice, 50(2), 100–106.

2010 thesis
A meta-analysis of comprehension strategy instruction for upper elementary and middle school students
(Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University).
2010 journal article
The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Orientations and their Strategic Activity During a Collaborative Reading Task
Reading Psychology, 31(6), 546–579.

2010 journal article
The Relationship between Students' Reading Orientations and Their Strategic Activity during a Collaborative Reading Task
Reading Psychology, 31(6), 546–579.

2010 journal article
The effectiveness of multiple comprehension strategies instruction (MCSI) for improving reading comprehension in 4th-8th grade students
The Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviews.