Works (38)
2021 chapter
Cross Section Correlation Functions and Deviations from the Porter-Thomas Distribution

2017 journal article
Neutron-antineutron oscillations beyond the quasifree limit
Physical Review D, 95(3).
2015 journal article
Reappraisal of the limit on the variation in α implied by the Oklo natural fission reactors
Physical Review C, 92(1), 014319.
2014 journal article
Implications of the Oklo Phenomenon in a Chiral Approach to Nuclear Matter
Few-Body Systems, 56(6-9), 431–437.
2014 journal article
Oklo reactors and implications for nuclear science
International Journal of Modern Physics E, 23(04), 1430007.

2014 journal article
Time-dependent generalization of the Nosé-Hoover thermostatting technique for molecular dynamics simulations
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 490, 012101.
2011 journal article
Orbits of the Kepler problem via polar reciprocals
American Journal of Physics, 79(12), 1246–1249.
2005 journal article
Bounds on time reversal violation from polarized neutron capture with unpolarized targets
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 110(4), 485.

2004 journal article
Bounds on P-odd T-odd interactions from polarized neutron capture with unpolarized targets
Physical Review C, 69(1).

2004 journal article
Uniform approximation of wave functions with improved semiclassical transformation amplitudes and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Physical Review A, 70(3).
2003 journal article
On the use of angle-action variables in semiclassical mechanics
Physics Letters A, 309(1-2), 1–4.

2002 journal article
Canonical transformations and non-unitary evolution
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35(28), 5875–5891.

2001 journal article
On the ubiquity of non-unitary quantum canonical transformations
Physics Letters A, 278(5), 239–242.
1999 journal article
Extraction of bounds on time-reversal non-invariance from neutron reactions
Physics Letters B, 447(3-4), 209–215.
1999 journal article
Importance of the hexadecapole-hexadecapole interaction
Physical Review C, 59(1), 200–209.

1998 journal article
On-resonance deformation effect measurements: A probe of order within chaos in the nucleus
Physical Review C, 57(2), 648–654.
1996 journal article
Self-consistent Bayesian analysis of space-time symmetry studies
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 370(2-3), 509–515.
1996 journal article
gboson and systematics of theM1 scissors mode
Physical Review C, 53(6), 2849–2854.
1994 journal article
Can we do without the Majorana term in the effective nuclear interaction?
Physical Review C, 50(4), 1917–1923.
1994 journal article
Constraint on time-reversal tests in fully chaotic nuclear systems
Physical Review C, 50(4), 2236–2239.
1994 journal article
Towards a satisfactory microscopic description of21+g factors
Physical Review C, 50(5), 2362–2371.
1993 journal article
An Improved Asymptotic Realization of the Projected Intrinsic State Approximation in IBM
Annals of Physics, 222(2), 159–186.
1993 journal article
Evolution modes of the vacuum Wigner function in strong-field QED
Physics Letters B, 311(1-4), 329–338.
1992 journal article
Test of time reversal invariance in 2-MeV neutron scattering from aligned165Ho
Hyperfine Interactions, 75(1-4), 165–172.

1992 journal article
g-boson panacea for magnetic properties of the nuclear groundstate band?
Physics Letters B, 295(1-2), 5–10.

1991 journal article
Direct reaction test of T violation in 2 MeV neutron scattering from aligned 165Ho
Physics Letters B, 267(1), 23–26.
1991 journal article
Nuclear parity violation beyond the two-state approximation: Criteria for quantitative studies above neutron threshold
Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei, 340(2), 159–163.
1991 journal article
Nuclear sensitivity to time-reversal non-invariance: Traditional detailed balance
Annals of Physics, 211(2), 334–386.

1991 journal article
Particle-hole symmetry,F-spin, andr-process parameters
Physical Review C, 44(4), 1655–1660.
1990 journal article
Parity violation in compound-nucleus reactions
Physical Review Letters, 65(11), 1329–1331.

1990 journal article
Tests of fundamental symmetries on isolated compound-nucleus resonances
Physical Review C, 42(4), 1718–1730.
1989 journal article
Higher moments of the fluctuatingS-matrix within the stochastic model for compound-nucleus scattering
Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Atomic Nuclei, 332(4), 427–441.

1989 journal article
Systematic nuclear sensitivity to time reversal noninvariance
Physics Letters B, 226(3-4), 197–201.

1989 journal article
epic Grass - symbolic calculations with anticommuting variables
Computer Physics Communications, 54(2-3), 353–369.
1988 journal article
On the variance of the fluctuating cross section
Physics Letters B, 211(4), 379–383.
1987 journal article
“Phase transitions” at finite temperature in finite systems
Physics Letters B, 196(3), 277–280.
1986 journal article
Random-phase approximation and broken symmetry
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 12(9), 805–820.
1984 journal article
Convergence of a crossing‐symmetric perturbation series for the four‐point vertex
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 25(4), 812–813.
Updated: January 16th, 2024 07:43
2021 - present