Works (7)
2023 conference paper
Nurturing the human connection: Increasing student engagement and personal connection in an asynchronous language course
Despain, S., & Despain, J. A. (2023, June 19).
2016 chapter
The changing system of Costa Rican pronouns of address
In Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas (pp. 243–266).
2015 journal article
A Model for Large-Enrollment Beginning Foreign Language Classes
ADFL Bulletin, 43(2), 52–57.

2005 journal article
Auralog TeLL me More
Hispania, 88(3), 520–526.
2004 journal article
EduOle Verbos en -AR, Verbos en -ER, Verbos en -IR
Hispania, 87(1), 109–111.
2003 journal article
Achievement and Attrition Rate Differences Between Traditional and Internet-Based Beginning Spanish Courses
Foreign Language Annals, 36(2), 243–257.

2002 journal article
Delivery Systems and Student Achievement
IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 34(1), 33–64.