Works (11)
2020 journal article
Improved limits on Fierz interference using asymmetry measurements from the Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry (UCNA) experiment
Physical Review C, 101(3).

2016 review
Neutron-antineutron oscillations: Theoretical status and experimental prospects
2015 conference paper
A dark matter search with MALBEK
A Dark Matter Search with MALBEK. Physics Procedia, 61, 77–84.
Contributors: G. Giovanetti*, N. Abgrall*, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell*, V. Brudanin*

2015 conference paper
Background model for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR
Background Model for the Majorana Demonstrator. Physics Procedia, 61, 821–827.
Contributors: C. Cuesta *, N. Abgrall *, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell *, V. Brudanin*
2015 conference paper
Testing the Ge detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR
Testing the Ge Detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. Physics Procedia, 61, 807–815.
Contributors: W. Xu *, N. Abgrall *, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell *, V. Brudanin *

2015 conference paper
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR for 0 nu beta beta: Current status and future plans
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR for 0νββ: Current Status and Future Plans. Physics Procedia, 61, 232–240.
Contributors: M. Green* , N. Abgrall *, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash *, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell *, V. Brudanin*
2015 conference paper
The MAJORANA low-noise low-background front-end electronics
The Majorana Low-noise Low-background Front-end Electronics. Physics Procedia, 61, 654–657.
Contributors: N. Abgrall*, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell*, V. Brudanin*, M. Busch*

2015 journal article
The MAJORANA parts tracking database
The Majorana Parts Tracking Database. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 779, 52–62.
Contributors: N. Abgrall *, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, V. Brudanin *, M. Busch*, D. Byram *
2014 journal article
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment
Advances in High Energy Physics, 2014, 365432.
Contributors: N. Abgrall *, E. Aguayo*, F. Avignone*, A. Barabash*, F. Bertrand*, M. Boswell *, V. Brudanin *, M. Busch*
2013 journal article
Measurements of ultracold neutron upscattering and absorption in polyethylene and vanadium
2013 journal article
Upscattering of ultracold neutrons from the polymer [C6H12](n)