@article{jones_bradshaw_contreras_cahoon jr_jennings_leon_everman_2024, title={Growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth escaping glufosinate in cotton with and without grass competition}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.68}, abstractNote={Abstract Field experiments were conducted at Clayton and Rocky Mount, NC, during summer 2020 to determine the growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate with and without grass competition in cotton. Glufosinate (590 g ai ha −1 ) was applied to Palmer amaranth early postemergence (5 cm tall), mid-postemergence (7 to 10 cm tall), and late postemergence (>10 cm tall) and at orthogonal combinations of those timings. Nontreated Palmer amaranth was grown in weedy, weed-free in-crop (WFIC) and weed-free fallow (WFNC) conditions for comparisons. Palmer amaranth control decreased as larger plants were treated; no plants survived the sequential glufosinate applications in both experiments. The apical and circumferential growth of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatments was reduced by more than 44% compared to the WFIC and WFNC Palmer amaranth in both experiments. The biomass of Palmer amaranth plants surviving glufosinate was reduced by more than 62% when compared with the WFIC and WFNC in all experiments. The fecundity of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatments was reduced by more than 73% compared to WFNC Palmer amaranth in all experiments. Remarkably, the plants that survived glufosinate were fecund as WFIC plants only in the Grass Competition experiment. The results prove that despite decreased vegetative growth of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatment, plants remain fecund and can be fecund as nontreated plants in cotton. These results suggest that a glufosinate-treated grass weed may not have a significant interspecific competition effect on Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate. Glufosinate should be applied to 5 to 7 cm Palmer amaranth to cease vegetative and reproductive capacities.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Bradshaw, Colden L. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon Jr, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{jones_bradshaw_contreras_cahoon jr_jennings_leon_everman_2024, title={Growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth escaping glufosinate in soybean with and without grass competition}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.29}, abstractNote={Abstract Field experiments were conducted at Clayton and Rocky Mount, North Carolina, during the summer of 2020 to determine the growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate with and without grass competition in soybean crops. Glufosinate (590 g ai ha −1 ) was applied at early postemergence (when Palmer amaranth plants were 5 cm tall), mid-postemergence (7–10 cm), and late postemergence (>10 cm) and at orthogonal combinations of those timings. Nontreated Palmer amaranth was grown in weedy (i.e., intraspecific and grass competition), weed-free in-crop (WFIC), and weed-free fallow (WFNC) conditions for comparisons. No Palmer amaranth plants survived the sequential glufosinate applications and control decreased as the plants were treated at a larger size in both experiments. The apical and circumferential growth rate of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate was reduced by more than 44% compared with the WFNC Palmer amaranth. The biomass of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate was reduced by more than 87% compared with the WFNC Palmer amaranth. The fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survived glufosinate was reduced by more than 70% compared with WFNC Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate were as fecund as the WFIC Palmer amaranth in both experiments in soybean fields. The results prove that despite the significant vegetative growth rate decrease of Palmer amaranth that survived glufosinate, plants can be as fecund as nontreated plants. The trends in growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate with and without grass competition were similar. These results suggest that glufosinate-treated grass weeds may not reduce the growth or fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Bradshaw, Colden L. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon Jr, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{jones_andres_owen_dunne_contreras_cahoon_jennings_leon_everman_2023, title={Confirmation of a five-way herbicide-resistant Amaranthus tuberculatus population in North Carolina}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1365-3180"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12590}, DOI={10.1111/wre.12590}, abstractNote={AbstractAmaranthus tuberculatus (waterhemp) is a pervasive weed of the Mid‐west and ‐south United States and is not native to North Carolina but infestations in crop fields have been reported recently. Amaranthus tuberculatus has evolved resistance to seven herbicide groups and multiple herbicide‐resistant populations are common where the species is native. The reported A. tuberculatus infestations in North Carolina have not been controlled with herbicides but no formal herbicide resistance characterisation has been conducted to date. Glasshouse dose–response experiments were conducted to determine the susceptibility of a population collected from Surry County, North Carolina to commonly applied postemergence herbicides compared to a herbicide‐susceptible population collected from Story County, Iowa. The Surry County population survived labelled rates of imazethapyr, atrazine, glyphosate, fomesafen, and mesotrione; the Story County population was controlled with these herbicides. Further, 2,4‐D, dicamba, and glufosinate effectively controlled the Surry and Story County populations. Molecular sequencing assays were subsequently conducted to determine if altered target sites facilitated resistance in the acetolactate synthase (ALS), 5‐enolpyruvylshikimate‐3‐phosphate synthase (EPSPS), photosystem II (psbA), and protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPX2) genes. The Surry County population carried a Trp574Leu and ∆Gly210 mutations in the ALS and PPX2 gene, respectively. No mutations that would confer resistance were found in the EPSPS or psbA gene for either population. The results of both experiments provide evidence that a five‐way herbicide‐resistant A. tuberculatus population has encroached North Carolina. More research is needed to determine the mechanisms of resistance to atrazine, glyphosate, and mesotrione.}, journal={WEED RESEARCH}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Andres, Ryan J. and Owen, Micheal D. K. and Dunne, Jeffrey C. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} } @article{contreras_leon_post_everman_2022, title={Critical period of grass weed control in ALS-tolerant grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is affected by planting date and environment}, volume={4}, ISSN={["2673-3218"]}, DOI={10.3389/fagro.2022.1014801}, abstractNote={Field experiments were conducted at two locations in North Carolina (Clayton and Rocky Mount) to determine the influence of row spacing and planting date on the critical period of weed control (CPWC) of grass weeds in ALS-tolerant grain. Grain sorghum was planted in May and June 2019, with either a 38 or 91 cm row spacing using an ALS-tolerant sorghum variety. Treatments consisted of “weedy” or “weed-free” plots up to 2, 3, 5, and 7 weeks after crop planting (WAP) and two control treatments of weedy and weed-free all season. Selection of grass weed species was achieved by controlling broadleaf weeds with a premix of bromoxynil plus pyrasulfutole at a rate of 264 g a.i. ha-1.Grass weeds were controlled using nicosulfuron at a rate of 69 g of a.i. ha-1. The CPWC was significantly different across locations. Row spacing and planting date factors did not influence the CPWC at Clayton. Planting date was a significant factor for the CPWC at Rocky Mount, however row spacing did not have any effect on the CPWC. Results for the CPWC are presented in terms growing degree days (GDD) from the date of crop sowing. The CPWC for grass weeds in grain sorghum at Clayton was from 368 to 849 GDD. The CPWC at Rocky Mount for May-planted grain sorghum was from 405 to 876 GDD, while the CPWC for June-planted grain sorghum ranged from 228 to 1042 GDD. These results demonstrate that cultural and environmental factors may influence the beginning, duration and end of the CPWC.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN AGRONOMY}, author={Contreras, Diego and Leon, Ramon G. and Post, Angela R. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2022}, month={Sep} }