Works (35)
2024 book
Custom Components in Architecture: Strategies for Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing
United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
2021 article proceedings
CRM in Architecture: Data Collection of Customized Repetitive Manufacturing Case Studies Analyzed
Presented at the 109th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings.
2021 magazine article
NC State’s Creations in Concrete Offer Opportunity for Integrated Learning
Gulling, D. (2021, March). Ascent: Designing with Precast, 66–67.
2019 conference paper
CRM Manufacturers in Architecture
In C. Brause, P. Clouston, & N. Darling (Eds.), 2019 BTES Conference Integration + Innovation June 20‐22, 2019. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Ed(s): C. Brause, P. Clouston & N. Darling
2019 conference paper
Manufacturing Architecture: An Architect’s Guide to Custom Processes, Materials, and Applications
American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Conference Aspire. Poster presented at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Conference Aspire, Asheville, NC.
2018 conference paper
Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing Processes
Architecture Exchange East. Poster presented at the Architecture Exchange East, Richmond, VA.
2018 book
Manufacturing Architecture: An Architect’s Guide to Custom Processes, Materials, and Applications
London: Laurence King Publishing.
2018 conference paper
Software Development within Architecture; A Graphical Evaluation and Discussion of its Trends
Architecture Research for a Global Community 2018 Architectural Research Centers Consortium‐European Association for Architectural Education International Conference Proceedings. Presented at the Architectural Research Centers Consortium‐European Association for Architectural Education International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
2017 conference paper
CAM Matures: A Survey of CAM’s Indirect Uses in Architecture
Building Technology Educators’ Society 2017 Conference, Poetics and Pragmatism. Poster presented at the Building Technology Educators’ Society 2017 Conference, Poetics and Pragmatism, Iowa State University, Des Moines, IA.
2017 article
The Architecture of Industry: Changing Paradigms in Industrial Building and Planning
Gulling, D. K. (2017, March). JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION, Vol. 71, pp. 120–121.
2017 magazine article
Women in Architecture: Same Cannot Mean Equal
Architectural Institute of Taiwan Magazine, 86, 32–35.
2016 journal article
Innovate | Integrate
Blur d3:Dialog International Journal of Architecture + Design, 2, 244–259.
2015 conference paper
A Material System Typology
In J. A. Gines, E. Carraher, & J. Galarza (Eds.), Intersections & adjacencies : leadership in architectural technology education : proceedings of the 2015 Building Technology Educators' Society Conference, June 24-27, 2015, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (pp. 141–150). Moscow, Idaho: Building Technology Educators' Society.
Ed(s): J. Gines, E. Carraher & J. Galarza
2014 conference paper
Beyond Buildings [but] Inside Architecture
In D. Rockwood & M. Sarvimaki (Eds.), Beyond Architecture: New Intersections & Connections Proceedings of the ARCC/ EAAE 2014 Architecture International Conference on Architectural Research (pp. 23–32). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
Ed(s): D. Rockwood & M. Sarvimaki
2014 conference paper
Complexity of the everyday: the design lineage of a gel‐coated bathtub and shower enclosure
In J. Stuart & M. Wilson (Eds.), Globalizing Architecture: Flows and Disruptions Project Proceedings of the 102nd ACSA Annual Meeting (pp. 89–90). Washington, DC: ACSA Press.
Ed(s): J. Stuart & M. Wilson
2014 conference paper
Customized Repetitive Manufacturing in Architecture: A Case Study
Creating_Making Proceedings, 14–18. OK.
2014 conference paper
Design Making: The Iterative Design Process of a Small‐Scaled Object
Creating_Making 2014 Proceedings, 96–101. OK: University of Oklahoma College of Architecture.
2014 conference paper
NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine Proposed Dairy Barns
Creating_Making Proceedings, 177. OK: University of Oklahoma College of Architecture.
2014 conference paper
Using Computer Numeric Controlled Equipment for Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing
In J. Stuart & M. Wilson (Eds.), Globalizing Architecture: Flows and Disruptions Proceedings of the 102nd ACSA Annual Meeting (pp. 359–369). Washington, DC: ACSA Press.
Ed(s): J. Stuart & M. Wilson
2013 conference paper
Making Visible: Creating an Architects’ Guide to Customized Repetitive Manufacturing
In C. Jarrett, K. H. Kim, & N. Senske (Eds.), The Visibility of Research Proceedings of the 2013 ARCC Spring Research Conference (pp. 42–50). Charlotte, NC.
Ed(s): C. Jarrett, K. Kim & N. Senske
2012 conference paper
Architects + Manufacturing: A Catalog of Architects Customizing Repetitive Building Elements
Offsite: Theory and Practice of Architectural Production Proceedings of the ACSA Fall Meeting and Modular Building Institute Regional Industry Meeting. Poster presented at the ACSA Fall Meeting and Modular Building Institute Regional Industry Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
2012 conference paper
Critiquing CAM: Comparing Computer‐Aided Manufacturing and Traditional Manufacturing
In R. E. Smith, J. Quale, & R. Ng (Eds.), Offsite: Theory and Practice of Architectural Production Proceedings of the ACSA Fall Meeting and Modular Building Institute Regional Industry Meeting (pp. 10–14). Washington, DC: ACSA Press.
Ed(s): R. Smith, J. Quale & R. Ng
2012 conference paper
Simple Aesthetics: Searching for a Theoretical Basis For Design Restraint
In R. E. Smith, J. Quale, & R. Ng (Eds.), Offsite: Theory and Practice of Architectural Production Proceedings of the ACSA Fall Meeting and Modular Building Institute Regional Industry Meeting (pp. 304–309). Washington, DC: ACSA Press.
Ed(s): R. Smith, J. Quale & R. Ng
2010 conference paper
Manufacturing Architecture: Case Studies of Collaborations between Designers and Makers
In J. Balmer & C. Beokrem (Eds.), Made : design education & the art of making : 26th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (pp. 45–52). Charlotte, NC: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, College of Arts + Architecture.
Ed(s): J. Balmer & C. Beokrem
2010 conference paper
Mobile Home Breakdown: A Study of Building Product Design Lineage
In D. Cobb & M. J. Crosbie (Eds.), Urban/ Suburban Identity: Proceedings of the ACSA NE Regional Conference (pp. 212–221).
Ed(s): D. Cobb & M. Crosbie
2010 conference paper
In D. Cobb & M. J. Crosbie (Eds.), Urban/ Suburban Identity Proceedings of the ACSA NE Regional Conference (pp. 268–277).
Ed(s): D. Cobb & M. Crosbie
2010 conference paper
Teaching Architecture Technology: Shifts in Subject Matter and Pedagogical Practices from 2006‐2009
In B. Goodwin & J. Kinnard (Eds.), Re: building : 98th ACSA annual meeting (pp. 764–770). Washington, DC: ACSA Press.
Ed(s): B. Goodwin & J. Kinnard
2009 conference paper
Plastics and Form
In D. K. Gulling & D. Armpriest (Eds.), Assembling Architecture: Proceedings of the 2009 Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference (pp. 371–382). Moscow, ID: The Building Technology Educators’ Society, Inc.
2009 conference paper
Prefabrication and the Comprehensive Studio
In P. Clouston, R. K. Mann, & S. Schreiber (Eds.), Without a hitch -- new directions in prefabricated architecture : proceedings : 2008 Northeast Fall Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, September 25-27, 2008, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (pp. 106–113). Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Ed(s): P. Clouston, R. Mann & S. Schreiber
2009 conference paper
Re) Fabricating the Design Studio
In D. K. Gulling & D. Armpriest (Eds.), Assembling Architecture Proceedings of the 2009 Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference. Moscow, ID: The Building Technology Educators’ Society, Inc.
2008 article proceedings
Designing Inside (Out)
Presented at the Architectural Engineering Conference (AEI) 2008.
2006 conference paper
Architect as Form‐maker: A Fundamental Approach to Architectural Structures
In D. J. Oakley & R. E. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2006 Building Technology Educators’ Symposium (pp. 225–242). Moscow, ID: The Building Technology Educators’ Society, Inc.
Ed(s): D. Oakley & R. Smith
2006 conference paper
Traditional Planning Principles of the City of Three Million People
2008 Making Cities Livable Conference. Poster presented at the Making Cities Livable Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
Gulling, D. K., & Armpriest, D. In Assembling Architecture Proceedings of the 2009 Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference. Moscow, ID: Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference, Inc.