@inbook{littlejohn_2022, place={Cambridge, MA}, title={Suspended Between Discipline & Profession: A History of Persistent Immaturity and Instability in the Graphic Design Field}, ISBN={9781949484090}, booktitle={After the Bauhaus, Before the Internet: A History of Graphic Design Pedagogy}, publisher={no place press/MIT Press}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, editor={Kaplan, G.Editor}, year={2022} } @article{peterson_tober_littlejohn_hill_2020, title={Anticipating Gaze-Based HCI Applications with the Tech Receptivity Interval: Eye Tracking as Input}, volume={54}, number={1/2}, journal={Visible Language}, author={Peterson, M. and Tober, B. and Littlejohn, D. and Hill, M.}, year={2020}, month={Apr}, pages={99–127} } @article{peterson_tober_littlejohn_hill_2020, title={Anticipating Gaze-based HCI Applications with the Tech Receptivity Interval}, volume={54}, number={1}, journal={Visible Language}, author={Peterson, M. and Tober, B. and Littlejohn, D. and Hill, M.}, year={2020}, pages={32–61} } @misc{littlejohn_2020, title={Data, Damn Lies and Disruption}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2020, title={Designing Educational Engagement with XR}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2020, title={GD303 Augmented Reality Showcase}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2019, title={A Collaborative, Student-centered Approach to Immersive Simulation Development}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2019, title={Between Discipline and Profession: Ambiguity in Design’s Academic Identity}, author={Littlejohn, Deborah}, year={2019} } @book{littlejohn_2018, place={New York}, title={Accountability for Predicting Outcomes of Design Action}, journal={Designer of 2025}, institution={American Institute of Graphic Arts}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_peterson_2018, place={Asheville NC}, title={Frameworks to Structure Imagination of Technological Futures: Design-Based Learning}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Peterson, M.}, year={2018}, month={Aug} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2017, title={Design Research, Ethics + The Dilemmas of Engagement}, author={Littlejohn, Deborah}, year={2017}, month={Feb} } @article{littlejohn_2017, title={Disciplining the graphic design discipline: The role of external engagement, mediating meaning, and transparency as catalysts for change}, volume={16}, ISSN={["2040-0896"]}, DOI={10.1386/adch.16.1.33_1}, abstractNote={Abstract The singular mission of graphic design schools is to prepare students for a life in professional practice, primarily as creative form-givers of design artefacts and communications. Such a practice-oriented monoculture in the curriculum leaves the field lacking the knowledge-building capacity for producing a diverse body of disciplinary scholarship by academic researchers – who are sorely needed if graphic design is to ever emerge as a true discipline. Meanwhile, several stakeholder organizations such as the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and Icograda, among others, have challenged design education to address shifts underway in the field towards a more user-centric, evidence-based practice. In the United States, a few graduate programmes have taken steps to bridge graphic design’s knowledge gap by accommodating different pathways into the field that focus on research skills. This article presents findings from a twelve-month grounded theory study investigating the teaching environments of four such programmes, illuminating some of the factors that enabled a programme’s ability to adapt their approaches to curricula design and pedagogic strategies. An integrated model – a grounded theory – is proposed that emphasizes three core categories emerging from the data – External engagement, Mediating meaning and Transparency. Programme strategies that informed these three categories highlight numerous processes shaping faculty relationships, as well as the role of the teaching environment in coordinating between internal pedagogic objectives and external changes in the wider landscape of the graphic design field. Specifically, these processes promoted sense-making, engagement and transformation in the four programmes that participated in the study. This report aims to increase awareness about faculty beliefs and behaviours that affect graphic design education’s ability to remain relevant.}, number={1}, journal={ART DESIGN & COMMUNICATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Littlejohn, Deborah}, year={2017}, month={Apr}, pages={33–51} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_peterson_tober_2017, title={Frameworks for Speculative Design}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Peterson, M. and Tober, B.}, year={2017}, month={Jun} } @book{evans_hooper_jameson_joines_littlejohn_mcconnaghy_rendon_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={LAS Collaboration Group DO3 Final Report}, ISSN={2380-100X}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Evans, B. and Hooper, P. and Jameson, J.K. and Joines, S. and Littlejohn, D. and McConnaghy, K. and Rendon, H.}, year={2017} } @inbook{davis_littlejohn_2017, place={New York, NY}, edition={1}, title={The Culture of Practice: Design-Based Teaching and Learning}, ISBN={9781315657288}, booktitle={Taking Design Thinking to School: How the Technology of Design Can Transform Teachers, Learners, and Classrooms}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Davis, M. and Littlejohn, D.}, editor={Goldman, S. and Kabayadondo, Z.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={20–36} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2016, title={Collaborations in Design History at North Carolina State University’s College of Design}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2016}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2016, title={Graphic Design’s Growing Pains: From Trade School to Academic Discipline}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2016}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_grossi_2016, title={Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics : What deceptive data stories teach us about information visualization}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Grossi, A.D.}, year={2016}, month={Sep} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2016, title={Seeing Science through Visualization}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2016}, month={Feb} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2015, title={Theory of Anticipation Leading to Perceptions of Change in the Conditions of Practice in Graduate Design Education}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2015}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2014, title={Intersections in Missions}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2014}, month={Sep} } @article{littlejohn_2014, title={Women in Graphic Design 1890-2012}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1531-4790"]}, DOI={10.1162/desi_r_00269}, number={2}, journal={DESIGN ISSUES}, author={Littlejohn, Deborah}, year={2014}, pages={120–121} } @inbook{littlejohn_2013, place={Hoboken, New Jersey}, edition={Second Edition}, title={A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding the Culture, Identity, and Teaching Environment of Graduate Design Programs}, booktitle={Architectural Research Methods}, publisher={John Wiley & Sons, Inc}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, editor={Groat, L. and Wang, D.Editors}, year={2013}, pages={239–241} } @article{littlejohn_2013, title={Becoming a Discipline: Problems in the Emergence of Design Criticism as a Field of Inquiry}, volume={5}, ISSN={1754-7075 1754-7083}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2752/175470813x13491105785460}, DOI={10.2752/175470813x13491105785460}, number={1}, journal={Design and Culture}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Littlejohn, Deborah}, year={2013}, month={Mar}, pages={29–32} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2013, title={Blunt: Explicit and Graphic Design Criticism Now}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2013}, month={Apr} } @book{littlejohn_2013, title={Grounded Theory}, journal={John Wiley & Sons}, publisher={John Wiley & Sons, Inc}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, editor={Groat, L. and Wang, D.Editors}, year={2013}, pages={239–241} } @misc{jicha_bradshaw_littlejohn_2012, title={Panel Discussion}, author={Jicha, J. and Bradshaw, D. and Littlejohn, D.}, year={2012}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2011, title={Anticipation and Action in Graduate Design Programs: Building a Theory of Relationships among Academic Culture, Professional Identity, and the Teaching Environment}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2011}, month={May} } @book{littlejohn_davis_2011, title={Report for the 2010 AIGA Research Grant}, url={http://educators.aiga.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Littlejohn_Davis_AIGAResReport.pdf}, journal={AIGA Design Educators Community}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Davis, M.}, year={2011} } @book{gregory_littlejohn_2010, title={Cultivating a Research Culture}, journal={New Contexts/New Practices: Six Perspectives on Design Education}, author={Gregory, J. and Littlejohn, D.}, year={2010}, month={Dec} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2010, title={Design Research: Building a Culture from Scratch}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2010}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2010, title={Design, Community, and the Rhetoric of Authenticity within Design Practices, and for Community Experience. Case Studies}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2010}, month={Jan} } @article{littlejohn_gehlhaar_2009, place={United Kingdom}, title={Art & Art Direction: Jens Gehlhaar}, volume={19}, number={73}, journal={Eye: the International Review of Graphic Design}, publisher={Haymarket Business Publications Ltd}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Gehlhaar, J.}, year={2009} } @article{littlejohn_adams_bell_biľak_carlos_dixon_dotin_hall_hagmann_keedy_et al._2009, place={United Kingdom}, title={Golden Age?}, volume={18}, number={71}, journal={Eye: the International Review of Graphic Design}, publisher={Haymarket Business Publications Ltd}, author={Littlejohn, D. and Adams, S. and Bell, N. and Biľak, P. and Carlos, P. and Dixon, C. and Dotin, N. and Hall, W. and Hagmann, S. and Keedy, M. and et al.}, year={2009} } @misc{littlejohn_2009, title={TWO (in Raleigh)}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2009} } @misc{littlejohn_2009, title={What is Culture?}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2009} } @article{littlejohn_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Debunking the Myth: How Online Technologies Challenge the ‘Cult of the Design Star’}, volume={33}, journal={Collective Intelligence, Collaborative Design... The Student Publication of the College of Design}, publisher={North Carolina State University}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008} } @article{littlejohn_2008, place={London}, title={I Have Nothing to Declare But My Networking Skills}, volume={70}, number={winter}, journal={Eye}, publisher={Eye Magazine Publishing}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008}, pages={18} } @article{littlejohn_2008, place={London}, title={Lust and Likability}, volume={67}, number={Spring}, journal={Eye}, publisher={Eye Magazine Publishing}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2008, title={Some Ruinous Habits & Rhetorical Questions}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2008, title={What is Design Research?}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{davis_gray_littlejohn_2008, title={What is the Researchable Question?}, author={Davis, M. and Gray, J. and Littlejohn, D.}, year={2008}, month={Apr} } @article{littlejohn_2007, place={spring). London}, title={Practice and Process: Eric Olson}, volume={62}, number={spring}, journal={Eye}, publisher={Eye Magazine Pub}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2007} } @article{littlejohn_2007, place={London}, title={Yin and Yang before Chalk and Talk}, volume={64}, number={summer}, journal={Eye}, publisher={Eye Magazine Pub}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2007} } @misc{littlejohn_2006, title={Design Education Applications: Technology and the Design of Studio Teaching & Learning Environments}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2006}, month={Aug} } @misc{littlejohn_2006, title={Emerging Design Practices}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2006}, month={Feb} } @inbook{littlejohn_2006, place={Minneapolis, MN}, title={Gazetteers}, booktitle={Else/Where: Mapping — New Cartographies of Networks and Territories}, publisher={University of Minnesota Press}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, editor={Abrams, J. and Hall, P.Editors}, year={2006} } @misc{littlejohn_2006, title={Twin Cities Knowledge Maps}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2006}, month={Mar} } @misc{littlejohn_2006, title={Two in Raleigh}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2006}, month={Feb} } @misc{littlejohn_2005, title={After Graduation}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2005}, month={May} } @article{littlejohn_2004, place={New York, NY}, title={Twin Peek}, journal={How Magazine}, publisher={HOW Magazine}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2004}, month={Feb} } @misc{littlejohn_2004, title={Two in Raleigh}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{littlejohn_2003, title={Can a Typeface Represent the Uniqueness of a City?}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2003}, month={Jul} } @book{littlejohn_2003, place={Minneapolis, MN}, title={Metro Letters: A Typeface for the Twin Cities}, journal={Universit of Minnesota Press}, publisher={University of Minnesota Press}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2003} } @book{littlejohn_2003, place={Minneapolis, MN}, title={Metro Letters: A Typeface for the Twin Cities}, publisher={University of Minnesota Press}, year={2003} } @misc{littlejohn_2001, title={Knowledge Mapping}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2001}, month={Sep} } @misc{littlejohn_2001, title={Midtown Crossings Knowledge Map}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={2001}, month={Aug} } @misc{littlejohn_1997, title={Frameworks for Interactive Media Design}, author={Littlejohn, D.}, year={1997}, month={Nov} }