Works (11)
2024 journal article
Rab4A-directed endosome traffic shapes pro-inflammatory mitochondrial metabolism in T cells via mitophagy, CD98 expression, and kynurenine-sensitive mTOR activation
Nature Communications.

2023 journal article
Cytosolic aldose metabolism contributes to progression from cirrhosis to hepatocarcinogenesis
Nature Metabolism.
2023 journal article
Publisher Correction: Cytosolic aldose metabolism contributes to progression from cirrhosis to hepatocarcinogenesis
Nature Metabolism.

2023 journal article
mTOR-dependent loss of PON1 secretion and antiphospholipid autoantibody production underlie autoimmunity-mediated cirrhosis in transaldolase deficiency
Journal of Autoimmunity.
2022 journal article
(V)UV degradation of the antibiotic tetracycline: Kinetics, transformation products and pathway
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 163, 395–404.

2022 journal article
Sorption of selected pharmaceuticals on river benthic biofilms formed on artificial substrata
Ecological Indicators, 138, 108837.

2022 journal article
UV and (V)UV irradiation of sitagliptin in ultrapure water and WWTP effluent: Kinetics, transformation products and degradation pathway
Chemosphere, 288, 132393.

2021 journal article
Application of (V)UV/O3 technology for post-treatment of biologically treated wastewater: A pilot-scale study
Chemosphere, 275, 130080.

2020 journal article
Laponite immobilized TiO<inf>2</inf> catalysts for photocatalytic degradation of phenols
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 387.
Contributors: E. Décsiné Gombos, , G. Záray *, Á. Illés*, S. Dóbé * & Á. Szegedi * *

2019 journal article
Enhanced photolytic and photooxidative treatments for removal of selected pharmaceutical ingredients and their degradation products in water matrices
Microchemical Journal, 150.
Contributors: , E. Gombos*, V. Licul-Kucera*, S. Dóbé *, V. Mihucz * & G. Záray * *

2019 journal article
Single-run ultra-high performance liquid chromatography for quantitative determination of ultra-traces of ten popular active pharmaceutical ingredients by quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry after offline preconcentration by solid phase extraction from drinking and river waters as well as treated wastewater
Microchemical Journal, 148, 108–119.
Contributors: , V. Licul-Kucera*, G. Záray * & V. Mihucz * *

Updated: August 3rd, 2023 15:11
2022 - present
2020 - 2022
Updated: August 3rd, 2023 15:19
2017 - 2022
2015 - 2017
2012 - 2015