Works (69)
2024 journal article
Under-Frequency Load Shedding for Power Reserve Management in Islanded Microgrids
2023 journal article
A Secure and Adaptive Hierarchical Multi-Timescale Framework for Resilient Load Restoration Using a Community Microgrid

2021 article
A Data-driven Pivot-point-based Time-series Feeder Load Disaggregation Method
2021 article
A Load Switching Group based Feeder-level Microgrid Energy Management Algorithm for Service Restoration in Power Distribution System

2021 article
Agent-Based Modeling of Feeder-Level Electric Vehicle Diffusion for Distribution Planning
2021 article
FeederGAN: Synthetic Feeder Generation via Deep Graph Adversarial Nets
2021 article
Hierarchical Multi-timescale Framework For Operation of Dynamic Community Microgrid

2021 article
Secondary Voltage and Frequency Regulation for Grid Re-Synchronization in Microgrid with Unified Virtual Oscillator Controlled Multi-port Converters

2020 journal article
Diesel Generator Model Parameterization for Microgrid Simulation Using Hybrid Box-Constrained Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12(2), 943–952.

2020 journal article
FeederGAN: Synthetic Feeder Generation via Deep Graph Adversarial Nets
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12(2), 1163–1173.

2020 review
Impact of Transients Caused by PV Transformer Energization on Active Industrial Loads
[Review of ]. IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW, 38(4), 450–462.

2019 journal article
Dynamic Adaptive Protection for Distribution Systems in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes

2017 conference paper
An An optimal microgrid dispatch algorithm for scheduling multiple CHPs in islanding operations
2017 ieee power & energy society general meeting.

2017 conference paper
Continuation power flow analysis for PV integration studies at distribution feeders
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). Presented at the 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT).
Event: 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)
2017 conference paper
Cost-benefit assessment challenges for a smart distribution system: A case study
2017 ieee power & energy society general meeting, 2018-January, 1–5.
Contributors: L. Sun n , J. Thomas n, S. Singh n, D. Li n, M. Baran n , n , J. Decarolis n, A. De Queiroz n , L. White n, S. Watts
2017 conference paper
Fault identification in distribution systems using maximum overlap wavelet decomposition
2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Presented at the 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
Event: 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)
2017 conference paper
Implementation of a distributed microgrid controller on the Resilient Information Architecture Platform for Smart Systems (RIAPS)
2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Presented at the 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
Event: 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)

2017 journal article
Modeling Combined Heat and Power Systems for Microgrid Applications

2017 conference paper
Simulation of integrated Volt/VAR control for PV penetration studies
2017 ieee power & energy society general meeting.
2017 conference paper
Voltage-load sensitivity matrix based demand response for voltage control in high solar penetration distribution feeders
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Presented at the 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM).
2016 conference paper
Control strategies for residential microgrids during islanded situation
2016 ieee power and energy society general meeting (pesgm).

2014 journal article
A New Professional Science Master Program for Electric Power Systems Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(4), 1903–1910.

2014 conference paper
Performance metrics for assessment of distribution system protection schemes
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition. Presented at the 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting: Conference & Exposition.
Event: 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting: Conference & Exposition
2014 conference paper
Power electronic components and system installation for plug-and-play residential solar PV
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). Presented at the 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
Event: 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)

2011 conference paper
Battery Energy Storage System Testing for Grid Standard Compliance and Application Performance
Conference proceedings 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution : Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, 6-9 June 2011, 0674. Frankfurt, Germany: Liege AIM.
Event: 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution at Frankfurt on June 6-9, 2011
2009 conference paper
Condition based failure rate modeling for electric network components
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition. Presented at the 2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE).
Event: 2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE)
2007 journal article
Frequency Sensitivity and Electromechanical Propagation Simulation Study in Large Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 54(8), 1819–1828.
2005 conference paper
Automated Testing Of Solid-State Watthour Meters In The Presence Of Harmonic Distortion
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems (ICHPS V), 345–351.
Event: ICHPS V International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems.

2005 conference paper
Large scale storm outage management
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004. Presented at the 2004 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting.
Event: 2004 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
2005 conference paper
Study of global frequency dynamic behavior of large power systems
IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. Presented at the IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004.
Event: IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004.
2004 journal article
Voltage Variation Analysis for Site-Level PQ Assessment
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 19(4), 1956–1961.

2003 journal article
Performance evaluation of electric distribution utilities based on data envelopment analysis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 18(1), 400–405.

2003 conference paper
Web-based Asset Management Tools
Proceedings of DistribuTech Conference. Presented at the DistribuTech Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Event: DistribuTech Conference at Las Vegas, NV
2002 conference paper
Improved control of capacitor bank switching to minimize distribution systems losses
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual North American Power Symposium. Presented at the Twenty-Second Annual North American Power Symposium.
Event: Twenty-Second Annual North American Power Symposium
2001 journal article
Fault locating in ungrounded and high-resistance grounded systems
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 37(4), 1152–1159.
2000 journal article
Field results for a distribution circuit state estimator implementation
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 15(1), 399–406.
1997 journal article
Automated fault location and diagnosis on electric power distribution feeders
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 12(2), 801–809.
1997 journal article
Distribution circuit state estimation using a probabilistic approach
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12(1), 45–51.
1997 journal article
Load modeling for distribution circuit state estimation
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 12(2), 999–1005.
1997 journal article
Object-oriented development of software systems for power system simulations
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12(2), 1002–1007.
1995 conference paper
Automated Classification and Analysis Strategies for Electric Power System Disturbance Waveforms
Proceedings of Second Annual Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 440–443.
Event: Second Annual Joint Conference on Information Science at Wrightsville Beach, NC
1995 journal article
The classification of power system disturbance waveforms using a neural network approach
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 10(1), 109–115.

1994 conference paper
A PC-based system to assist researchers in electric power distribution systems analysis
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference, 227–232.
Event: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference
1993 journal article
A fault location technique for rural distribution feeders
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 29(6), 1170–1175.
1993 conference paper
Incorporating Mutual Coupling and Intermediate Loads into Fault Location Techniques using Digital Fault Recorder Data
Proceedings of Seventh Annual Conference for Fault & Disturbance Analysis. Presented at the Seventh Annual Conference for Fault & Disturbance Analysis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Event: Seventh Annual Conference for Fault & Disturbance Analysis at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX on April 14-16, 1993
1993 conference paper
Object-oriented programming for power engineering education
Proceedings : SSST '93 : the Twenty-fifth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory : University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, March 7-9, 1993, 69–73.
Event: 1993 (25th) Southeastern Symposium on System Theory at Tuscaloosa, AL on March 7-9, 1993
1992 conference paper
Integration of Distributed Transient Measurement Technology into Power System, Control and Protection
In D. Rizy, W. Myers, L. Eilts, & C. Clemans (Eds.), Workshop on Real-Time Control and Operation of Electric Power Systems (pp. 149–159). Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Ed(s): D. Rizy, W. Myers, L. Eilts & C. Clemans
Event: Workshop on Real-Time Control and Operation of Electric Power Systems at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
1991 journal article
An automated strategy for the processing and analysis of distribution automation data
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 6(3), 1216–1223.

1991 journal article
Hypermedia-based courseware development for power engineering education
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 6(3), 1259–1265.
1991 conference paper
Unsupervised learning strategies for the detection and classification of transient phenomena on electric power distribution systems
In M. A. El-Sharkawi & R. J. Marks II (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Forum on Applications of Neural Networks to Power Systems : Seattle, Washington July 23-26, 1991 (pp. 107–111).
Ed(s): M. El-Sharkawi & R. Marks
Event: First International Forum on Applications of Neural Networks to Power Systems at Seattle, WA on July 23-26, 1991

1990 journal article
A decision support approach for considering reliability criteria in the protective coordination of distribution feeders
Electric Power Systems Research, 19(1), 47–56.
1990 journal article
A neural network approach to the detection of incipient faults on power distribution feeders
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 5(2), 905–914.

1990 journal article
Implementation of heuristic search strategies for distribution feeder reconfiguration
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 5(1), 239–246.

1989 journal article
Applications of knowledge-based programming to power engineering problems
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 4(1), 345–352.

1989 conference paper
Decision Support Applications for Electric Power Distribution Facility Design and Management
Second Symposium on Expert Systems Application to Power Systems Conference Proceedings, 303–309. Seattle, Washington.
Event: Second Symposium on Expert Systems Application to Power Systems Conference at Seattle, Washington on July 17-20, 1989
1989 conference paper
Neural Network Applications for Data Interpretation and Diagnostic Analysis
Proceedings of the 1989 American Power Conference. Presented at the 1989 American Power Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: 1989 American Power Conference at Chicago, IL on April 24-26, 1989
1988 conference paper
An Expert System Dispatcher's Aid for Distribution Feeder Fault Diagnosis
Proceedings of the Twentieth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 519–523.
Event: Twentieth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory at Charlotte, NC on March 20-22, 1988
1988 conference paper
Application of Sensitivity Factors for the Harmonic Analysis of Distribution System Reconfiguration and Capacitor Problems
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems, 141–148.
Event: Third International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems at Nashville, Indiana on September 28-30, 1988
1988 conference paper
Integration of Artificial Intelligence Approaches into Electric Power Distribution Analysis, Monitoring and Control
Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium on High Technology in the Power Industry, 193–197.
Event: IASTED International Symposium on High Technology in the Power Industry at Scottsdale, Arizona on March 1-4, 1988
1987 conference paper
A Knowledge-Based Approach for Solving Distribution Feeder Harmonic Problems
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 106–113. New Jersey: IEEE.
Event: Nineteenth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory at Clemson, SC
1987 conference paper
A Knowledge-Based Expert System Approach for the Analysis of Distribution Feeder Harmonics
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference Record, 64–71.
Event: Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference Record
1987 conference paper
A Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Diagnosis of Rotating Machine Problems
Conference proceedings IEEE Southeastcon '87, Holiday Inn, Tampa International Airport, Tampa, Florida, April 5-8, 1987, 2, 461–466.
Event: IEEE Southeastcon '87 at Tampa, Florida on April 5-8, 1987
1987 conference paper
A Switching Operation to Improve the Operation of Electric Distribution Systems
Proceedings of the American Power Conference, 49, 475–482.
Event: American Power Conference
1986 conference paper
A Rule-Based Heuristic Approach to the Analysis of Distribution Feeder Harmonics
Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium High Technology in the Power Industry, 292–295. Anaheim, CA: Acta Press.
Event: IASTED International Symposium High Technology in the Power Industry at Bozeman, Montana on August 20-22, 1986
1986 conference paper
Applications of Knowledge-Based Expert Systems to Power Engineering
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2–6. New Jersey: IEEE.
Event: Eighteenth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory
1986 conference paper
Knowledge-Based Expert Systems for Power Engineering Problems
Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium High Technology in the Power Industry, 357–361. Anaheim: Acta Press.
Event: IASTED International Symposium High Technology in the Power Industry at Boseman, Montana on August 20-22, 1986
1985 journal article
The Application of Dynamic Programming in a Discrete Supplementary Control for Transient Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-104(9), 2342–2348.

1984 journal article
Electric Machines & Power Systems, 9(1), 1–12.

1981 conference paper
Overview Of Automation Of Power Distribution Systems
Conference Proceedings Southeastcon '81., 260–264.
Event: Southeastcon '81. at Huntsville, AL on April 5-8, 1981