@article{crisp_2014, title={'Splainin' Craft Bringing the Making into Writing}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1754-7083"]}, DOI={10.2752/175470814x14105156869629}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT In this article the author explores a series of proposals for how writing on graphic design might address the subject of craft. The author's insights are inspired by her recent leap into learning to play the drums. The article acknowledges how the quantifiable aspects of craft add up to useful and important knowledge that helps to earn practitioners their “chops.” However, perhaps it is the subjective and experiential nature of craft that is the more critical facet that invests the quantifiable with communicative soul. As graphic and other design disciplines migrate toward rationales of quantification, what are the ways in which the discourse might honor and enliven craft concerns in order to serve the discipline?}, number={3}, journal={DESIGN AND CULTURE}, author={Crisp, Denise Gonzales}, year={2014}, month={Nov}, pages={413–422} } @article{crisp_2012, title={The Story of Graphic Design}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1754-7075"]}, DOI={10.2752/175470812x13281948975891}, abstractNote={one another and with nature are at the core of urban design and planning. Yet even in the US, private property not only provides the owner with liberties and profits to enjoy, but also with public obligations. Sherman’s plea for a truly liberal market would be more convincing if it included architecture as well as land; that is, if he were to argue for a system of open design competitions for public and large-scale private projects that included transparent juries and community participation. His argument in favor of free markets and self-regulating private interests would perhaps also sound more plausible had his book not been published during a real estate and economic crisis brought on by precisely those forces.}, number={2}, journal={DESIGN AND CULTURE}, author={Crisp, Denise Gonzales}, year={2012}, month={Jul}, pages={247–250} } @book{crisp_temple w. f._davis_2012, title={Typography}, publisher={New York: Thames & Hudson}, year={2012} }