@article{dorris_ivy_swann_2022, title={AN APPROACH TO POPULATION SYNTHESIS OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS FOR UNDERSTANDING DROPOUT RISK}, ISSN={["0891-7736"]}, DOI={10.1109/WSC57314.2022.10015440}, abstractNote={Dropping out of STEM remains a critical issue today, and it would be useful for universities to have reliable predictive models to detect students' dropout risks. Generating a synthetic population of the true population could be useful for simulating the system and testing scenarios. We outline an approach for creating a synthetic population of students in STEM and build a microsimulation which simulates students' risk behaviors over time. This process has identified several areas that must be addressed before the synthetic population represents the true population in a simulation.}, journal={2022 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC)}, author={Dorris, Danika and Ivy, Julie and Swann, Julie}, year={2022}, pages={677–688} }