Devin McCready Kearns
reading, literacy, reading disabilities, dyslexia, special education, multi-tier systems of support, data-based individualization, intensive intervention
Works (55)
2024 journal article
Following the Rules in an Unruly Writing System: The Cognitive Science of Learning to Read English
The Reading Teacher, 77(5), 712–726.
2024 article
Instruction to support word-level reading skills for adolescent learners with learning disabilities
Chandler, B. W., Toste, J. R., Hart, E. J., & Kearns, D. M. (2024, November 20). JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT & ADULT LITERACY, Vol. 11.
Contributors: B. Chandler *, J. Toste *, E. Hart * & n
2024 journal article
Is Phonological-Only Instruction Helpful for Reading?: A Meta-Analysis
Scientific Studies of Reading, 28(6), 614–635.
Contributors: M. Stalega *, * , J. Bourget*, N. Bayer* & M. Hebert *
2024 journal article
The Presence and Progression of Rare Vocabulary in Texts Across Elementary Grades and Between Genres
Education Sciences, 14(12), 1314.
2023 journal article
Evidence-Based Assessment in Special Education Research: Advancing the Use of Evidence in Assessment Tools and Empirical Processes
Exceptional Children, 89(4), 467–487.
Contributors: E. Talbott *, A. De Los Reyes *, * , J. Mancilla-Martinez * & M. Wang *
2023 chapter
In Reading Intervention Case Studies for School Psychologists: Evidence-Based Implementation and Analysis (pp. 64–81).
2023 journal article
Text Types and Their Relation to Efficacy in Beginning Reading Interventions
Reading Research Quarterly, 58(4), 710–732.
Contributors: A. Pugh *, * & E. Hiebert
2023 journal article
Using the Features of Written Compositions to Understand Reading Comprehension
Reading Research Quarterly, 58(4), 624–654.
Contributors: E. Zagata *, * , A. Truckenmiller * & Z. Zhao *
2022 journal article
A Synthesis of Reading Comprehension Interventions and Measures for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intensive Support Needs
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(4), 712–728.
Contributors: C. Conner *, J. Allor *, J. Stewart *, * & A. Gillespie Rouse *
2022 journal article
Can reading practitioners and researchers improve intensive reading support systems in a large urban school system?
Journal of Research in Reading, 45(3), 488–516.
Contributors: , M. Walker *, J. Borges* & M. Duffy* *
2022 chapter
Provide intensive intervention using data-based individualization
In High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms (pp. 313–329).
2022 journal article
Quantifying the regularities between orthography and semantics and their impact on group- and individual-level behavior.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(6), 839–855.
Contributors: N. Siegelman *, J. Rueckl*, J. Lo *, * , R. Morris & D. Compton
2022 journal article
The impact of computer–assisted technology on literacy acquisition during COVID-19-related school closures: Group–level effects and predictors of individual–level outcomes
Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Contributors: C. Richter, N. Siegelman *, K. Mahaffy*, M. Van Den Bunt*, * , N. Landi *, J. Sabatini *, K. Pugh*, F. Hoeft *
2021 journal article
An examination of Unified English Braille and its efficiency in representing print
British Journal of Visual Impairment, 40(2), 289–300.
Contributors: M. Savaiano * & *
2021 journal article
Implementation of Data-Based Decision-Making: Linking Research From the Special Series to Practice
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 54(5), 365–372.
2021 journal article
Improving literacy instruction in co-taught middle school classrooms to support reading comprehension
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 68.
Contributors: J. Wexler *, * , C. Lemons *, A. Shelton *, M. Pollack *, L. Stapleton *, E. Clancy*, E. Hogan *, C. Lyon *
2021 chapter
Neuroscience and special education: An attempt to break down walls between complementary (but divergent) disciplines
In Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Vol. 31, pp. 75–96).
2021 journal article
The Word Complexity of Primary‐Level Texts: Differences Between First and Third Grade in Widely Used Curricula
Reading Research Quarterly, 7(1), 255–285.
2021 journal article
Unpacking the Unique Relationship Between Set for Variability and Word Reading Development: Examining Word and Child-Level Predictors of Performance
Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242–1256.
Contributors: A. Edwards *, L. Steacy *, N. Siegelman, V. Rigobon *, * , J. Rueckl*, D. Compton *
2020 journal article
Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns?
Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1), S145–S160.
2020 journal article
Individualizing Literacy Instruction in Co-Taught Classrooms Through a Station Teaching Model
Intervention in School and Clinic, 56(4), 224–232.
Contributors: C. Lyon *, E. Hogan * & *
2020 journal article
Is “Response/No Response” Too Simple a Notion for RTI Frameworks? Exploring Multiple Response Types With Latent Profile Analysis
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 53(6), 454–468.
Contributors: P. Peng *, D. Fuchs *, L. Fuchs *, E. Cho *, A. Elleman *, * , S. Patton *, D. Compton *
2020 journal article
Lost in Translation? Challenges in Connecting Reading Science and Educational Practice
Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1), S119–S130.
Contributors: M. Seidenberg *, M. Cooper Borkenhagen * & *
2020 journal article
Preparing to Implement Evidence-Based Literacy Practices in the Co-taught Classroom
Intervention in School and Clinic, 56(4), 200–207.
Contributors: J. Wexler *, * , E. Hogan *, E. Clancy* & A. Shelton *
2020 journal article
Sight word acquisition in first grade students at risk for reading disabilities: an item-level exploration of the number of exposures required for mastery
Annals of Dyslexia, 70(2), 259–274.
Contributors: L. Steacy *, D. Fuchs *, J. Gilbert *, * , A. Elleman * & A. Edwards *
2020 journal article
Syntactic complexity measures: variation by genre, grade-level, students’ writing abilities, and writing quality
Reading and Writing, 33(10), 2577–2638.
Contributors: T. Jagaiah *, N. Olinghouse* & *
2020 journal article
Teaching World and Word Knowledge to Access Content-Area Texts in Co-Taught Classrooms
Intervention in School and Clinic, 56(4), 208–216.
Contributors: , C. Lyon * & M. Pollack * *
2020 journal article
Using an item-specific predictor to test the dimensionality of the orthographic choice task
Annals of Dyslexia, 70(2), 243–258.
Contributors: D. Compton *, J. Gilbert *, * & R. Olson *
2020 journal article
Using information-theoretic measures to characterize the structure of the writing system: the case of orthographic-phonological regularities in English
Behavior Research Methods, 52(3), 1292–1312.
Contributors: N. Siegelman *, * & J. Rueckl*
2019 journal article
The Neurobiology of Dyslexia
TEACHING Exceptional Children, 51(3), 175–188.
2019 journal article
The role of semantic information in children’s word reading: Does meaning affect readers’ ability to say polysyllabic words aloud?
Journal of Educational Psychology, 1(6), 933–956.
2018 journal article
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Trajectories and Predictors of Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Development Among At-Risk Readers
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(3), 195–208.
Contributors: P. Peng *, D. Fuchs *, L. Fuchs *, A. Elleman *, * , J. Gilbert *, D. Compton *, E. Cho *, S. Patton *
2018 journal article
Coteaching in Content Area Classrooms: Lessons and Guiding Questions for Administrators
NASSP Bulletin, 102(4), 303–322.
Contributors: A. Sinclair*, L. Bray*, Y. Wei *, E. Clancy*, J. Wexler *, * , C. Lemons *
2018 journal article
Envisioning an Improved Continuum of Special Education Services for Students with Learning Disabilities: Considering Intervention Intensity
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 33(3), 131–143.
Contributors: C. Lemons *, S. Vaughn *, J. Wexler *, * & A. Sinclair*
2018 journal article
Helping Students With Dyslexia Read Long Words: Using Syllables and Morphemes
TEACHING Exceptional Children, 51(3), 212–225.
2018 journal article
Reading comprehension and co-teaching practices in middle school english language arts classrooms
Exceptional Children, 84(4), 384–402.
Contributors: J. Wexler *, * , C. Lemons *, M. Mitchell*, E. Clancy*, K. Davidson *, A. Sinclair*, Y. Wei *
2018 journal article
Using Moderator Analysis to Identify the First-Grade Children Who Benefit More and Less From a Reading Comprehension Program: A Step Toward Aptitude-by-Treatment Interaction
Exceptional Children, 85(2), 229–247.
Contributors: D. Fuchs *, * , L. Fuchs *, A. Elleman *, J. Gilbert *, S. Patton *, P. Peng, D. Compton *
2018 journal article
Why children with dyslexia struggle with writing and how to help them
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(4), 843–863.
Contributors: M. Hebert *, * , J. Hayes*, P. Bazis* & S. Cooper *
2017 journal article
Multisyllabic word-reading instruction with and without motivational beliefs training for struggling readers in the upper elementary grades: A pilot investigation
Elementary School Journal, 117(4), 593–615.
Contributors: J. Toste *, P. Capin*, S. Vaughn *, G. Roberts * & *
2016 journal article
An artificial intelligence tutor: A supplementary tool for teaching and practicing braille
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 110(5), 309–322.
Contributors: T. McCarthy *, L. Rosenblum *, B. Johnson *, J. Dittel & *
2016 journal article
Exploring individual differences in irregular word recognition among children with early-emerging and late-emerging word reading difficulty
Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(1), 51–69.
2016 journal article
Exploring the connection between arithmetic and prealgebraic reasoning at first and second grade
Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(7), 943–959.
2016 journal article
Semantic and Phonological Ability to Adjust Recoding: A Unique Correlate of Word Reading Skill?
Scientific Studies of Reading, 20(6), 455–470.
2016 journal article
Using new vocabulary in writing: Exploring how word and learner characteristics relate to the likelihood that writers use newly taught vocabulary
Reading and Writing, 29(9), 1817–1843.
Contributors: C. Dobbs * & *
2014 journal article
Behavioral Attention: A Longitudinal Study of Whether and How It Influences the Development of Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Among At-Risk Readers
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 7(3), 232–249.
Contributors: A. Miller *, D. Fuchs *, L. Fuchs *, D. Compton *, * , W. Zhang *, L. Yen*, S. Patton *, D. Kirchner*
2014 journal article
Customizing a research-based reading practice: Balancing the importance of implementation fidelity with professional judgment
Reading Teacher, 68(3), 173–183.
Contributors: K. McMaster, P. Jung, D. Brandes, V. Pinto*, D. Fuchs *, * , C. Lemons *, L. Sáenz, L. Yen*
2014 journal article
How elementary-age children read polysyllabic polymorphemic words
Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(2), 364–390.
2014 journal article
Modeling Polymorphemic Word Recognition: Exploring Differences Among Children With Early-Emerging and Late-Emerging Word Reading Difficulty
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(4), 368–394.
Contributors: , L. Steacy *, D. Compton *, J. Gilbert *, A. Goodwin *, E. Cho *, E. Lindstrom *, A. Collins * *
2014 journal article
Orthographic, Phonological, and morphological skills and children's word reading in Arabic: A literature review
Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 83–109.
2013 journal article
Does cognitively focused instruction improve the academic performance of low-achieving students?
Exceptional Children, 79(3), 263–290.
2013 journal article
Multisyllabic Word Reading as a Moderator of Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47(1), 34–43.
Contributors: J. Gilbert *, A. Goodwin *, D. Compton * & *
2013 journal article
Probing lexical representations: Simultaneous modeling of word and reader contributions to multidimensional lexical representations
Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(2), 448–468.
Contributors: A. Goodwin *, J. Gilbert *, S. Cho * & K. Kearns *
2011 journal article
On the importance of a cognitive processing perspective: An introduction
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(2), 99–104.
Contributors: D. Fuchs *, J. Hale* & *
2011 journal article
Word and Person Effects on Decoding Accuracy: A New Look at an Old Question
Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(2), 489–507.
Contributors: J. Gilbert *, D. Compton & *
2010 journal article
Factors contributing to teachers' sustained use of Kindergarten peer-assisted learning strategies
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 3(4), 315–342.
Contributors: , D. Fuchs *, K. McMaster *, L. Sáenz, L. Fuchs *, L. Yen*, C. Meyers *, M. Stein * *
Updated: December 3rd, 2024 23:19
2024 - present
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2018 - 2024
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2011 - 2014
Updated: May 17th, 2016 18:51
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