Works (7)
2020 journal article
Catalyzing rapid discovery of gold-precipitating bacterial lineages with university students
PeerJ, 8(4), e8925.
Contributors: N. Riley n, C. Goller n , Z. Leggett n , n , K. Ciccone n & R. Dunn n

2018 article
Replicating our Instructional Capacity: Developing Shared Workshops across Institutions
Lewis, D. M., Hayes, B. E., & Carroll, A. J. (2018, March 19). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.
2017 journal article
Bibliometric Network Analysis and Visualization for Serials Librarians: An Introduction to Sci2
SERIALS REVIEW, 43(3-4), 239–245.
Contributors: & K. Alpi n n
2017 conference paper
Is It Really “Not Applicable?” Zoom In to Understand E-Book Accessibility
Charleston Library Conference 2017, 96–100.
2017 conference paper
Showcasing E-Book Platform Features
What’s Past Is Prologue: Charleston Conference Proceedings 2017, 71–73.
2017 journal article
Single-Stop Ebook Reader "SimplyE": Is It APPlicable for Academic Libraries?
SERIALS REVIEW, 43(2), 179–182.
Contributors: K. Beswick n , N. Khan n & n

2017 speech
Supporting Broader Impacts
(2017, February). In Empirical Librarians.
Updated: April 7th, 2020 16:17
2018 - present
2016 - 2018
Updated: April 7th, 2020 16:08
2014 - 2016
2010 - 2014