Works (6)
2019 journal article
Barrier formation at BaTiO3 interfaces with Ni and NiO
Applied Surface Science, 466, 472–476.
Contributors: A. Klein * & E. Dickey n n,

2019 journal article
Electromigration-induced leakage current enhancement and its anisotropy in single crystal TiO 2
Journal of Applied Physics, 125(18), 184101.
Contributors: N. Creange n, A. Moballegh n & E. Dickey n n,

2018 journal article
Conductivity of iron‐doped strontium titanate in the quenched and degraded states
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(6), 3567–3577.

2018 journal article
Time filtering of event based neutron scattering data: A pathway to study the dynamic structural responses of materials

2017 journal article
Defect mechanisms of coloration in Fe-doped SrTiO3 from first principles
Applied Physics Letters, 110(12), 122903.

2017 journal article
Impact of intrinsic point defect concentration on thermal transport in titanium dioxide
Acta Materialia, 127, 491–497.
Contributors: B. Donovan *, n, A. Moballegh n, N. Creange n, E. Dickey n & P. Hopkins *