@article{rieder_2021, title={EVERSION, ECOLOGY, TOUCH, AND RAIN: A POST-PC RHETORIC}, volume={19}, ISSN={["1334-4676"]}, DOI={10.7906/indecs.19.1.1}, abstractNote={The post-PC era of computing offers digital rhetors an opportunity to innovate their inventional approaches. The new era is one in which an ecology of networked, distributed, sensor-based devices amplify our perceptions of self and world by changing the ecological relations that define our connections to our techno-social environments. By extending Casey Boyle’s posthuman practice of rhetorical invention to the new computational era, rhetoricians can develop digital interactive projects that move participants by amplifying the choric bases of their perceptions of self and world.}, number={1}, journal={INTERDISCIPLINARY DESCRIPTION OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS}, author={Rieder, David M.}, year={2021}, pages={1–12} } @article{rieder_2010, title={Snowballs and Other Numerate Acts of Textuality: Exploring the Alphanumeric Dimensions of (Visual) Rhetoric and Writing with ActionScript3}, journal={Computers and Composition}, author={Rieder, D.}, year={2010} } @article{rieder_2010, title={Typographia}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy}, author={Rieder, D.}, year={2010} } @book{hawk_rieder_oviedo_2008, title={Small Tech: The Culture of Digital Tools}, ISBN={9780816649785}, publisher={Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press}, author={Hawk, B. and Rieder, D. and Oviedo, O.}, year={2008} }